

The epic and legendary tale of an extraordinary young man rising up from the masses, traversing his life in the pursuit of quantity over quality. His inquisitive voice echoes infinitely through the hills of the immortal Academy: "I am one who would rather suffer an eternity of destined calamities than beg for solace from thy saints..."

Mao Ni · Ost
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1118 Chs

The Desolate Men Are Intriguing

Redakteur: Transn

They left the palace and headed north again. The route Ning Que gave was very clear, namely following the caravan out of Tuyang City. But when they came to this snowfield pass, the intel from Imperial Center Administration and secret guards had been interrupted, leaving them no option but to explore the rest of the way by themselves. Fortunately, they have been extremely cautious all the way and always kept Tianqi Mountains clearly visible on their left hands side even in the snow. Even if they could not catch up with the caravan, they could at least return via the original route.