
Akaou Ikari Is Here!!! (2)

"I got it, We'll make our way there now. Do you even have time for this?" 

After the unanimous agreement of my friends, we started to make our way to a hotel which is run by my family. Specifically, my Grandpa Gens' family business, which has now been passed down to my Mother.

'Well, maybe not all'

Thinking to myself as I sideglanced at Furuichi who was still in a headlock and being dragged by Oga,

 /You know I can always make time for you Sweetie~~, So don't worry; and just be careful on your way okay?/

After reassuring me, we said our goodbyes for now, and as we continued on to our destination.

"Let's see how this goes" 

"This should be fun"

Looking forward to this introduction between my friends and my mother. I put a smile on my face and imagined the reactions of Anna and the others when they meet my mother.

Thinking of this scenario made me giggle lightly causing the others to look at me weirdly.

======== Omniscient Point of View ========

With a tense atmosphere; the group walked with nervous steps with the thought of Mikoto introducing them to his mother.

In this silent walk, Anna felt more jittery as the time passed. The silence was also of no help in calming her nerves. This went to a point where she had to softly nimble at her index finger, as she tried to find ways to calm herself.

"You're too nervous Anna~~, It's not like he's introducing you as a girlfriend you know~~~" Honoka playfully teased Anna.

Turning in her direction, Anna was surprised at how calm her friend was, because even though it had yet to be spoken between them; she knew that Honoka also showed signs of fondness for Mikoto.

"Shut up Honoka, Leave me alone" Anna replied.

'How is she so calm?' Ana thought to herself; amazed at the confident facade that Honoka was showing.

Honoka on the other hand started to search her bag; pulling out a bottle of water for her to drink.

As she was about to drink Anna saw that Honokas hand which was holding the bottle of water was shaking causing some of the water to splash on her face.


Anna couldn't hold her laughter at what she saw, following it up with teasing words of her own.

"Don't be nervous Honoka~~~ It's not like he is introducing you as his lover~~~"

Feeling embarrassed as her confident facade crumbled as she was caught by Anna, A slight blush started to appear on her cheeks as it slowly darkened. 

Irritated as a bulge of vein appeared on her forehead at the still-laughing friend of hers, Who was still adding more teasing remarks about her nervousness. Honoka squeezed the bottle of water in her hand to splash the contents on Anna, causing her hair, face, and some parts of her uniform to get wet in the process.


Angered, Anna prepared to retaliate by getting her own bottle of water but was stopped by Natsuki going in between them to stop the flaring conflict.

"Will the both of you stop, Do you really want to present your disheveled appearances to Miko-chins' Mom?"

Embarrassed, Honoka and Anna glanced at Mikoto, Curious if he was listening to their bickering.

Feeling the eyes on him, Mikoto turned his head in their direction and just smiled before continuing to walk ahead.

Seeing this cooled them down as they fixed themselves up. Natsuki pulled out some clean towel she hadn't used since she was skipping on club practice today to Anna.

As Natsuki smiled at them as they made up, she walked to Mikotos' side who gave her a thumbs up followed by a pat on the head.

'I seemed to be having the habit of patting people's head, I don't remember the original doing it, and a far cry from my previous self I didn't initiate physical interaction, especially to girls'

Feeling confused about this habit he tries to think of the reason why.

Seeing Natsuki being head pat Mikoto; Natsuki and Anna said mean things to Natsuki like that she was an opportunistic, traitor, and many more.


Hearing them whisper behind her back; Natsuki gave them a scowl which silenced them.

Natsuki was the most playful out of the three friends but also the scariest when angered. She only shows her playful side when she is with her friends or with Mikoto since she enjoys talking with her but when she is alone, she tends to scowl at everyone, making them scared of her; deeming her to be the most unapproachable out of the three. 

As a track and field athlete in the track club and being the ace to that matter, she has more physical strength than her two friends combined. There was a time during lunch break when Anna and Honoka teased her to no end, which resulted in them being chased down by her as she headlock each one and asked her female classmates to tickle them straight for the entire remainder of the lunch break.


"Remind me never mess with those girls Oga"

Furuichi fearfully said as he was witnessing the two pouting faces of Anna and Honoka while Natsuki was Snikering at them.

"Stupid Furuichi; Even if I keep reminding you, you'll just ignore it and still find ways to mess with them"

Oga replied as he finally let go of the headlock on Furuichis' head.

As time passed during their walk, Mikoto stopped on his track at the entrance of the hotel.

Noble Star Hotel, A 5-star hotel managed personally by Akaou Ikari who started its construction exactly 1 year after Mikotos' birth.

Flabbergasted at the sight of the luxurious hotel, Anna and the others couldn't help but gasp in amazement at what they were seeing.

The entrance of the Noble Star Hotel exudes grandeur and sophistication from the moment the guests walk in. It features an imposing door and a sleek driveway, often lined with manicured gardens or water features, setting the tone for opulence. The exterior architecture blends classical elegance with modern flair, with towering columns, intricate facades, and tasteful lighting.

Upon arrival, guests are greeted by uniformed valets and welcomed by a cold breeze-scented air. The lobby is spacious and adorned with lavish decor, including crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and plush seating areas.

The reception staff, impeccably dressed, offer refreshing beverages and towels as guests check-in. Artwork by renowned artists adds to the refinement, while glimpses of lush gardens or sparkling pools promise relaxation and indulgence. The entrance captivates the senses, leaving a lasting impression of elegance and sophistication.


As the group makes their way inside an old guard recognizes Mikoto as he bowed and greeted them.

"Good Evening Mikoto-sama and fellow guest, Ikari-sama is waiting for you at the roof deck"

Greeting the old guard back as the group rode the elevator taking them to the top floor.

Upon arrival, and entering the room that one of the guards directed us to enter they were met with a beautiful woman looking out the glass wall with a blank expression on her face.

'So beautiful'


'Calm down me, Calm down me'

Anna, Honoka, and Natsuki complimented as they were put into a trance by Ikaris' beauty.

'She looks more like his sister than a mother, My doesn't even compare' Oga and Furuichi thought at the same time.

Sensing the group's presence she focused her attention on them. For a split second Anna, Honoka, Natsuki, Oga, and Furuichi felt as if a predator was stalking its prey; causing all of them to send a chill down their spines.

'Looks like we now know where Mikoto got his intimidating stare' they collectively thought.

The intimidating aura only lasted for a second as it vanished out of thin air as the beautiful woman with fiery red hair and deep crimson eyes stood up from her seat as she walked closer to Mikoto.

Glancing at him from top to bottom, as she showed a satisfied and loving smile as she gave him a warm hug greeting him.

"It's been a while Sweetie~~"

"It's only been like 4 days mom, we saw each other last Sunday"

Mikoto warmly replied as he reciprocated the hug that his mother gave him. Satisfied, Ikari looked behind her son to see the 'friends' she asked him to bring.

Scanning them as she observes their characteristics, how they carry themselves as well as potential daughter-in-law for her. The observation habit she got during her time as a Keibu.

'Mmhmm~~ My son sure knows how to pick them, and guessing by their body language and occasional darting of their eyes to Mikoto I can safely say that they are interested in my son~~, How exciting, 3 daughters already'

Thrilled, Ikari greeted them as satisfied at her initial assessment of the girls as well as the boys.

"Thank you for coming it is nice to finally meet my sons' friends, My name is Akaou Ikari"

Following Ikaris' greeting Natsuki, Furuichi, Oga, Honoka, and Anna returned her greeting as they introduced themselves accordingly.

After the introductions, They made their way to the big oval table. Waving her hand, Ikari called out to the servers to place the dishes on the table one by one.

The food was all expensive meals that could only be normally seen during executive parties or what super-rich people usually eat.

"Do enjoy your meals~" Ikari said with a smile as she looked at her son with occasional glances at Anna, Honoka, and Natsuki.

"Her Sweetie, Aaa~~"

Taking a spoonful of the dish in front of her as she tries to spoon-feed Mikoto.

Much to Ikaris' thrill as her son was more than willing to indulge in her whims, causing a loving smile on her face to appear as she enjoys teasing he would be daughters-in-law.

Seeing this from their seats Anna and the others couldn't help but think if they were more like lovers and not mother and son.

Anna and Honoka on the other hand were quite jealous since they also wanted to do such things to Mikoto but were too embarrassed to initiate such an intimate act.

Natsuki on the other hand was already planning something after learning that Mikoto still lets his mother feed him was both sweet, funny, and a new way to tease him.

 Oga and Furuichi were enjoying their food too much to even think of anything else other than what they saw so they just focused all their energy on eating all the delicious food that was presented to them.

A few minutes later after finishing their meals and Ikari talking to the girls and a few words to the boys, all but Mikoto made preparations to head home.

Ikari prepared some rides to take them home since it was too late and Ikari especially didn't want to make her 3 potential daughter-in-law walk this late in the dark.

Saying our goodbyes, Mikoto and Ikari were left at the entrance of the hotel as they watched Mikotos' friends disappear from view.


"Mom I wanted to ask you something"

"Two things actually"

Mikoto started the conversation eager to ask questions about the company from the 'Notification' last night as well as the other thing.

"What is it Sweetie?"

Ikari tilted her head as she looked at her son curious as to what her son wanted to ask.

"Do you know anything about the Lala Lai Theatrical Company?"

"Lala lai?" Ikari repeated in a questioning tone while touching her chin with her index finger as she tried to remember where she heard of that name.

"Ooh~! Isn't that the theater troupe?, Our family sponsors some of their plays since it is good advertisement, We even sent some trainees there"

Happy that his mother has some connections to Lala Lai he followed up his question immediately. 

"Do you think you can enter me?" Mikoto asked as this was the easiest way he could think that would let him meet Ai smoothly and without any trouble.

"Oh my~ Sweetie, are you interested in acting?" Ikari asked at the sudden interest her son had in acting or theater play on that matter.

"I'm not sure but I do want to try it for now" He answered trying not to be too suspicious of his sudden interest.

"Hmm~~ I can arrange that, don't worry leave it all to Mommy~~~"

With a confident and reassuring smile, she patted her son's back to just leave it to her to enter him to the Lala Lai Theatrical Company.

"Thanks, Mom"

"It's nothing, Sweetie, you rarely asked anything of me so this much I can do for you"

With a tender moment as the mother and son hugged as they felt the warmth of each other. After separating Ikari asked what the other thing her son wanted to ask her.

"Do you think you can train me?"

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