
NICOLE [Gifted Series#1]

Left in the world with nothing apart from a little hope to find her mate without knowing what the future has installed for her. Being rejected and abused by the one who was supposed to love and cherish her forever, thinking that she'll spend the rest of her life wolfless and lonely. Empty and heartbroken, she ran away and for good this time. with all hope lost and trying to forget her mate alongside the feeling of rejection, what happens when she finds out she has a second chance mate and not just one but two freaking mates? Not knowing the kind of power that resides in her, Nicole the once wolfless who was labeled as a freak and as a murderer is freaked out when she finds out her first power is freaking healing. With series of events happening one after another and powers growing deep within her. will she succeed? will her trust issues get the better of her stopping her from getting things done or not? will she survive the tests and trials she'll be facing? will she be getting a happy ever after or not? find out more as you follow Nicole on this journey of hers. All Rights Reserved. This is all my idea and imagination. cover from canva and Pinterest

MissAlexis · Teenager
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17 Chs


Damien's Pov:

Why! just why! why her of all people!

Why couldn't my mate be someone that's not a murderer? Does the moon goddess hate me or something? well even if she doesn't, pairing me up with that freak says otherwise.

You must be thinking hey is he crazy or something and who's the person he's talking about, right? well let me break the news for ya, okay, I just found out the girl I hate most is my Mate and she's none other than Nicole Avaline Silvia Jacobs. It feels like the Moon goddess knows that this is what I've been trying to avoid. Now my worst nightmare has come true.

If Nicole's my Mate then what happens with my freaking relationship with Chole, should I just abandon her just because of a freak of a mate, No I can't do that. But why her though? it could have been anybody else but her, *F*ck*.

Earlier Today:

Walking down the stairs I smelt something wonderful and Intoxicating, 'damn what's that smell' I thought. I continued my journey to the gaming room downstairs but I just can't help it whatever is, smells damn nice even my wolf's excited, wait no that's not right what's he yapping about? let's find out then.

'Mate, Mate Mate, go find Mate' My wolf Jayden said, I could feel him wagging his tail happily at the back of my head.

'What!! We've found our mate? Is it Chole, it's Chole right?' I asked eager to find her who she is, she better be a good one.

I followed the intoxicating Vanilla, honey, and soap scent [ don't know if the mixture smells good but anyways...] only to find Nicole mopping the floor, ok I don't wanna believe that this vanilla is coming from her so I look around but ended up seeing nobody except her, sweet lord do you hate me this much.

"Go meet mate" Jayden my wolf said still in daze, I guess he hasn't seen who our so call mate is.

"Jayden, you do know who our so called mate is right?"I asked knowing fully well he's dazed and can't think clearly for now.

" Why is mate...why is mate her?, why is she our mate? why can't mate be anybody but her, she doesn't have a wolf,she killed our best friend,I hate her.' He grumbled feeling down, I left him alone because I know how eager he was to find the owner of that scent.


No, maybe just maybe Chole also smells like Vanilla, honey, and soap, nahh...who am I kidding, I myself know that Chole uses strawberry-scented shower gel, not plain soap.

Good job Damien you ended up with that freak for a mate, Thought you always hated her but now you have to spend the rest of your life with her,Ha"my subconscious mocked me.

Why should I have her as a mate, We went to the same school from kindergarten to high school and we are both going to be seniors this year. I know you may think oh my gosh he must like her or I'm so in love with her right? or maybe I have a crush on her.

'I did have a crush on her when we were little, I mean who wouldn't she was the most beautiful girl in the whole school, the golden girl. ' I'm no longer over protective of her. Come on I mean how could I still have a crush on her or be protective over her when she took him away from me, she's a murderer, she took someone like my brother, my confidant, someone I could rely on a lot my bestfriend.

She took him away, if she never went into their burning house Nicolas would still be here right now goofing around. I know she went in there for her parents, but goodness I hate her so much at least that's what I'm feeling, but my wolf is saying otherwise because she's is our mate I bet she doesn't even have her wolf yet nobody has seen her shift which is very abnormal for a werewolf. We shift at the early age of five and if delayed for one reason or the other which is rare, we will shift at the age of eight or eleven.

Entering the office I saw Sam sitting on my office chair not even on the couch, interrupting my train of thought, she smiled as she saw me.

"Hey dee I was wondering where you were since you were meant to be in your office " she said as she went back to doing what she was doing on her phone.

I walked up to her and snapped my fingers in front of her to get her attention as she was lost in whatever she was doing.

"Oh hey you're here, I thought you weren't meant to be back until next week, by the way, I mom and dad missed you" I know what you must be thinking who's this sam chick right? is she my f**k buddy, my girlfriend, well sorry to burst your little bubble sam is my baby sis even though she's just 17, she's a model,I remember how my father retired early and dumped all the Alpha duties on me at the age of 18 despite not having a mate yet.

"And you didn't?," She asked with an eyebrow raised slightly.

Sam flew out of state a few months ago and wasn't meant to be back until next week so I'm surprised to see her here.

"So what are you doing here in my office?" I asked, but seeing as she wasn't responding fast I spoke again

"Are you even listening? I just asked what you're doing here in my office sam" I didn't want to sound rude, I love to sam a lot but right now I have a lot on my plate.

" Can't I just visit my sweet big brother in his office anymore" sam spoke finally looking up from her phone.

"So how was your trip and shouldn't you be exhausted considering you came back early and must have taken an early flight"Iasked her but she just gave me a look that said are you kidding me, right after she heard my last statement.

"Dee I don't know if working a lot has made you forget but we are werewolf's, we don't get exhausted easily remember, " after saying that her mood changed and she was all bubbly like a child given their favorite toys.

"Oh my gosh Dee you won't believe what happened back in LA, we went on this crazy waterslide and this amusement pack filled with crazy stuff like the stuffs inside were all crazy and dangerous, then I found out that was my only break throughout our stay there and the rest of the trip was all work but with these Greek god-like models, Dee they look like they were mixed in separate mixing bowls from ours and craved by the moon goddess herself and-"

I tuned out,I couldn't handle her rant about guys who could be twice her age or a few years older than her.

"okay okay I get it , they were good-looking and all but you're making my ears bleed jeez " I said, 'give me a break crazy', I thought.

I went to start working as there has been so much paperwork to do lately and-, I stopped for a second as I heard someone knock on my office door when I didn't answer the person knocked again I could tell from their smell that it was James my current beta, I and James get along, he's my other best friend but we've been drifting apart lately after Nicolas left, that's because Nicolas was-it's just that no one could replace our bond.

Then Carlos and Kaden came into mine and James's life, we became good friends, I'm sure if Nicolas were here he would had loved them. I remember him, he's such a good soul, nice, the goofy one among us the sweetheart, I remember when Chloe asked him out


we were walking down the hallway in school when James asked"Any of you guys going to the party this weekend " I and Nicolas just laughed and said" You party animal I wonder what your mate will do with you" he just shrugged.

" Umm she would love me, you know the women love me ", he said walking ahead of us, we looked at each other and shook our heads.

" Hey wait up! " Nicolas said, as we ran to catch up with James.




Later at the pack house, we were all at the Logue in the packhouse including Nicolas and James' sisters Nicole and chole, Nicole hasn't shifted yet but she likes to go on a run with her best friend and cousin.

When Lucas one of the warrior's sons asked " Any of guys up for 7 minutes in heaven" I prayed I would end up spending my 7 minutes with Nicole, but my prayer wasn't answered when she declined to be a part of the game. You see 7minutes in heaven is a game where two people go into a closet or a room and spend seven minutes alone either kissing or getting to know each other.

"Okay you all know the drill right, no pressure ", Lucas spun the bottle and it landed on Lucia and James, we all know they will be sucking each other faces soon, once the seven minutes were completed Nicolas knocked on the door and they both came out, the game went on like that till it was just me and chole, and I don't want to spend my seven minutes with her, she's great and all but its Nicole I like and not her and if Nicole doesn't like me I might as well just wait for a mate but I do pray she'll be my mate and I'm sure as hell guys would want her as their mates.


We arrived at the party let's just say it wasn't what I expected it to be, ' you must be wondering what I'm doing here, well you see James practically dragged us here that's why I'm here ' but it's fine, it's still a party.

We walked down to the lake as it wasn't so far and it was a lake party after all. I saw James had already taken a red cup and cloe was heading our way, since she was the one who threw the party she's probably coming to welcome us.

she got to where we were and was smiling brightly like a child being handed their favorite desert, we said our hi's and moved away from her.

Sometime later Cloe stood and called out to everyone and said" Nicolas will you go out with me " she asked with so much confidence, so sure of what Nicolas answer was going to be, a deafening silent enveloped the crowd, nick being the type of guy he speaks politely and tried not to hurt her.

" Cloe look you're great, in fact, you're amazing" I could already see the hope in her eyes but that was lost by his next statement.

" And I'm sure your mate would love you just as much as I would love mine, what I'm trying to say is no I can't go out with you and your mate must be a great guy, someone even far better than me okay" he finished, to say she was embarrassed would be a great understatement, she ran away from the laughing crowd.


I didn't know I was smiling so much until James pointed it out, I didn't know I was so lost in the memories of Nicolas.

" Umm damien you know tomorrow chole's and also her birthday and its also his, so chole was wondering if she can just throw a party here in the pack house ".James spoke up.

Nicolas was our best friend and his cousin and I know its a touching subject for him, and tomorrow is nick's birthday and so as that murder's as wellas Chole's, after saying that I felt my wolf growl in my head, he's mad because I called her a murder despite knowing she took away our best friend.

I said okay to James not long after he left chole burst into my office excited and ran to me and hugged me I could hear my wolf in my head telling me to let go but I don't let go, I want chole as my luna since Nicole is my mate and I don't want her in my life, I could tell sam doesn't like chole but likes Nicole even though she doesn't show it or talk to her.

I know even though chole finds out Nicole is my real mate she will be happy I chose her over Nicole and I'm sure the pack will love her as their new luna bu the problem is if chole finds her mate tomorrow never mind for now that will have to wait till tomorrow,I know what I was going to do knowing fully well Chole has ordered the omegas to start preparing for the party.

Sam and chole left me to finish my ongoing paperwork even though my wolf doesn't want me to go ahead with this plan I have made up but it'll still take cause.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Another update on this amazing book.*Narcist*

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