
Guardian constellations and how they work.

Grateful lion: a creature full of pride and dignity. It will kill all those that harm it and repay all those that help it. It appreciates people similar to it and will help them survive a killing blow once in order to make sure they can repay their debt.

Confident tiger: a creature with incredible dignity and confidence. Being under its guardianship helps you realize the extent of your skills and makes you less likely to doubt yourself or be swayed by others.

black rhinoceros: a fearless beast with a strong head and the will to charge into any battle headfirst without hesitation. Will give you enough confidence and resolve to increase your maximum power by +1.

Gentle rabbit: a gentle creature with great compassion and love for all. It loves helping others and will help you whenever you need its help, even if it is tired.

Tiny mouse: a smart creature with excellent reflexes and survival skills. It will give you a burst of strength equal to 2 power when you come face to face with a near death experience.