
Nia's Odyssey

In a world where every human is born with a spirit animal, there was a rare number who didn't have one, and some oracles who were great at making prophecies. Thousands of years ago an oracle made a prophecy that a human with a spirit animal dragon is going to be the cause of destruction of the entire universe. A dragon was called the most powerful spirit animal of all and could be defeated by no one. Thus every human joined the power of their spirit animals and killed all the humans with dragons of that time. And, from that day onwards whenever a human with a spirit animal dragon was born was killed immediately.  In such a world Nia is born with the spirit animal dragon. But in this world, she is destined to meet a person who is going to protect her every time taking the risk of his own life. Although she could escape death at the time of her birth with the help of her parents, how will she be able to stay alive till the end with a little secret of her when she is surrounded by enemies all around? -------- "Even if I die, I will make sure to leave such a world for you where you will always be happy." Ian said looking at the beautiful sleeping face of Nia who was sleeping putting her head on his lap. "In that world without you, I won't be happy." Nia replied opening her eyes. (Note: Temporary Cover)

JSeol · Fantasie
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6 Chs

End or Beginning

[The year 1890]

"Just kill them all"

"Yes, they do not have any right to live."

"Burn them all. If we don't kill them, they will kill us."

A crowd was going crazy surrounding some women on a huge field. There were 14 women, ages ranging from 20-50. All of them were tied by the magical rope which emitted red light. They were tied both in their hands and feet.

All of the women looked like they were beaten very badly to the point of death, but still hanging there with their dear lives. All of their clothes were torn from here and there, with messy hair and bruises all around their body.

All of them looked messy but none looked terrified. People were cursing them all while some were preparing to kill them. But the women were looking right straight into the eyes of people around.

"Just because you all have joined your spirit animal powers you think you can kill us." One of the women said arrogantly as if she knew that they won't be able to kill them no matter what.

"Be Quiet, you stupid dragon. Although you have the most powerful spirit animal it's weak in front of the combined power of our spirit animals." One of the men shouted from the crowd feeling disgusted about that woman's stupid bravery.

Another woman who was the leader of those women spoke confidently with a smirk on her face, "The only thing you can do with combined powers is to bind us not kill us."

"All of you trust me, right?" The same woman looked at the other women and said it.

"Yes, we do." All of the women said in one voice.

"Then now, summon." The woman ordered in a loud voice.

At this command of their leader, they all closed their eyes and started mumbling magical words under their breath.

"Look the dragons."

"Weren't they all tied then why are they out?"

"Oh no! Are we going to die?"

The crowd started panicking looking at the huge dragons with the different colors of red, blue, black, and more coming from the back of every woman.

At that moment one middle-aged man came out from the crowd and started calming down the crowd.

"Don't worry everyone. Those dragons are of no use. As long as those women are tied with the red ropes, they won't be able to gain any power from the dragons."

"You are right, we can't use their powers but we can destroy them."

Listening to these words of their leader everyone was shocked but they all had the same thought of rather dying than staying captured by others.

"Do you think that you are the only one who can join the powers of your spirit animals, we can too."

"Everyone join the power." The leader once again commanded and everyone closed their eyes once again.

All of the dragons started binding up with each other.


After a few seconds, a huge oval-shaped light started creating in the air where the dragons were binding up and soon a huge golden-black dragon came out from that port-like light.

This type of golden-black dragon was never seen before as it never existed. It was the first time everyone witnessing such a huge and mysterious dragon that was flying in the sky.

All the spirit animals were in their spirit forms, they didn't have a body. Everyone could fight by gaining the powers from their respective spirit animals but those animals could not fight by themselves. They were like the halo being projected through the projectors.

Although the dragon was just a spirit and could not harm anyone still everyone feared how fierce the dragon looked. The dark golden eyes, a huge nose, pointed teeth, tiny ears, a strong neck, a long snake-like body, four muscular limbs, and a flat-tailed creature, the dragon was really scary in terms of looks.

The leader looked at the dragon with a smile then back at the crowd with pride and said," Even if our story has ended today but a new story will be created one day, one day with that dragon."

After she said this the dragon disappeared. Everyone in the crowd looked at the void sky in fear listening to the leader's words.

Once a human sacrifices and frees their spirit animal, that human could only live for seven more minutes. After those seven minutes, their body starts burning itself.

The same thing started to happen and the fire started burning all the women from their legs. They were all in pain but still had a smile on their face as they had won even if they lost their lives.

The crowd was shocked looking at the fire which was not in normal orange or yellow color, it was as if everyone was watching aurora, an aurora fire.


[The year 2000]

Somewhere far down in the city 'Hays' of country 'Kehlan', a couple and a little boy in between them of around 4 years old were walking down the street talking and smiling. The little boy and the man wore black sunglasses although it was about 6:30 in the evening.

The boy suddenly stepped out and started walking backward facing his mother and father and said, "I.. I will also become a gleat olacle like my daddy."

Although the boy was now 4 years old and had no trouble speaking, he still could not differentiate between the 'r' sound and the 'l' sound.

Listening to the sweet voice of their son both had smiley and bright faces. Still, his father wanted him to speak properly as soon as possible so he corrected him in a strict voice, "Ian, it's not gleat it's great.. re and not olacle but oracle.. ra. Say it again."

Ian just ignored his dad, turned around, and started walking looking forward. His father was about to say something but then his mother stopped him, signaling not to say anything.

Ian's father just left a sigh and said nothing. Ian's father was a quite well-known oracle in the city. An oracle originally has blue eyes and whenever makes eye contact with others they could see that person's future. So, Ian's father wears sunglasses everywhere at any time and even made Ian do the same. An oracle loses his/her power when the color of the eyes changes from blue to any other. Ian's father was a man in his early forties who was quite handsome for his age with a clean shave no beard or mustache.

Ian's mother was not an oracle but a human with a spirit animal eagle. She was in her mid-thirties and a beautiful lady. As a son of an oracle and a human with a spirit animal, Ian had gained both the power of an oracle and a spirit animal. Ian was the only one with both powers in the entire world and he was a special oracle to look at one person's past as well as future when he makes eye contact.


Ian then suddenly screams holding his head with both hands. He then crumbles down on the floor unable to withstand the pain, the pain of seeing the first glimpse of the future.

Every oracle is bound to face this pain on their first foresee, and Ian is now having that moment.

Ian's father and mother ran towards him and knelt before him. His mother put him on her lap and just hugged him tight as they knew that he had finally gained the power of an oracle and was seeing the future glimpse. His father just pats his head showing his care for him.

Ian then suddenly started mumbling but there were only a few audible sounds, "Mmm.. light.. girl.. man.. blood.. death." Saying this much Ian fainted.

His mother and father were both happy as their son made his first prophecy although they could not understand what exactly he saw. But then his father suddenly remembered the prophecy that their ancestors made.

Ian's father looked at his wife with a serious face and asked, "Emma, do you think that our son just saw the birth of a dragon? Light, girl.."

Emma also thought that for a second but then erased the thought shaking her head and said, "No way Derek, didn't you listen to him saying a man and a man can never have a dragon. No."

Derek was not sure so he tried to voice out his thoughts, "But what if I am right?"

Emma's face suddenly darkened at the thought of it and looked at Derek in anger and said, "It's not possible there is not a single human with a spirit animal dragon so how can one born? You know that a child can only have one of the spirit animals that the mother or father has. Do you know what will happen if it's true, our son will just live protecting that one girl his whole life and even..."

"Look!!" Derek suddenly shouted standing up and pointing somewhere far behind Emma.

Emma could sense the sudden brightness so she put Ian down for a moment, stood up and she turned around looking at the site where Derek was pointing. Emma was now trembling and her legs finally gave up making her fall to the floor after a few seconds of looking at the light coming from a hill far away that was piercing the sky in a straight line.

Hello everyone! Thank you all for reading the chapter till end. If you like the story then add it to the library. Look forward for more interesting chapters and if interested please give your honest reviews.

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