
Next Up

Book One: After Lilith's mysterious disappearance, Ivy must follow her mother's last instructions, leading her to a bizarre land with new and foreign people. Unbeknownst to her, the people of that land are aware of her eventual arrival. However, they are also wary as they've received a prophecy that Ivy could be the savior of their colony or the one who destroys it. Book Two: Still, Zoe is left feeling distracted and distant several months later. Hope is not lost as she receives surprising news that she may(if she plays her cards right) be able to see Ivy again. Book Three: ---------------------------- Next Up is that one dream we all had when we were kids. When we would leave home in search of adventure and all sorts of creatures in our imaginations ran wild in this world. ----------------------------- I will update this story every Monday with a new chapter.

Webby499 · Fantasie
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103 Chs

Track 4

"Hey, Zoe!" Kalimba called, running down the hallway after seeing Zoe pressed against the wall. 

When he got closer, he skidded to a stop, hitting a wall of stench—like a rotting fish in the sun mixed with a sweet honey. "Oh, goodness!"

Zoe jumped to her feet, pointing into her room, "He's in there! Trapped! Something has him!"

"Wait, wh-"

"Mitani! The bathtub!"

Kalimba's eyes shot toward her open doorway. He stepped toward it, peering inside, and moved back. In a flash, he studied the entire room—the dim lamp on the bedside table, the perfectly made queen-sized bed, the light seeping through the gap in the bathroom door, and the splintered wood that covered the red carpeted floor. 

Zoe turned, hearing a hum, one that overpowered the buzz of the engine below their feet. 

A leafy green aura surrounded Kalimba as he walked into the room. 

Zoe took a deep breath, steadying her breathing, blinking rapidly to steel herself. She stepped into the room after Kalimba, hearing what sounded like him talking to himself. 

She cautiously stepped around the sharp splinters sticking up from the carpet, following him into the bathroom. 

The smell was about ten times stronger in the bathroom, but besides Zoe and Kalimba, it was completely empty. 

The tiles were slick and covered in about an inch of water. 

"He was just here," she mumbled, looking at the bathtub. "I don't know where he went."

"Yeah," Kalimba said. "She said he was just here. Her door is broken, and there's some weird smell. Whatever is happening, it seems to have left moments before I got here."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, sorry," Kalimba said, "Was talking to Asher." He looked around the bathroom, studying the puddles of slime on the floor. 

Zoe looked at him but didn't see any phone or any type of device in his hands or around his ears. 

Yahd sat at the edge of the outside hot tub, his feet dangling into the hot water. The boat's slowly changing purple, yellow, orange, and red lights gave him an odd sense of calm, more than the warm salty ocean breeze or the light rocking of the boat could ever give him. 

 He looked up at the starry night sky—trying to connect all the different constellations in his head. 

He felt the tickle of bubbles run along his feet. He glanced down, seeing the water churn and spin. 

"Hm," he muttered. Watching as the hot water seemed to be almost boiling with the number of bubbles rising to the surface. 

He watched, mouth agape, as something slowly materialized inside the hot tub. Reaching out with his foot, his toe rubbing against it. "Am I touching a jellyfish?" He thought aloud. 

His voice caught in his throat, and all his hair stood on end. "Mitani!" He screamed, seeing the boy's face appear at the bottom of the tub, slowly rising out of the water. "What the-" he scooted back, getting to his feet. 'What the hell is surrounding him? Something is wrong!'

With one swift motion, he reached behind him, taking out a pink pistol from his waistband and aiming at the thing in front of him. 

Mitani's face contorted as the bullet ripped through his forearm—an inaudible scream came from his mouth.

"Dang it!" He yelled. "Asher or Kalimba, I'm on the deck. I found Mitani!" he screamed.

He squinted, staring at the thing as it grew, taking up the hot tub. It was hard to tell in the colored light, but he could see it. A scorch mark the size of a bullet in its translucent skin. 

Behind Yahd, the door swung open, and Kalimba and Zoe, who still only had a towel wrapped around her, ran out onto the deck. 

"That's the thing!" Zoe said, pointing to the hot tub. 

'It takes about four to five seconds to heal an injury, it seems,' Yahd thought, watching the bullet hole fade and disappear. 

Seeing the pistol in Yahd's hand, "Shoot that thing!" Kalimba screamed.

"No! Look at Mitani's arm!" Yahd said. "I already tried. Went right through."

Kalimba cursed under his breath, "What do we do then?"

Zoe pointed a shaky finger, "He's stopped breathing."

They both looked at Mitani. His energy was switched off, and his face was slowly turning blue. 

"His energy was most likely the only thing keeping him from suffocating inside it," Zoe guessed. 

An eye-stock rose from the hot tub. It stared at the three of them, swaying back and forth as if mocking their indecision. 

"I know what we can do," Yahd said after a long silence. 

"I'm willing to try about anything at this point," Kalimba said.

"When it takes puncture damage, it takes about five seconds for it to heal!"

"It can heal itself? Great!"

"Um," Zoe started, "I think it can teleport as well."

"Huh?" They both turned to her with confused expressions. 

"I can't be sure, but I know I saw energy around it at one point, and then it disappeared." She turned to Yahd, "It just appeared in the water, right?"

Yahd nodded, "Yeah, it just... kinda materialized."

Zoe looked down, her mind racing, "Okay, so it probably has some kind of ability to teleport to different bodies of water; I'm thinking that's how it got on this boat to begin with."

"Okay, okay," Kalimba said, thinking, "So, instead of shooting it, we can just cut it open! Zoe, you have knives, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't have them," she muttered. 

"What!" Yahd whirled around, "Why didn't you bring 'em!"

Zoe held up a black and gold box of cards, "I have these," she offered.

Yahd gave her an incredulous look. "The hell are some useless cards gonna do?"

"Watch out!" Kalimba tackled Yahd, as a tendril from the thing shot out at them, grazing Yahd and leaving a dark red mark on his ankle. 

"Kalimba," Zoe said, opening the box of cards and pulling one out. She took a deep breath, "I'm gonna cut it open. One of you will need to be quick and pull him out."

"Okay," he said. As he got to his feet, green energy surrounded his body.

Zoe held the card with her middle and pointer finger. There was a hum as the yacht deck was bathed in the evening orange aura that billowed around Zoe's body and the card. 

A tentacle quickly wrapped itself tightly around one of her legs, pulling her toward itself. In under a second, Zoe's head was dunked under the water as it attempted to push her inside it. She sliced upward with the card with a swift movement, cutting the front of the creature open. 

Kalimba was right behind her, reaching inside the open wound, and wrapped his arms around Mitani in a big bear hug. There was a squelching sound as he pulled him out of the translucent creature. 

The thing's skin turned from clear to a dark red once it realized what had happened. It tried to shove Zoe inside itself, but with another swift movement, the tendril was severed with her card. 

Its red eye-stock glared at her as it tried once more to grab onto her. Before she could do anything, she saw a fist fly over her head, connecting with the creature. Yahd stepped over her as she scrambled out of the hot tub, her towel coming loose and falling to the ground. A jagged pink aura rippled around him. 

"Dammit!" Yahd screamed at the thing. "That freakin' hurt!" He wrapped both his hands around its eye, pulling as hard as he could, putting his foot on it for leverage. 

A light blue aura surrounded the creature as it began to submerge. Yahd didn't let go and smiled as he felt the eye give way as he yanked one last time. The sound was like a tearing bedsheet as it cut through the night.

The thing flailed briefly below him, then went still—its red skin returned to its usual crystal. 

"Ha!" Yahd held up the eye, pointing it at each of them with a devilish grin.