
Next Up

Book One: After Lilith's mysterious disappearance, Ivy must follow her mother's last instructions, leading her to a bizarre land with new and foreign people. Unbeknownst to her, the people of that land are aware of her eventual arrival. However, they are also wary as they've received a prophecy that Ivy could be the savior of their colony or the one who destroys it. Book Two: Still, Zoe is left feeling distracted and distant several months later. Hope is not lost as she receives surprising news that she may(if she plays her cards right) be able to see Ivy again. Book Three: ---------------------------- Next Up is that one dream we all had when we were kids. When we would leave home in search of adventure and all sorts of creatures in our imaginations ran wild in this world. ----------------------------- I will update this story every Monday with a new chapter.

Webby499 · Fantasie
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103 Chs

Chapter 36

"Ivy, I'm so sorry," Zoe said. Ever since she saw what happened to Ivy, a deep pain had rooted in her stomach. It felt as if she had ingested molten lead, and it was slowly burning a hole through the lining of her abdomen. "My plan was what caused this," she said through dry heaves.

Ivy shook her head. "Not at all. I meant for this to happen," she beamed with pride, holding up her destroyed arm. There was a long pause, "What?" Ivy asked, looking at Zoe's face. She stared at Ivy with a look of bewilderment.

"You meant for him to blow up your hand?"

"Mhm," Ivy said, taking a big gulp of water given to her by Cahya.

"Oh…" Zoe said, her eyebrows furrowed. "You aren't just telling me this to make me feel better?"

Behind them, Cahya looked down on the three who were tied up. Her face was twisted with disgust. "You guys actually did it. I'm kinda proud, to be honest."

"Just kinda?" Colson scoffed, "You really didn't think we'd do it? C'mon now." He held an ice pack to his face, pressing hard over his broken cheekbone, feeling a tear in one of his eyes form as he did so. Rolling down his freezing cheek.

Cahya looked back and smiled. 'I taught them the wrong method to learn energy, and they still won. Well, maybe not a wrong method, but a horribly inefficient way. They were still able to learn it in that short of time. Nothing less than incredible.' She turned to Colson, 'I was wondering why I did that…But I think I know now. I honestly believed they would die fighting. Maybe that's why I did it. If they never were able to learn energy, then they wouldn't bother fighting them, so he wouldn't have to die.'

Ivy walked over next to Cahya, looking down at the people tied up below her; a curious look crossed her face. "So, what're you gonna do with them?" She asked. Her voice was back to normal, fixed by the healing products Cahya had brought.

"I'm not sure. That's up to the leaders of the village. I'm not sure who that would be at this point. If one dies, the leadership role goes down the line to the next person. They'll probably be put to death if I had to guess." Cahya said. "Probably get strung up in the town square for everyone to laugh at!" She said pointedly, glaring down at them.

"Really?" Zoe asked quietly, looking down at Geier. "Does it have to be like that?"

A shadow crossed over Cahya's face, "Idris, my brother. Jashin... Who knows how many others. That can't be forgiven. Or have you forgotten about that?"

Zoe was silent.

"Besides. You guys have beaten all the odds. You should be happy."

"I'm just hungry, honestly," Ivy said.

Kiari lifted his head up and stared right at Ivy. Her wide stance. 'It's all symmetrical. Like poetry. It rhymes,' he thought.


Later that day. Zoe and Colson sat outside the doctor's office. It was a long, low-hanging metal building about a quarter-mile to the north on a slight incline overlooking Cassius. Ivy had been inside for almost thirty minutes.

"Hey, did you hear what Ivy said earlier? How she lost her arm?" Zoe asked.

"I think so? She said something about how she wanted to lose it?"

"Yea…that's weird, right?"

"Yeah, that is pretty out there."

Zoe wiped her eyes, "I doubt it could be fixed. We couldn't even find her arm or anything, so it can't be reattached. It was probably completely disintegrated," her voice was hollow as she spoke, her eyes fixated on the wooden floor of the windowless hallway.

"I mean, the only hope is that maybe someone at Crater can do something. Maybe they have a room full of severed limbs, match the blood type, and sew it on."

Zoe let out a small laugh, "Yeah, well, I'm sure with this energy stuff, someone has an ability that can do something."

After a few more minutes of waiting, Ivy hopped out of the door. Zoe turned, her face bright at first but quickly saddened when she saw Ivy's arm was completely bandaged. Her ankle had been gelled and taped.

"They couldn't do anything?" Zoe asked tentatively.

Ivy shook her head, "No, but they directed me back to Crater's head nurse." She lifted her arm to put it around Zoe but forgot that it had been blown up. She glanced down at it, a deep frown briefly crossing her face; her face quickly turned back to its usual goofy smile.

"So now what do we do?" Asked Colson. "Do we just leave?"

Zoe walked over to the door of the building, glancing outside. The whole town seemed to be alive. Fireworks crackled and sparked in the pink evening sky.

"Seems like they're having a good time," Colson said, standing behind her, looking out the door.

"I don't think there's anything else we can do here, so I guess so. Maybe have them contact Crater if they haven't already. Tell them we're on our way back."

"So that's it then. We won."

"Yeah. We won," her voice sounded hollow as she stared out the windowed door.


Cahya was leaning against the building, waiting for them outside. She had a satisfied smile on her face, watching the light show from below. The sounds of celebration emanating from Cassius.

Her smile grew when she saw the trio exit the office. She glanced down, seeing Ivy's arm. A twinge of guilt ran through her, but she ignored it.

"So, what're you gonna do now?" She asked the question to the group but was looking at Colson.

Colson shrugged, "I don't know. Is there anything else for us to do here?"

"I guess not," she said, looking back toward Cassius. "Since there's no one to guard the towers anymore, they should be able to fix it in a few hours. We'll send something to Crater and tell them everything's all good now." She pointed towards the village, "It's not very often people are this happy. Not much to celebrate lately…You guys wanna go check it out?"


"I barely even recognize this place!" Zoe shouted. Her eyes were wide with awe. The village square was filled to the brim with people. In the short time since Kiari's defeat, the residents of Cassius had put in work. An earth-shattering boom could be heard every few seconds as a firework went off overhead. Zoe noticed out of the corner of her eye that Ivy seemed to flinch every time she heard an explosion. "Why is everyone so happy? I thought people would be sad after what's happened."

"If you're referring to the deaths," Cahya started, "We don't really see death the same way most do, I think. Instead of being miserable, we celebrate their life. Have a celebration so loud, they can hear it wherever they are. So they know their life had meaning."

"How does this small village have this many people?" Colson asked; he looked deeply uncomfortable as he picked at his clothing. He wore a bright blue long-sleeve fishnet shirt and incredibly baggy white cotton pants.

"You'd be surprised," Cahya yelled, "this is only about half of the population. Not counting, well…just relax," she laughed, pulling at his hand to stop him from accidentally ruining the clothes.

"Oh wow!" Colson shouted back, jumping out of the way of an approaching stampede of kids with sparklers. 'She hasn't let go,' he thought. "Well, you look better at least. Before you were dressed like some hippie that babbles about crystals all day."

Earlier, Cahya had told them about the traditions and dress codes of celebration. All the Women wore headbands with long patterned robes, and the men wore fishnet shirts with white pants.

"What's that?" Ivy asked, pointing with her good arm to a cart that had roasted food on sticks.

Cahya glanced over, "That's purple Megakeet meat. It's really good. Wanna try?"

"Yeah!" Ivy said, bounding over to the stand. A large flame crackled behind the station as grease and fat from the cooking meat fell into its inferno. She looked over every item displayed, finally finding the cut. "Hey, mister! How much for this?" she asked, instinctively trying to grab the metal stick with her bad arm, but quickly grabbed it with her other and held it up, so the man could see.

He had a warm grin on his face, "for you, my dear, it's free!" he yelled over an explosion from a firecracker.

"Oh, cool! Thank you so much!" She said, running back into the crowd of people to find her friends.

Zoe was fiddling with her gown when Ivy seemingly materialized next to her, making her jump.

"You want some?" Ivy asked, waving the Megakeet in front of Zoe's face. The sweet smell made her realize how long it has been since she had anything to eat. Even Ivy could hear her stomach growl over the teeth-rattling booms overhead.

"Wow, this really is good," Zoe said through a mouthful. "It has the consistency of chicken, so I can actually eat it."

"I know, right! He's cooking the stuff back there." She glanced back at the cart, the fire crackling tall over the heads of everyone. She looked back down at the skewer, the cooked skin of the bird.

"You okay?" Zoe asked, noticing the expression on Ivy's face—it was her usual goofy grin she had, but something was off, Zoe noted. There was a long pause. Ivy stopped walking, talking, and possibly even breathing. "Ivy…"

Ivy's eyes rolled up at Zoe, "this reminds me. Kiari, when he was burning in front of me. When I was watching it…." There was another long pause as they continued to walk behind Colson and Cahya, who were absorbed in a conversation. "It wasn't the heat of the fire or energy. There was a feeling, a weird warmth under my belly."

Zoe thought momentarily, looking down, asking, "Under your belly?"

"Yeah, like a warm heartbeat."

"I don't know what that means. Maybe Cahya would know what that is."

"Maybe…" Ivy's eyebrows knit together.

"There you guys are! Y'all are slow as hell," Colson said, appearing in front of them after wriggling through the dense crowd. "Follow me real quick, though," he said with a mischievous smile.

"Alright!" Ivy said with glee.

"Yeah, Cahya is waiting for us over there," he said, distracted as someone walked up, shaking his hand, thanking them all profusely.

Cahya was standing to the side of the street, guarding a small rickety table with several cups stacked on top of each other.

"Ta-da!" Colson said, holding his arms out towards the table.

Zoe walked over and picked up one cup, sniffing it curiously. She brought it to her face, sniffing it, "what is it?" she asked, scrunching her nose at the smell. It was almost saccharin how sweet the liquid was.

"Just drink it," Colson urged, "This is the only time we'll be allowed to drink this stuff anyways."

Ivy walked over, examining the table.

"I can hold that for you," Cahya offered, reaching for Ivy's Megakeet skewer.

Zoe had a nervous look on her face, "I don't know," she said hesitantly.

"On three!" boomed Cahya.

Even though the drink was lukewarm, Zoe felt a comforting heat flow down her throat and into her stomach. A bitter aftertaste caused her to uncontrollably pull a face in disgust. She felt the sensation flow from her stomach through her body, eventually reaching her fingertips.

"Woah," Colson said, slowly waving his hand in front of his face. "Everything's all bright and shifty."

Zoe laughed; as she did so, she felt a euphoria. A feeling so intense that it muted every bad thought she had. It was a burst of almost uncontrollable laughter, a contagious one.

Ivy's smile grew wider. The explosions of the fireworks and the loud chatter of the surrounding people disappeared.

As if the circle they were standing in was in their own void of space-time where only they existed.

Colson looked to his right. Zoe's body…no, her soul was made up of a kaleidoscope of vibrating and rotating colors. The same with Cahya and Ivy. Leaving him completely hypnotized.

During that time, each of them had forgotten that they had even ingested anything at all. To their brains, it just felt like this is how life and the world always had been and always would be. A euphoric void.

What felt like hours was gone in a few minutes.

Colson winced, "Oh man, what was that?" he shook his head; the feeling slowly clearing.

"Psilocybeer," Cahya grinned. "They only make it for special occasions."

"What is it actually made of?" Zoe asked. She looked down at the table, the lines on wood flowing and bending in and out as if it were breathing.

"I dunno," Cahya shrugged. "But it's supposed to mimic the experience of awakening energy. Getting closer to the universe or something like that."

"Was that alcoholic?" Colson asked, peering at his empty glass. "If it was, I probably shouldn't have drank that."

"That's just what they call it. It's not actually beer."

"That was awesome!" Ivy said, "Is there more?"

"I had to order these in advance, so I doubt it, but since you guys are heroes of the village, someone would probably give you theirs if they haven't drunk it all yet. But the feeling will stay for a while."

Colson looked around the area; the glow of the drink and the accompanying warmth still hadn't faded. 'This would be perfect for a camera—everything's so dreamy. Everyone's skin seems to bloom with warmth—as if the colors are singing.' He felt loose and energized as if all the muscles in his body had been properly stretched. "How long does this last?"

"We drank it all at once, so it'll just be a buzz for the next few hours. If we were to slowly drink it over time, a semi-intense feeling over a few hours."

"I wanna run somewhere," Ivy said, striking some kind of yoga pose.

Zoe had to stop herself from staring at her, "It's like I'm looking at a painting." Her skin had become pastel-like. Slightly blending with reality around her.

"Ah, the kids of the hour," a voice said from the crowd. They turned to see Pai and Challen walk over to them. Both had identical cups in their hands. "This village owes you all a lot," Pai said.

Challen smiled, "I'll make sure to hype you guys up when I call Crater in a little bit."

"She's in charge of communications if you guys didn't know, so they'll listen to her."

"Oh, cool," Colson said, "thank you. We couldn't have done it without you guys, though." As he looked at her, the size of her eyes seemed to shift and move around her face.

"Pssh," Pai scoffed, "You guys didn't need us," his words were slightly slurred.

"Oh, by the way, Cahya," Challen said, "in a bit, meet us by the waterfall. We have something to discuss…."

Cahya nodded, understanding what she was referring to. "Yeah, alright. I'll be there," her gaze wandered as she was deep in thought. Challen and Pai said their goodbyes and wandered back into the crowd. Cahya turned to the rest of them, "I guess I gotta go soon, but there's another thing you should see real quick."

While they walked, Ivy and Zoe had fallen back. Zoe was helping Ivy tighten the bandages on her arm. Colson and Cahya were talking and laughing a few feet before them. He put his hand on the small of her back and leaned in to tell her something. Cahya leaned into him. Colson pointed at someone a ways away into the crowd; they both looked at each other and started cracking up.

"Well, that is something," Zoe said, glancing up after finishing the wraps.

"What is?"

Zoe pointed at the two, "I thought he was joking when he said that before, but I guess he was right."


"Do you hear that?" Zoe could barely hear her own voice. Colson and Ivy looked at her strangely.

Colson looked around, listening intently, "What am I supposed to be hearing?"

Ivy cocked her head to one side, "Are those bells?"

"Is this some kind of thing only girls can hear?"

"I didn't hear it at first, but it's pretty loud," Ivy said, her face scrunched in mild discomfort, placing both her hands over her ears.

They stood on farmland in the heart of Cassius. It was as grey and lifeless as the overcast sky above them. As Zoe looked around, she realized they were far above the whole of Cassius; as if a mountain had erected itself in its town square. Zoe had an odd sense of deja vu as she watched Colson look down the hill, trying to locate the source of the chimes.

"There!" Zoe said, pointing to a smaller building in the distance. It seemed to be the only building that had any life to it in that small village. A glow surrounded it as if every light in the building was turned on. Zoe heard no response, so she turned to tell them again, but things were different.

Kiari, Marlin, Geier, and Colson all stood on the mountain next to her. Behind them, a woman who Zoe could only guess was Addilynn. She stood turned away, looking off into the distance with her hands on her hips—a confident stance.

"I hear it too," Geier noted, holding a hand to his ear.

Behind them, Kurt-Adam materialized into existence from the surrounding farmland.

"Maybe they're clock tower bells?" Kiari pondered.

"Not quite," Marlin corrected, "They have a certain tone to them. Perhaps church bells?"

Ivy turned to Kurt-Adam; in a blink of an eye, she was across the clearing; her fist inches away from his head. He blocked the punch, retaliating quickly, smacking her away.

"Lord almighty, it's happening again," Marlin rolled his eyes, turning away from the scuffle.

"They're just messing around. No need to worry about it," Kiari said.

Zoe had a confused look on her face, "What are you guys doing here?"

Besides Colson, none of them acknowledged what she had said or even her existence. The whole time Colson's gaze had been on Marlin. When Zoe spoke up, his eyes shifted over to her before returning to glare.

"Colson," Zoe said sternly, "We need to take Ivy and go."

They all stood silently, the bells drowned out by the rain drizzle and the wheat rustling all around them. To Zoe, it seemed like several minutes had passed before anyone did anything.

"Are you guys going back to Crater?" Geier's face broke out into a hopeful smile.

"You aren't coming. Sorry," Zoe couldn't meet his eyes as she walked to Colson, grabbing him by the wrist, attempting to lead him away from them and off the building. It was as if he was an animatronic statue. His movements were normal, but no matter how hard she pulled, he didn't budge. She knew he was physically stronger than her by several times, but he didn't move. She hung off him at one point, but it was as if she were weightless to him. "Come on!" She yelled, tears building up in her eyes, "I don't want to be around them anymore!"

"They could be funeral bells," Colson suggested.

"Yeah, that must be right," Geier said, his voice a sad monotone. Zoe studied him; as she looked closer, she noticed his eyes were puffy with dark bags under them. His skin had turned a sickly gray. The smell of cooking meat wafted around the roof. To her right, Kiari's skin started to bubble and blister, turning an impossible red.

"You guys lost," Zoe said dryly. "That's all there is to it."

Geier's face turned even darker. His eyes had a glassy look as they drifted downwards to the floor. His posture slouched. "I see…So this is my fate, then?"

A smug smirk crossed Zoe's face once she recognized that look of defeat. "I won. I beat you."


"Can you promise me that?" Zoe mocked, her small smile turned into a devilish grin.

The loud gongs from the building below came back, louder than ever. With each ring, each of the five became ghost-like. They lost all solid definition and detail until they faded to nothing.

"Goodbye, Geier."