
Next Up

Book One: After Lilith's mysterious disappearance, Ivy must follow her mother's last instructions, leading her to a bizarre land with new and foreign people. Unbeknownst to her, the people of that land are aware of her eventual arrival. However, they are also wary as they've received a prophecy that Ivy could be the savior of their colony or the one who destroys it. Book Two: Still, Zoe is left feeling distracted and distant several months later. Hope is not lost as she receives surprising news that she may(if she plays her cards right) be able to see Ivy again. Book Three: ---------------------------- Next Up is that one dream we all had when we were kids. When we would leave home in search of adventure and all sorts of creatures in our imaginations ran wild in this world. ----------------------------- I will update this story every Monday with a new chapter.

Webby499 · Fantasie
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103 Chs

Chapter 32

The trees and shrubs were a blur as Colson sprinted past. 'I never thought I'd think this,' Colson thought, 'But I'm actually worried about Ivy… maybe more than Zoe.'

Marlin was close behind, elegantly hopping over roots, ducking under branches, and leaping over downed trees—not missing a beat.

After a few more seconds of running, Colson crashed through the treeline into a clearing. He stopped in the middle and turned around to face Marlin, who glanced around the clearing, a slightly nervous look in his eye. 'I don't think there's anyone around here; this isn't an ambush, but I can't shake this feeling.'

Colson removed the bokken off his back, pointing it forward, steadying his breathing, 'Every other time I activated energy, I had to close my eyes for a few seconds, but now I don't think I can afford to do that. If he realizes what I'm doing, he doesn't seem like the type to just wait around for me.' His eyes fixated on Marlin's, not moving at all. 'This would be perfect,' he thought, watching a ray of sunlight shift through the heavy trees around them, landing perfectly across Marlin's face. The water that dripped from it sparkled.

Marlin looked on, unphased. 'Fighting experience and normal physical strength, he's a lot weaker. But…my energy is almost entirely depleted; too many mistakes could make this turn sour.'

Colson marched forward, swinging downward, with Marlin easily evading by stepping to the right and charging his fist with all his might at Colson's head.

Lunging to the side, Marlin's fist grazed the side of his cheek. He followed it up with a forward kick into Colson's chest. Letting the blow connect, it almost knocked the wind out of him, but he wrapped his arm around the leg, tucking it under his armpit, walking forward, and using his leg to trip Marlin.

The blonde man crashed to the ground, his leg still held by Colson. He looked up to see the bokken inches from his face, too close to dodge or block. It hit him over his left eye, and a loud thwack rang out. Lifting the wooden sword, Colson brought it down again, point first, aiming for the other eye. Marlin was ready this time. Slapping it mid-trajectory. The tip of the bokken stabbed itself into the dirt next to his head.

"I'm about to break this thing," he snarled. His hand shot out to grab it before Colson could release it from the dirt. His left cheek was bruised and swelled, slowly forcing his eye closed.

Colson moved backward, attempting to yank it from Marlin's grasp, but his grip strength was too tight.

Grasping the bokken with his other hand, Marlin attempted to snap it in half. 'What?' he thought with a grimace. 'What the hell?'

Colson ripped it from his hands with a big tug, "It's made from a rare strain of Buloke, considered to be the hardest wood in the world. You aren't going to break it that easily." A confident smile crossed his face, "that's also why it hurt so much."

Marlin rolled to his feet and sprinted towards Colson, lunging at him. Colson struck his jaw with an upward swing, jarring him. As the bokken connected, a slight smirk crossed Marlin's face.

Colson felt a crunch and cold pain as Marlin's fist connected with his cheek. He lay on the ground, sprawled, groaning and holding his cheek. Marlin stood over him, "give up."


Kiari's hand extended towards Ivy's face, just inches away. Ivy kicked out, her foot knocking his forearm away. The determined look on Ivy's face told him everything he needed to know. Before he could follow up, Ivy rolled out of the way, getting to her feet, taking off her jacket, revealing a black t-shirt underneath.

"Ivy is your name, correct?"

Ivy didn't respond.

"So, Ivy, this wasn't a spur-of-the-moment thing. Your plan was to split us up. You also seem to know about my ability as well. I didn't think there were any survivors left that could give information about it, but oh well. You really don't want to do this. It'll end badly for you; I can promise you that."

"I don't like you. I'm not gonna make any deal like that with you. You can attack me all you like, but you aren't getting anything from me," she said, placing her knuckle dusters over her fingers.

"You're gonna fight till the very end, huh? We'll see how long that mentality lasts because, frankly, I don't believe you." He crouched down to the ground, setting his hand on the dirt for balance. A second later, a booming energy surrounded him—a deafening drone. It spread larger than Ivy thought was possible; instead of surrounding his body a few inches, it was three feet. "After she sees this, she won't act so tough. Though this takes almost everything I have."

Ivy didn't move. She didn't blink. There were no outward indications that she even saw anything.

"Damn, nothing?" he thought, an intrigued look crossing his face. "I think I like her." He let his energy subside to its standard size.

Ivy closed her eyes; a few seconds later, the white aura bubbled from her skin; as if milk bubbles floated from every pore.

'So she was able to figure out how to do it. Based on its formation, I can tell it's just been developed; still, though; it's strong enough that I can't screw around too much.'

Ivy sprinted forward towards him. What Cahya had told her earlier, coming to the surface, 'The aura surrounding your body is a good defense against most things. Hell, it may be a good way to stop his explosions from hurting you too much, depending on what ratio of energy he'll put into them.' He ducked under her double-leg dropkick as she flew over his head, landing on the ground, and without skipping a beat, she sent a flurry of punches his way, with him dodging and brushing aside them all.

'She's definitely trained, but she still can't land a single hit on me. Below me in fighting experience and energy. She knows that if she keeps going as she does, she'll be seriously injured or die, right? I've got to keep my awareness up. There's got to be a trap or an ambush.'

She sent out a kick toward the inside of his knee. Kiari grabbed her by the ankle and flung her into a nearby tree. The wood siding splintered and cracked where her skull hit. She got to her feet, never taking her eyes off him. She ran forward again; before reaching him, his fist cracked her across the head, sending Ivy several yards away. Her energy flickered off as she hit the ground.

"You know," Kiari called out to her, "I was slightly nervous at first. Learning your shimmer in such a short time is nothing short of a miracle; you clearly have a talent for this. I didn't want to have to use my ability against a child, but now I see that I won't even need to use it."

Ivy opened her mouth, letting the blood drip out of it onto the ground. Putting her hand to her right ear, she felt a small trickle ooze from it. She lifted her head. Straight ahead of her through a line of trees was what looked like a convenience storefront. Thirty yards away.

"I hate this," she growled, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she was on her feet, another veil surrounding her.

"You aren't done yet?"

Kiari was on top of her before she knew it, sending his knee into her stomach. As she doubled over, his right fist connected with her throat, lifting her off the ground. He grabbed the back of her head with his other hand and slammed her face against the hard-packed dirt. His foot hit her ribs, sending her several feet away; Ivy managing to land on her hands and knees. He walked over, his open palm extended, swiping at her. Ivy dodged it by centimeters.

'That was the perfect opportunity right there. Why? Why did I miss!'


Geier walked forward; he was slightly taller and a few years older than Zoe, about six inches taller and five years older. He extended his hand in front of him, admiring his nails—sharp claw-like things, able to slice through bone. He looked up, noting the girl in front of him. She gave off a nervous vibe, not unlike the last time he saw her. Now, her hair was tied back tightly, and her clothes were small and athletic.

Zoe thought back to her conversation with Cahya several hours prior, "You know, I know you don't like to be seen and all, but if you're going to fight someone, wearing baggy clothes like that will be a death sentence. Someone can easily grab it, or it can get snagged on something. Also, pull your hair away from your face; minimize blind spots, as little as they maybe.' She steadied her nervous breath, slowing her heart rate, 'Well, If I'm lucky and everything goes to plan, I won't need to fight him for more than a few seconds. In one motion, this'll be over! I won't even have to kill him." She took another deep breath, composing herself.

Geier was within arms reach of her now, his fingernails inches from her face. Her eyes shifted from the ground to his eyes. A smug look was plastered on his face.