
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Spiele
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164 Chs

The Mind's Eye on Aerial

Since Joon-ho had made his way back to the hall for Team Fire's second match, his mind however heavy with thoughts of Aerial's overwhelming performance. Despite having made eye contact with Kang-dae and already settled into his seat next to Kyu and Hyun-ae, he noticed their eager expressions, but he didn't engage in conversation.

Kyu, characteristically silent, gave a nod of acknowledgement, while Hyun-ae voiced her excitement about Team Fire's chances. However, Joon-ho barely registered her words. His mind was still deeply entangled with the strategies and strengths of Aerial.

The match began, and while the crowd cheered and reacted to the intense gameplay, Joon-ho found himself replaying the scenes from Aerial's match. He could see Chin-hwa's unique marksmanship and In-su's impeccable spellcasting as if they were happening before him again. The synchronization of Aerial's Assassins, their stealth and support, the way they turned the tide of the battle—it all occupied his thoughts, pushing away the present moment.

Team Fire's lineup—Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee—played with their usual synergy and skill. Joon-ho knew how capable his friends were, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Aerial's performance had set a new benchmark, a daunting challenge that seemed almost insurmountable. Even as Team Fire executed flawless manoeuvres and secured objectives, Joon-ho's thoughts remained with Aerial.

Without realizing it, the match had reached its conclusion. Team Fire had won back-to-back games, clinching two wins in the best of three and securing their place in the round of 4. The crowd's cheers and applause filled the hall, but Joon-ho remained in his mental haze, barely registering the victory. Kyu and Hyun-ae began to stand, preparing to leave the hall, and Joon-ho followed them mechanically.

As they walked out, Hyun-ae chattered excitedly about Team Fire's prospects in the next round, while Kyu listened with a quiet smile. Joon-ho, however, was only half-listening, his mind still fixated on Aerial. The realization that Team Fire would soon face Aerial in the tournament gnawed at him. He replayed every detail he could remember from the match, trying to find any hint of a weakness, any strategy that could be exploited.

The three friends made their way through the bustling corridors, the energy of the crowd palpable around them. They were looking to reunite with Team Fire but it seemed that a facilitator had held them back for something. Which is why the three right now just aimed to walk back to the dorm.

Joon-ho's thoughts raced as he considered various scenarios. He knew that Aerial's biggest strength lay in their seamless coordination and adaptability. Breaking that would require not just skill, but precise planning and execution.

As they exited the building and stepped into the crisp evening air, Joon-ho took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. He needed to focus, share his observations with Team Fire and help devise a strategy that could give them a fighting chance.

"You okay, Joon-ho? Did that stomach ache as bad as you sound it like?" Hyun-ae asked, her mind was oblivious to it and only retracted when Joon-ho faked having his tummy hurt.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking about how long it passes away," Joon-ho blinked, snapping back to the present.

"It going away in a few days, nothing bad surely going to happen right? Anyway, our friends played superbly today as well right?" Hyun-ae nodded, her expression turning serious.

"Yeah," Joon-ho agreed. "They were. They surely have their strengths. And they did well when they needed to figure out how to counter their opponents."

Joon-ho knew that the upcoming matches would be the ultimate test for Team Fire. They had the skill and the determination, but they needed to be smarter, more adaptive, and more cohesive than ever before. Joon-ho's mind, now clearer and more focused, began to formulate a plan. The road ahead was daunting, but with the right strategy and execution, he believed that Team Fire could rise to the challenge.

Back in room 205, a heavy silence hung in the air, interrupted only by the faint hum of the city outside. Joon-ho sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling, while Kyu, a man of few words, silently worked on his laptop. The quiet was almost oppressive, each second stretching into an eternity. Across the hall, Hyun-ae was likely experiencing the same solitude in her room, her mind racing with thoughts about the tournament and their next moves.

The stillness was abruptly shattered by the click and swing of the door. Kang-dae, finally back from the meeting with the facilitators, walked in with an air of tired determination. Joon-ho immediately turned to him, curiosity piqued.

"Kang-dae, what did the facilitators want?" Joon-ho asked, breaking the silence that had settled between him and Kyu.

"They were just asking each of us for our personal opinions on the new game overview changes," Kang-dae shrugged off his jacket and sat down, running a hand through his hair.

"Right, the best of 3 with random game modes. So, what did you tell them?" Joon-ho nodded, remembering the countless discussions they'd had about the new format.

"I told them it's an interesting shift. It's meant to add variety and prevent the kind of repetition we saw with the old best of 3 team deathmatch format. It's definitely a challenge, but it also opens up new strategic possibilities," Kang-dae leaned back, stretching out his legs.

Joon-ho thought about that for a moment. The new format was indeed a bold move by NexaCorp. For the past three years, the World NexaRealm Championship had adhered strictly to team deathmatches, a format that, while exciting, had started to feel stale. This new approach was designed to test players' versatility and adaptability, qualities that were crucial in a game as dynamic as NexaRealm.

"It's a big change," Joon-ho said, more to himself than to Kang-dae. "It makes every match unpredictable. You can't just rely on your strengths; you have to be ready for anything."

"It also means we have to be more prepared. We need to practice different strategies for each possible game mode," Kyu, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up.

"Exactly. And that's why they wanted our feedback. They want to know if this format is something that can be implemented on a larger scale, like in the World Championship," Kang-dae nodded in agreement.

The conversation brought a new clarity to Joon-ho's thoughts. He realized that while Aerial's overwhelming performance was impressive, the new format could potentially be a great equalizer. Teams that could quickly adapt to different game modes would have a significant advantage.

The room fell silent again, but this time, the silence was less oppressive. It was a silence filled with contemplation and determination. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they also understood that they had the potential to rise to the occasion.

"Well, I need to get some rest. Tomorrow's another day, and we have to be ready for whatever comes our way," Kang-dae stood up, breaking the silence once more.

Joon-ho and Kyu nodded in agreement. As Kang-daestop by the in-room bathroom, Joon-ho felt a renewed sense of purpose. The day's events had been a stark reminder of the challenges they faced, but also of the opportunities that lay ahead.

Joon-ho turned off his light and lay down, his mind still buzzing with thoughts of strategies and counter-strategies. He knew that the key to their success would be their ability to adapt and innovate. With the right mindset, he believed that Team Fire could not only compete but also excel in this new format.

Joon-ho lay in the darkness, his thoughts racing despite his fatigue. The new format was more than just a change; it was a revolution in how NexaRealm would be played. It was no longer enough to be the best at one thing. Versatility, adaptability, and quick thinking were the new currencies of success. As he pondered these changes, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with anxiety.

He thought about Aerial's performance again, their precision and coordination. How could Team Fire match that level of skill? He needed to relay his observations to his teammates, ensuring they understood the gravity of the situation and the need for adaptability. They couldn't afford to be complacent, not with teams like Aerial in the competition.

Joon-ho made a mental note to discuss his insights with Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee during their next strategy session. They needed to train harder, think smarter, and prepare for every possible scenario.

In the quiet of his room, Joon-ho found a sense of resolve. They had come this far, and there was no turning back. The challenges were daunting, but they were also an opportunity to prove themselves. With a deep breath, Joon-ho finally let sleep take over, ready to face whatever the next day would bring.

As dawn approached, the promise of a new day hung in the air, filled with possibilities and the relentless drive to succeed. Team Fire's journey was far from over, and Joon-ho was determined to see it through to the end.