

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

New friend

Catherine closed her eyes for a second or two then I could see a request for an invite for friendship pop up in my view of sight from the contacts. Taking me back a step or two to realizing that this is how you did it in the game. I accepted the request and there she was Mistress Catherine Master Tagem NewBlood PM placing her location as well with her name.

After accepting her offer, when I noticed that the dizzy feeling I had been having seemed to have disappeared. Catherine walked over placed her hand in mine softly put her lips next to my ear with a whisper "I have someone you will want to meet".

Then we should not keep this person waiting." I said

I followed Catherine out the door looking Back seeing the young woman fixing her outfit without even looking back to see us go she headed for my bed and out of view.

Walking down the hall noticing the paintings must be hundreds of years old and in pristine condition. This family or operation must be well off to own such an establishment. Starting to think to myself as to why am I here. Maybe I am not supposed to be here. Maybe this is a big ass mistake, I don't know these people and the technology alone is above my paid grade. Feeling overwhelmed as we walk the hallway I stop. Catherine stopped, "look at me." with caring eyes with her soft hands on my face that brought me back into focus.

"Master Tagem are you alright?" with a genuine caring tone in her voice. "I am Catherine, I just feel that some error has happened," looking at her brown eyes "I should not be here." Some mistake has befallen on me and soon I will be kicked out once the error has been found out. These words kept running through my head over and over.

She looked at me with caring eyes still "I could feel you starting to panic, maybe it was your hand or something but I could tell something was bothering you. You need not fret Master Tagem" you truly are where you belong." She nestled up against me placing my head on her breast for only now realizing that I was on one knee. Come Master Tagem that person who you need to meet is waiting for you.

We proceed down the glass elevator to another floor. Stepping out of the elevator, the décor of black stone marble walls with white lines and white marble stone floor what looked to be gold flakes imbedded within. This time it seemed as if the gold flecks moved as we did. Seeing workmanship like this was an honor to view and admire.

Turning left down a corridor we stopped at a door black in color with red veins that looked to appear and disappear. The door opened with a small gathering of people. The music playing of an old jazz tune with couples dancing on the dance floor as other people mingled at the bar. Looking around I noticed the Family names bouncing around all over the room.