

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


Valier turned to me then smiled. " I am here to help you in all matters Master Tagem. I am your house maid." Whatever you need I am yours to command. "But," she hesitated for a second "thank you for asking first". She proceeded to take the plates and left the room.

"Looks like you one over another person here Master Tagem," as Stacks PM'd me. Another?" I replied. But no answer came back as I proceeded to the bathroom.

After my shower, that took longer than usual getting the alcohol breath, and the odor seeping out my pores finally washed away. Strange how eating made me feel better but not in the usual manner of a full belly but an energy that rushed over me. Something about the taste or whatever was in the food was making my hunger disappear at a quicker rate but that numbness throughout the body seemed to dissolve. I started to feel like the next day after a good session at the gym.

With just a towel on I walked into the bedroom from the bathroom seeing my clothes laid out on the bed. Funny how I thought those looked just like the clothes from the game that Daria liked best on my character. I threw the towel on the bed just then noticing someone at the edge of the door between the living room and bedroom.

Well, this is not how I intended to greet you but a big bonus on my end with her smile crept up from under her blond hair that covered half her face. Wearing a skin tight black dress with gold lines running down from her chest to her thigh since that was all the dress was covering. I could see her eyes look me over up and down then up again. Her admiring made my towel rise, for who does not like to be checked out especially by a beautiful woman. I turned around facing her completely with the towel falling to the floor fully naked and growing. She walked up to me slowly seductively wrapped her arms around my neck pressing her body to mine.

"It is finally nice to meet you in person Master!" as she leaned in to kiss me stopping just short of touching my lips. Trying to tease me and it was working as I wrapped my arms around pulling her in close smelling her fragrance, my heart started to beat faster, her breast under her clothing pressed against my naked chest. I moved that extra quarter inch closer to her lips. Barely touching them letting her know I will let her submit to her pleasures first.

With just barely our lips touching, feeling the other hearts pounding, her lips finally moved closer to mine as I took her passionate kiss and returned the kiss back full heartedly. I could not even count the minutes that we engaged in the kiss until the sounds of someone walking in through the main door. Master Tagem and Mistress Daria, please excuse me, but Mistress Vixon and Master Wattie are waiting on the outside pallor for the two of you. Daria did not even turn to look at her "Yes I know, leave us please." The person made a slight bow, turned, and left the room.

I guess we cannot keep the family waiting now, can we?