

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chateeu 31

My attention was drawn away from this magnificent sight when the door opened, a breath of fresh mountain air rolled in. I watched Stacks dress fall to her thighs as she steps out; I turned to my door watching this lovely young woman open my door. She smiled as I smiled back at her noticing the outfit she was wearing was actual jewels put together loosely like you would see in Africa for the tribes in the Jungle with their beads for cover. I could not help to look her over as her nipples poke through the jewels and mesh of her outfit.

Feeling Stacks soft hands wrap around mine pulling my attention away from the young women I turned to look at Stacks with her bright big smile looking at me.

"You should get used to the sights Master Tagem for this is what it will be like for the next two weeks."

With the smile still on my face, I said, "Can't wait."

The doors slide open a young man greeted "Hello Mistress Catherine hope all went to your liking?"

"Yes, Felix, it did thank you, do be a good man and grab Sir Tagem's bag from the car. "I could only look at Stacks "Mistress Catherine, is it?" Looking for some acknowledgement she glanced at me pulling me along by the arm as hers wrapped around mine. The inside was more extravagant than the outside. White marble walls, white stone pillars with brass and gold silver edgings woodwork done by expert craftsmen. Statues of people that time had forgotten with floors that looked to have enough gold slivers embedded within them. The place glimmered and glittered with brilliance as far as I could see, people moving around like a bunch of ants. If you looked closely, you could see the rhythm of how the workers moved compared to the newly arrived guest within the room. We walked down the main lobby arriving at the main desk "Master Tagem to check in." Stacks said to the women who wore the same outfit as the other workers outside of the Chateau. She typed in I am guessing my name and handed Stacks a small case the size of what you would hold your glasses in. Stacks turned to me opened the case; "do you know how to put in eye contacts Master Tagem?"

I nodded slightly. "Then please do Sir."

I glanced at the box gold in color looking as if it was custom made. I opened the box inside to indents of two circles with some clear liquid but no smell. On the inside of the case the letter R and L on the inside lid you flip up in bold silver print.