

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chaptr 116

High Priestess started off "Once a child is born the child is taken away from the mother and placed in the nursery where it is needs are kept until the next stage. After a five-year base learning and studying system that enforces the children's likes and dislikes. There are tests given to each child. The test and abilities are gathered to provide the right path for the individual child. Males born blood demon child are equal to the female child at these ages. Once identified as to what the child gravitates to is considered and judged.

The difference between a child of a demon and a Normals child learning is the demons teach what is best for the child. During the education part of our schooling, children learn at their own rate. For you cannot teach all students the same way and not expect a higher failure rate. Our system adapts to the children's needs while giving a balanced education in math, science, and writing. A Demon child can grow at a faster rate physically and mentally than Normal's child. About four times the speed is the average. So, a five-year-old norm would equal a twenty-year-old demon child. Currently giving or taking on the child the process of the aging slows down considerably.

Demon children are inspired to lead and to conquer all aspects of all cultures such as art, dance, cooking, and music. For the paintings in this room seemed to have been created by Picasso himself. As she moved her hand to several paintings on the wall.

Economics is pushed upon them at an early age. By what I had overheard from the demon women as we finished our meal. The belief passed down over the years has always come down to responsibility and hard work. They knew to simulate in the Norms world they would have to gain access to all fields of life with the Norms. For no matter what job they acquire, it all came down to money. If you cannot work and earn money, then you are a waste. Inspired by more talks with drinks in hand sharing gossip and entertained with sexual innuendos. The small talk did lead to how demon males have an advantage of reading the thought of anybody they have an interest towards. For businesses that can work out for someone financially in the long and short term when dealing with takeovers or just investing.

Both sexes are taught the same way throughout their education mostly except for those who excel in a certain matter or field. Then those children are brought to a different teacher to explore their abilities further. The demon culture is to exceed. To have all placed in the same location of education or job was useless. For no one can learn or be taught the same way. They thought it was funny as I told the stories of how the norms for where I lived wanted to make sure all were treated the same. The mentally ill to the highly educated. Equality meant death to a demon.

The demon woman who was the lead in the play did not understand how you could place all children in the same category and expect the same results from the children. I agreed with her, saying the norms mentality where I live just think it is the rights of the leaders to control the way of life of the many so all can feel good about themselves. But this was just my point of view of education.