

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 89

My father a strict man, who had served in the Korean war was not a man to make angry. The belt was used plenty of time on my brother and me but we both knew later in his years he only wanted us to stand on our own two feet. He was always trying to create something and for that, I always wanted to live up to his expectations. Even though I do not know if he knew it, I was glad that he was my dad. He died in an accident at work before I could tell him. He worked in refrigeration for a large military supply company. While trying to fix a condenser on top of the three-story building a huge gust of wide along with sleet caught hold of a tarp that wrapped around him taking him over the edge. Since construction was being done on the roof a three-foot wood structure was placed on the edge of the building but with his weight and the poorly constructed fence did not hold as he feel hitting the parking lot headfirst as he was in his late sixties at the time. My mother died ten years later with cancer. She was the sweetest person that I had ever known. She was one of the first my parents to sit and watch me play and practice for every sport I played. She was my number one fan and still miss her to this day. My brother who was five years older took me in for two years so that I could finish school. I left after I graduated, he moved across the country, and we sent the occasional email or text back and forth that is about it. Married for the second or third time I forget. He has some kids here and there. I decided to join the military did my time enjoyed the hell out of it. I have lived in over eight countries finding a girl for a night or two here and there when I was abroad for the military. I made great friends from the Americas and other lands.

So, for me to know the real sense of what makes a family well that was something I guess I would have to figure out.

A few days had passed after being shown the rest of the castle inside the volcano's edge with Daria. Catherine was called to the Elders table for briefings. Her job in the MC family that she was a part of until the Ceremony was taking notes as the Elders scriber. The abundance of volcanic soil developed a food source second to none. The fruits and vegetables grew fatty and plentiful. Some of the things that grew here you could find no place else since it came from the homeland of Atlantis itself. The technology was startling, from the water system to water the plants to the piping used to supply the heated pools. The underground rivers system was providing the hot spring pools that laid threw out the underground castle.

I was asking during my tour how this place has not been found by the outside? Andre the tour guide explained or tried to in the simplest form. The windows that you see point to those above us in one of the Greenhouse. Carved within the volcano itself; they are non-reflective, so the sun does not give that spot flare when they are hit by the sun or any light. Instead, the windows absorb the sun rays to supply electrical power throughout the system of the residents. We have unique windmills that we placed throughout the land providing power to the residents here and local surrounding towns. Of course, the underground waters supply is self-evident, keeping us supplied with water and heat.

Andre kept saying "Residents".