

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 65

I must have turned an unusual color for they just smiled. Victoria walked forward "we are just closing the door so that we are not interrupted by anyone for the big event. Sometimes the old fashion way of locking will suffice my Lord." Turning around she let her hair set free showing long black hair that reached to the top of her behind shaking it out as it shined like a black panther.

Both walked towards me as their simple light brown gowns draped from their bodies now lying upon the floor. Both reached out gingerly around an arm of mine turning me around leading me to the bath that was hot as the steam that rose from a couple of inches above it. They walked me into the bath still holding my arms. Together we looked as if it was a photoshoot that was going on except for no camera crew.

The water started to turn from clear to a white bubbly hot tub. I noticed that the area of effect only happened around the three of us. Allie was rubbing soap in her hands could see what I was looking at "The water is treated with a chemical that is created here from the volcano ash and with a little science added we are able to bring the temperature of the water to the individual. This procedure makes it more energy-efficient and sets the temperature for the individual. Since some of us like it hotter than others. This process makes it more enjoyable for the individual. Victoria grabbed the towels, placing them next edge of the pool onto the stone tablet with a base of a naked woman holding a tray as she slid herself behind me. The sound of the unlocking of the two doors opened with this petite woman with her blonde hair, short black dress that hugged every curve, incredible long tone legs crossed the floor. I recognized her at once for it was my Rose. She did this walk as sexy as any woman could have done as her steps landed like a runway model but with more flair making her hips move seductively. Reaching me she kneeled exposing herself to me, hair covering half her face pressed her lips to mine. I will see you tonight, Master, My Love. Turning away without waiting for a response she had left the room as quickly and provocatively as she walked in.

Allie walked over to the door, locked the inside lock to make sure no other would come in with a loud hum taking over the room as it dissipated within a short amount of time. Allie turned her sweet little hard body around glistening from the water that covered her from head to toe walked back as her breast slightly moved from her walk with every step. Not knowing if this was intentional but If I was not aroused fully after Daria was now after watching Allie walk back to the pool. Plus, it might have also been some help from Victoria with her hand sliding down between my legs softly messaging my erection.

Allie and Victoria personally cleaned every part of my body. I do not think I have ever had a scrub down like that in my life. What am I kidding, I never had two women in a bathtub, hot tub, or pool setting in my life. Unless you count the time, I was a little kid sprayed by a skunk. I could feel the rawness of my skin burn from the continuous scrubbing of what they called cleansing. During this, I was given a drink concoction of fruits, vegetables, protein and by what I could only think of was some laxative to complete the cleansing.

I have over 100 more chapters so bear with me. Trying to correct and make a better story as I change a few things as I go on.

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