

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

chapter 53

Vixen: As Wattie explained we do not suck blood. Except for the Ceremony!

She viewed me as she sat there in front of me with her elbows leaning against her knees. Her new form was showing her breast as she leaned forward with caring eyes. Blood is our food source but with our technology we produced a synthetic blood source over a hundred years ago. But to join the blood family you do have to be bitten in an embrace with our kind.

Des: May I mother?

Vixen nodded to Des with a sympathetic smile gestured to me.

Des kneeled next to me with the drink in hand started to explain.

Des: This means A Vampire can only take the willing into their arms, as they immerse in a sexual encounter the fluids of both the Vampire and the person are intermingled to transform the person into a Vampire. This means in basic words you fuck and at the climax the vampire does the bite on the neck and bam your process of turning into a vampire will begin.

Des had a big smile on her face to proudly explain the process in the simplest form that anyone could understand it. As everyone else in the room looked at Des with the same expression, what the fuck Des.

Vixon: Nice Des; a way to put it into simplest terms. Shaking her head with eyes closed.

As Vixon shook her head in the way a mother does to her child when they have done something wrong and funny at the same time.

Vixen stood up in front of me with her new body, I admired or still astonished at the beauty and the age that made her look much younger. She transformed herself into even though knowing the true Vixon was there. The I knew was standing in front of me. I stood up not knowing what I was supposed to do. Freak out, will to their power, freaky out, I just didn't know. Feeling her eyes on me but in a loving way she raised her arms outstretch them over my shoulders pulled me in. The warmth of her body felt good, the hart beat pressing up against my chest easily felt through the thin layer of clothing on her. I closed my eyes smelling her fragrance empower over me.

"What happens next?" I said in my daze.

Well, it all depends on you. Her arms still holding me tightly to her as my arms reached around her feeling the comfort within her arms.

She pulled away at an arm's length. "You have been feeling yourself getting stronger as the week has progressed?"

I nodded!

"You have felt that your stamina and thinking abilities have raised have you not?"