

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 49

I do not know what was odder, like this day had not become stranger by the minute, the strength of the old man pushing me out or the darkness. With just the glimmer of spotted light in certain areas. Then a blur of vision collapsed over me when I focused back my vision showed a castle type cathedral hall would be the only way I could describe it. The contacts must have adapted in the pitch-black darkness, like at the mammoth caves in Kentucky. Complete darkness that you cannot even see your hand in front of your face, into a sunny bright day at the park.

The skin on my arm and now the right side of my upper chest started to pain like a burning sensation. I held it in, falling to one knee as the pain rushed through me as if needles attacked every inch of me then gone as quickly as it arrived. What the fuck! ran through my mind. Was it a change of location or atmosphere that hit me? Taking my left hand and messaging the pain that had disappeared as quickly as arrived. Unfamiliar faces all around me with new names and families I had never seen. What looked to be little people flying around? I had to be imagining this for this must have been an after effect of the contacts or something.

The castle hall was not as grand in history for it was history carved into the volcano. I walked around dismayed at what I saw, and it was elegant but gothic at the same time. A woman of 30 or so walked up to me held out her hand.

"Please to meet you finally Tagem." Des said to me. I looked at her then it hit me, Des one of Vixon's daughters in the family. She smiled at me with sexy eyes that put me at easy not to mention the short tight black shorts with a tank top to match that seemed practically see through. Vixon is waiting for you up in her room.

"She asked me to bring you to her." Des said in a kind voice. I could not help looking her up and down for I had some talks with her in the game. We had spent time together at times but no connection between the two of us except for skating nude in a disco club we both enjoyed. She looked like her photos but had to say those pictures did her no justice.

Since this is your first time here, it can be confusing and bewildering. She smiled gingerly "I know this is a lot to take in so just bear with me, ok Tagem?" Des voiced out over the crowd of people that seemed to be moving in the hall. Not moving, as I started to realize that I was more of a market type set up. People and other things moving around talking, battering, or just drinking something that steamed out of a cup while sitting in what looked to be like a café setup.

If you ask me, they make it difficult to get around, so people do get lost for a sick joke." Des said as she placed her hand in mine tightened the grip which was strong for such a petite woman bringing me closer to her and started leading me through the people. She turned to where her back was in front of me. Let go of my hand to grab my waist by pressing me against her backside. She Pm'd me after I accepted her invite.

PM: Too many people here do not want to lose you. Big sale week when the Ceremony approaches.