

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 121

I Asked Daria in PM mode since I could not here myself talk Tagem: What is going on?

Daria: I have no clue.

Asking the same question to Catherine but she had no idea either.

Samantha was nervous, trying not to look it, of course, as her finger tapping always gives her away. I had noticed from the plane to visit with her mother that the thumb would start to touch every finger on her hand. I did not know if this was a tell but I noticed it the same when she became nervous.

The Elders, most if not all the top leaders of the nine families were in this now crowded room. The heads of the nine families sat at the table with the rest of the audience standing.

Bancroft, one of the Elders, stood up and spoke as loud as he could without looking undistinguished. We all know that the NewBlood family has just arrived from the demon clan meeting alive that is. As he smiled with laughter, that ran through the room. It has been arranged by the NewBlood family for the two cultures to unite as a coexisting fraction. Not a peace treaty as per say but of an arrangement for the two cultures to coexist and profit from one another.

The applause rose high within the room for a few minutes. With the noise settling down, Bancroft announced that starting tomorrow the Blood Family will start the negotiations with the demon fraction to combine our talents in a peaceful and profitable way.

I would also like to give Master Tagem of the NewBlood family and his family our thanks for this could have never been if not for their bravery and commitment to one another. For as we all know, we who are committed to the Blood are important. Our past has proven a commitment to our families is the utmost quality we should hold dearly within all of us.

"Please" his outstretched hands in my direction. I stood from the applause, "Thank you everyone, for the turn of events we happened to have established last night will indeed bring us wealth. Not just in money value but in personal value as well. For I promised to the High Priestess fairness and understanding will go both ways. They are a part of my family and protected as one hand motioned towards Samantha. I will be in personal contact with the demon culture as Elder Bancroft said to make sure all dealings are equal on both parts. These are not savages who have an idea that we can steal or use to destroy them once done with them. They will be as much a part of our culture as we will be of theirs.

Some here think demons are of a lesser class than us. Those of us who believe that would be wrong in so many ways. We have been given an opportunity to not just change our way of life but the life of the world. There will be doubts, but if you will help shape what is to happen in our future and see what I see is to come then we will fly higher than any bird in the sky.