

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 113

"You remind me of someone in the past in former Yugoslavia, but that can't be. But you do have a slight hint of his smell now that I can truly feel you." Releasing me moved she moved to her daughter, raise child, and give your mother a hug. Samantha rose towering over her mother. The High Priestess removed her vale kissed her daughter on the cheek, and the forehead. Whispered to Samantha so low that we could not hear.

With her daughter still in one of her arms she faced us glancing over my family from Daria to me to Catherine. Her beauty was astonishing, she looked like this silent film Asian actress with a certain glamor and poise that could melt a man's heart into submission.

"You will stay tonight so that I can catch up with my daughter and my daughter's new mate. I insist!"

Escorted to a room, a twenty-foot circumference of a dome room reached at least twenty-five feet to the top by what I could guess. Without really having a word to say no to the invitation we all knew to expect and go with whatever was going to happen. Daria and Catherine loved the idea. Since no vampire has ever reached this position within a demon clan for there, smiles gave them away. Daria and Catherine could not hide their glee at the circumstances that had happened. Taking Samantha by the hand once the door was closed. They started grilling her for information, the demon culture, family life, history, and anything that pop up in their minds at the time. Since I knew that vampires did not have that much information on Deamons that this was a gold mine of that information and especially Daria who loved that type of information.

Two guards stood outside for our protection or escape. Snacks and drinks wheeled in by male demons. The first one that we had seen since we exited the elevator. I could hear a mumbling from within my mind, damn I would love to fuck the Black girl. I had to take it in before I realized from where it was coming from watching the other male in the room looking at Catherine with his head facing down pouring my girls drinks.

I would love to grab that hot ass and take it to her from behind" I said in my mind seeing if he could hear me. Oh, that would be incredible, I wonder if vampire tastes like norms he thought back. Then he stood up straight looked over the room. Seeing only me sitting in a chair sipping a glass of beer.

He watched me for a few seconds and asked me if I needed anything. Realizing that he had no idea that it was me who did the "thought talked with him." I slightly smiled, closed my eyes slightly, shook my head no "I am fine thank you."

The thought ran through my head again as I watched him thinking of what he would do to my girls if he had a chance. I PM'd Daria and Catherine that the demon male has a lustful look towards the two of you.

Daria: Yes, he does seem to love my breast.

Catherine: he does like my ass.