

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs

Chapter 101

I placed my dish on the little table next to me and walked over to Samantha stuck out my hand. She hesitantly putting hers in mine I lifted her to her feet. The music played louder in the background with me placing my arms around Samantha. We started to dance as I led her to the open floor that was in turn in front of the fireplace.

Gazing into my eyes, not just feeling but seeing her start to enjoy the moment. The redness in her check began to appear as her posture seemed to soften.

"How?" "How are you alive?" Samantha asked as we danced. "What do you mean? Am I supposed to not be alive," I smiled after I said those words for, I knew exactly what she meant.

Before she spoke trying to tell me, I placed a finger over her lips. "No one knows why but I do have a theory of why your poison didn't take me." "I do have some questions to ask though would you mind?" "By the way you are safe here with me, with us. I just wanted you to know this for I will not let anything happen to you as long you are with me." "Do you understand? "As I displaced my finger from her lips.

"Now, what was the cause for you to choose me to be the donor to create your offspring? I asked while we danced. Clearing her throat, feeling her nerves starting to rise or scared of what she might say. "I love to be with women that take control," I knew she meant Catherine. "Something grew inside of me that I never felt. I was trying on the plane to get Catherine, but you were in the restroom instead. "We have this part of us that turns our bodies off when it comes to having birth. The only thing is we can usually have one child within our life span. You took me off guard; I have had hundreds of men in my time never feeling the rise inside me as you brought it out. I don't know if it was Catherine with us or just you." She paused, taking a deep breath. "You seemed to have wanted me to enjoy being controlled by a man that is what I knew you wanted. To please me before I wanted you," as she gazed into my eyes feeling her calmness as she continued talking.

"I knew at once that I wanted you to be the donor of my child. You overwhelmed me with your control of Catherine and me. I have never had a man control me; that is when I knew I had to have you and your seed. She took a deep breath, her eyes slowly lowering to the floor. I picked her chin up as I wrapped her up in my other arm holding her closer to me. "I am honored that you chose me, Sam."" I said in a loving way.

My hand raised to her back that was bare skin found what I was looking for and with one flick undid the top hook on the back of her dress. Placing my fingers on the zipper sliding it down to her bottom as her bare back was more exposed. Stepping ever so slight back letting the beautiful black dress fall to the ground, I picked her up enough for her feet to slide out of her dress that was now laid on the floor.

Her eyes opened wider not from surprise but of anticipation. Her cheeks glowed red as I moved her away in a spin with one hand to examine what she was wearing now.