

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


After talking about what it would be like in Costa Rica, meeting everyone in RL (real life) we fell back into our true roles. Within my family I am known as a Master in the realm of the game. I commanded her to follow me to the location of my choosing. Seeing her zone into my location undress and kneeling before me, as was the appropriate thing to do. I always have the rule as your Master in the realm, of course, when entering my personal Zaby (home) you are to undress kneel and wait for further instructions. Depending on my mood or actions that I might have heard from others or even action I think she needs corrections on I would happily correct the problem. Either by tanning her ass, teasing her body with my fingers or an outright cock in mouth skull fuck. Even though this was all online, words have a way of bringing oneself into this fantasy. The figures that you create are just a part of you, which to me is just another vessel of oneself. For it is a virtual world with others players make it as real in the mind. Well as real as the real life that you exist in can be except without the actual touch of the body.

After a few hours with Daria, I logged off to check my work mail and started setting up proposals and sending out letters of thank you to customers for the opportunity of work. Completing my work I gave my girl one last look of her photo she had sent me. It was the first personal photo she had sent me, and till this day is my favorite, I looked at the picture placing it back on my mirror and went to bed. Still having the feeling I was being watched came over me again as I got out of bed and looked out the windows of my room but nothing. With a single light with a yellow film on its lens, I could see nothing but the street light and the trees. I went back to bed trying to get back to my dream I had the night before of Costa Rica.

With a cathedral hall ceiling showing wars of past and a man proving oneself through the bodies that laid at the feet of the future leader. Pillars of white and gold reached three stories high placed in the positions of a sunstone clock. Silver gray floor covered the lower area of the sacred place. Placed in the middle of the room a black throne with red cushions on the seat and back shimmered of bright stars on a full moon cloudless night in the country sky. The effect of shimmer lights glimmered when looked upon as if the night sky was taken and persevered within the chair. There sat a woman of tall stature wearing a silver and gold crown fitted on top of her head. Wearing only a cape that lay across her breast, over her shoulders, to the lower part of her back where it rested. She was listening to a report by the Gatherer, in gray tight pants gray tight shirt showing her form in detail and a charcoal hood that spread down past her shoulders. Two other women in clothes displayed Black color dress with a red rose stitched in that stopped at the mid-thigh stood next to the Gatherer listing to what was brought forth by the report collected for the last six months.