

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


Does it really matter where we sit gentleman? We are all one big family, and besides, I have decided that the typical ceremony will be a little different this year. For It is not every day that an elder takes part in the proceeding.

They both looked at each other in disbelief, about to complain about this latest information. Talon spoke up. "Who is going to be in the Ceremony?"

Without hesitation she glided over to her chair. Well, I am, it will be a gift for my children

"So, this year we have a standing-room only ceremony." Nancy said.

We have only the altars in the center room for all to see the proceedings when it takes place. However, I would like to make this an unforgettable experience for all. Nancy smiled her wicked smile at the two men who just stood there standing in the middle of the room shaking their heads in disbelief. "Have you told your children of this decision" Bancroft asked with concern, "For you know your Children will most likely not agree with this." as he tried to calm himself down. Knowing this will cause an uproar within her Family. Since he knew that her children had been planning this occasion for months.

If this is what you would like, then so be it," said Talon. who was now taking his place on the couch. I could care less but just remember this when I decide to take another as my own. He smiled showing teeth for it will be a spectacular show indeed. He crossed his legs, started to tap on his pad that gave out the orders of the day for those involved in the prep work for the ceremony.

Bancroft was not pleased; he was all about following the rules that had been set in place for many years and showed his discouragement. Bancroft, you know that I mean no disrespect for the old ways, but we need to look to the future as well, do we not? Nancy asked. Placing himself on the opposite side of the couch. "The future does not always mean the best is yet to come for our history has proven this as you know. But I will not protest any longer for there all many, many changes and notifications that will need to be sent out because of this added information" as he could not hold distant on his face as he spoke.

"You are not giving us much time to prepare for this news. Since our guests are arriving today. We will have to postpone the event by a day if you wish to have a grand audience and go completely against our traditions." Still in disgust with the words leaving Bancroft's mouth. "Now darling I would expect nothing less from you. I know will take care of it." with her expression of glee to a stern look.