

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


Her hand finally rose from her waist to the back of her back slowly unhooked the back end of her bra waited a few seconds then let it drop to the floor. As her arms dropped, exposing her breasts for my pleasure and my pleasure alone I could see anger in her eyes. I knew right there that she was not here for me but Stacks, and I was the odd man out for so she thought.

I grinned at this notion that she had arrived in thinking she was going to be with Stacks.

"Stacks rise," I said with a stern tone.

She stood and waited for me to speak noticing that my attention was not on her but Samantha.

Stacks go to my bag and grab one of my belts."

She complied with no hesitation, as I stood up walked over to Samantha. Stacks presented the belt to me. I looked over at Stacks grabbed the brown belt looked at Samantha.

"Turn around." I spoke. With a slight hesitation, she does so with a heavy breath that escape from her with the rise of her breast is what tantalized me the most. Seeing them rise and fall from tension, fear, or annoyance. That I would not know. I loop the belt around her biceps' placing the metal piece in the hole to strap it down to secure her. Seeing her tremble slightly from my belt now secured around her arms. I can only imagine that she is getting angry or scared knowing that she is not going to be in control of what is going to happen next.

I undo the black belt around my waist slide it off, placed it around Samantha's neck. Securing the belt around her neck to her arms making her bend her back and neck backwards forcing her chin to face upwards. Her arms secure behind her back lifting her body at an angel that fully exposed her to whatever pleasure I planned to do to her.

Stacks look on as if there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. I knew I liked her for some reason other than the obvious, I thought.

A knock at the door, "are you expecting anyone this time?"

"No Sir, not this time." Stacks says in annoyance.

I ask Samantha "friends of yours "as I hold her chin with two fingers. "No" is all Samantha can say trying to hold her balance.

I walked over to the door, looked out at the peephole, the attendant again. I open the door, let in the young man. Bright eyed with the big smile as he was waiting to see Stack I am sure. Seeing the face of this young man as Stacks is holding the strap of the belt with Samantha at the other end, both naked looking at him as he walked in with the cart.