

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


The Gatherer keeping her cloak on as is custom until he or she offered to another looked from under the cloak at her Mother. It was an unexpected change of events mother. I do have to say and upsetting but after thinking about it, the Gatherer paused turned to look at the window.

"I see the reason behind it." Gatherer said.

"Honored that you above all in the family would take an interest in him and bring us a new family member. The strange part of this is why do you want this for me and Vixen? This newcomer is just a man that we are fond of is all. Having him join the family would be wonderful but he as of right now is just a man. "Why do you want the ritual with him Mother?" Gatherer asked turning around looking straight into Nancy's eyes.

"I know!" Nancy said smiling passionately to her daughter as she walked to her. "You never meet my husband did you? No, we both know you did not." Nancy turned around walked to a small table with a pitcher of water and poured herself and her daughter a glass.

"Please sit."

"I know I have not talked about him in any extent with you. He was my life, my being of who I am today. He was always charming knew what to say but most of all he was a leader. He held our family together at a time when we would not be her today if it were for not him. He not just saved me but the Derivation itself. His sacrifice kept all the families safe." Nancy fell into her little world of remembrance picturing her lover's face in her hands feeling his love to this day.


Bringing back Nancy from a moment in time that she sees every night before she sleeps or when alone, she has never been with another man since the passing of her late husband.

"Yes, sorry little one I had a moment there.

Your Tagem reminds me of my lost love your father, and if anything, I wish to give my daughters the best, so this is my reason for the ritual with this Tagem. I can see by what you have written that he is a unique individual, seems to know the leadership role and above all else seems to be in love with Daria."

The Gatherer stiffened with this either said aloud or for the fact that Nancy had even known of this.

"I do not put words or feeling of those for who I am not Mother. I do partially agree that this Tagem has feelings for Daria, and she does seem to have the same for him, but again that is on that game system Utherverse. Who knows when they meet for real if that will be the case." The Gatherer explained with her head down.

hoping the story flows well!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Again first time, so would appretiate comments to make this story come to life. Thank you!

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