

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasie
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127 Chs


Nodding for her to go, she turned walking away towards our terminal she stopped after ten steps. Slowly bent over reaching for her shoe. Looking at me once she touched her shoe, showing off her bottom as the skirt rose more leg being exposed and noticing the onlookers admiring her form put a big smile on my face.

We reached the terminal that happened to be that last terminal in the C-section of the terminal," what else was new?" I thought.

We found two seats next to two hippie looking individuals. The man in his sixties with the gray ponytail and gray metal framed glasses. The other a woman who had more man features then the man she was sitting with, reading the Globe as her short gray hair that showed off her facial features in a not so pleasing way I thought. As Stacks kneeled down on one knee to put her bag down next to us, her skirt raised higher than I think even she expected. The old hippie noticed in a heartbeat; I handed her some money "Stacks black coffee with a shot of espresso and a paper that is not the globe if you would and whatever you want." I said with out trying to look at her.

She waved off the money I was handing her," the family pays for this Sir Tagem" she said standing up walked away for ten minutes or so. She returned, "Hear you go, Master Tagem I hope this paper will do," she said. Handing me the news paper called the Herald. I looked up grabbed the newspaper nodded in satisfaction. She leaned over as she handed me the coffee and the paper revealing her cleavage for my pleasure is what I assumed then she quickly whip her eyes to the hippie couple who happen to be looking as well. Giving them a look that made them turn more pale white than they were in the first place, their eyes looked in another direction in disgrace.

The announcement of our flight spilled out over the speaker and the couple gladly rushed up from their seats to get in line for the plane. I slightly grinned as they moved quickly away out of view from us. I stood up put the paper in my black two strap backpack, turned around to have Stacks waiting for me with coffee in hand. Seeing her curly hair bounce with as her head tilted with a genuine smile for the first time. Pleasing me before I asked beamed across her face.

Something about her demeanor had changed since we had first met in a short time we have been together. From being my escort to something, more personal and it suited her well and I appreciated her effort since we had to portray our role in this adventure.

The Elder called for Vixen, Gatherer, and the two other top family Elders to her quarters. In the Derivation, three Elders who have final say when a dispute between the seven families arises and needs one last say before any genuine verdict is brought forth.