What happens when a man who has very little to no knowledge about anime, manga and anything like that gets reincarnated as Enrico Pucci in Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`` = quotation marks
Jack, was many things, but he was not religious. He didn't really care about them mainly because he wasn't interested in them. He never thought about things such as reincarnation because he felt that it was for people that were afraid of dying. Or because they wanted to continue on after death. So when he found himself in a completely new environment, being held by some sort of giant, he was rightly freaked out.
It took him a while to realise where he was as there wasn't much indication as to when or where he was reincarnated to. He still felt a bit iffy on the whole thing but decided to follow along with whatever had happened to him, he was sure that he died in a plane crash since he could quite vividly remember the pain that he felt when he had been pierced by shards of metal and even the thoughts about not being able to listen to his coworker ramble about Stone Ocean and the other `parts`.
In fact, he remembers a lot of things that he originally thought he'd forgotten. His entire previous life was up for his view, right down to the sensations he felt at those times, Jack didn't know why he gained such an ability but didn't really question it since even if he did what could he truly do about it?
Growing up in a roman catholic household wasn't difficult for Jack, he didn't know too much about those that followed Christianity so he saw this as a learning experience. It did however take a while to get used to his new name, that being Enrico Pucci.
Jack knew that he'd heard the name from somewhere, looking through his memories Jack found that he'd heard it from a coworker when sed coworker was talking about a manga he was getting into called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Jack didn't know much about the series but from what his coworker said about it Jack had a somewhat decent understanding of it.
As Jack got used to his new life and body, he returned to doing the same thing that he did in his old life, disabling, reassembling and restructuring whatever he could get his hands on, he found the activity peaceful and relaxing; whenever he was finished with whatever he was working on he would always come back to it, often to try and improve it. With irregular success.
He tried to teach his little sister, Perla, the rules of chess and how to play. He never had a sibling before and playing against his parents was getting repetitive and old, it didn't help that one of his previous habits was beginning to stir.
Jack used to watch the people pass by him whenever he sat at a park bench and theorise about what would happen to them or what they would do in the next few seconds, hell not even his coworkers were safe from his analysing.
This habit of his didn't bear any fruit unless he was observing that person for a really long time and unfortunately for his parents, 9 years was more than enough time to understand their thoughts and patterns. He didn't do this maliciously but simply because he had nothing better to do.
As Jack reached 10 he began to notice his disfigured left foot more and more, while he could still walk it was not something he was too fond of.
During the day Jack worked in a Charnel, a place where the dead remains of humans are stored. He was surprised by how quickly he was on his way to priesthood. He thought that it was because of a lack of priests or that he outshined any other candidates, something that he found strange as compared to others that he met he was quite strange. Perhaps it was that strangeness and lack of any motivation for anything else apart from his job, that made him stand out.
He also felt that there were other factors at play than what he originally thought when it came to selecting priests, so he followed along interested in where this path would take him.
As a 14-year-old Jack was tidying up one day, he stumbled on someone's foot, falling over and hitting a candle holder, Jack had dropped the books he was carrying, quickly, he got up to stop the candles from falling off, and surprisingly, none of the candles went out.
Calling out to the man lying under the large table, Jack saw his feet quickly disappear under the table. Looking under, Jack found no one there, he was quite confused as he should have been able to see the man's feet or the direction he went but yet no one was there.
"Is this your book? I find it quite strange that a biography about a clergyman who commits adultery and runs off to become an artist, would be here...do all churchgoers read books like this?" The man said with a hint of curiosity and slight boredom in his voice.
Jack was shocked, how did the man get behind him so fast, looking back he saw the man holding the book seemly reading it.
Quickly calming himself, Jack responded to the man.
"No, it's my own personal book, but since I answered your question I would like you to answer one of my own. You see this Charnel is closed to the public on every day except Sunday, so what I would like to know...Is why in the Lord's name would someone break into a Charnel? Surely you can do that for me?"
Jack was rightly suspicious of the man, he doubted that he would be a thief since if he was then he was doing a really bad job of breaking in. He was however shocked as to how the man had reacted to being found out. And he wasn't even expecting what the man was going to say next.
"You see, I'm allergic to sunlight. The Sun will set at 6:19 today if I'm not mistaken...I can't go home until then so I'm resting here" The man said taking a step into the open.
Jack could now get a good look at the man, he had blonde hair and golden eyes. He wore a black top that wrapped around his waist exposing his upper and lower back and arms. Sleeves that stretched from his wrists to his elbow.s And Yellow trousers with two green belts wrapped around it.
The most interesting thing about the man was what Jack thought to be either a star-shaped birthmark or tattoo on his left shoulder. One of these answers was definitely more interesting than the other.
Jack thought about what the man said for a bit before responding.
"I see...Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Not particularly." The blonde responded.
"I see...that's unfortunate...I won't tell the father about this until 6:19, so please leave when the sun goes down." Jack said. While he wasn't too sure about what the man said, he was willing to give the benefit of the doubt, after all, it wasn't like he was going to leave the man unattended. And after all, who in their right mind would lie about something like that.
"Hn, you're an interesting one aren't you" The man mused.
"Why do you say that?" Jack questioned the man.
"You're not throwing me out? I might be a thief that's trying to steal the art pieces here, or maybe something even worse...or are you just saying that I can stay, but planning to rat me out anyway?" The man questioned.
"...Is that what you want me to do? I don't think a real thief would lie about that they're allergic to sunlight. Even the devil wouldn't say something like that. It must be true and that's why you're here. So I'm not going to tell anyone." While Jack didn't really believe in the devil or God but he still had to keep up appearances.
The man stared at Jack for a bit before quickly getting close to Jacks' left foot.
"Wait for a second...did you hurt your ankle? Because of me? Are you alright?" The man asked sounding slightly worried.
"Huh? No, It's not because of that, please don't worry about it...I was born this way. They told me that I was born with twisted toes on my left foot...It doesn't really hinder my ability to walk." Jack felt a bit uncomfortable when the man approached him. He was also weirded out by the way the man talked. This entire encounter was quite bizarre.
The man seemed to glare at Jack for a bit, before standing up and getting face to face with him.
"Do you believe in `gravity`? That there might be a reason why you tripped over me, of all people?" The blonde questioned Jack before taking out an arrowhead with a very strange beetle design on it.
"W-what are you talking about..." Jack said surprised by the sudden movement and before he could finish his sentence the arrowhead started to spin, Jack was shocked, the man didn't even touch it so how did why did it start spinning?
"Thank you for believing me when I said that I'm allergic to sunlight, I want to give this `stone arrow` to you, as a gift. If you don't need it, that's fine but..." The man stopped talking as the arrowhead head pointed at Jack, completely on its own.
"Are not all meetings a form of `gravity`? I don't know what you garnered from meeting me, but...I've been travelling around the world, in search of `encounters`, If you ever feel like seeing me again, relay those feelings to this `arrow`...I don't care how many years might have passed since now. Do you understand? Just keep that in mind." The man finished as he handed the arrow to Jack, as he reluctantly took it.
He thought that that man was going to use it to hurt him, not give him some sort of philosophical speech.
"I may not have met you for long but in this short conversation I've had with you, you have been the most interesting person I've met par from one. I sense something within you, hidden beneath layers and layers of protection, your hiding something, the true you, I hope that this `arrow` finds you well."
"I thank you for listening to me and don't worry, I'll leave when the sun sets." The man said as he disappeared into the shadows.
Jack was about to follow the man but realised that he had a few new feelings in his foot. Looking down Jack was surprised by what he saw. His shoe was no longer on his foot, and all of his toes were healed, none of them was twisted anymore.
"Th-this! My foot! My toes! Th-they're straight!" Jack was by all accounts shocked by what he saw, he didn't even feel them being repaired or anything of the sort, not even the doctors said that they could be fixed, which given that they were in the 80s, they were right.
'What on Earth?! Did that man just do this? What was he?!' Jack was confused, how did that man fix his foot? Was he one of those `stand user's` he'd heard about?
"Wait! Who are you?! W-what are you?!" he yelled.
Not getting a response Jack reluctantly collected all his books and went up the staircase to his right. When he got upstairs he set aside the books and looked at the arrow he was given. His face shifted from a confused expression to one of crazed, sadistic joy.
" `Gravity` ey? Hehe, is that what some call fate in this world? How intriguing~." Jack said as he put the arrowhead up to his face as he observed it closer. "Did the man give it to me because of `gravity` or because he honestly wanted to?"
As the day came to a close, Jack left the Charnel, he didn't tell the father about the man he met nor the arrow he was given. He didn't even tell his family about the encounter or his fixed foot and for the next few days, Jack would try his hardest to learn more about the arrow in his possession.
When Jack became fifteen he declared that he wanted to go to a seminary, no one in his family protested as they knew that's what he wanted to do since he was little. They were even hopeful that he would become a pope, just like an ancestor of theirs did.
When that Sunday came and Jack had finished at the Charnel, he went to a flower shop, the same flower shop that he always visited on a Sunday.
"Evening Enrico, came for the usual?" The shopkeeper asked him.
Jack nodded and went to get a bouquet of pink amaryllis. As Jack approached the front desk the shopkeeper said to him that he could take the flowers for free this time, Jack was shocked at the man's kindness and asked if he was sure; the man said he was and let Jack go on his way.
Soon after he arrived at a cemetery and placed the flowers on a grave with the name `Domenico Pucci` on it. This was `his` twin brothers grave, the same twin that `died` on the day that he was born.
Even though he visited the grave every Sunday, Jack never actually believed that his brother had died. After all, when you see the person who took your very much so alive brother and then replaced your brother with a dead baby, wouldn't you also not believe it?
Just so you're all aware i was just adding and changing a few things, since I realised that my visions of the character couldn't realistically be made as it was before with a massive shit