The Seven kingdoms were not ready for the speed of our war. They had been fighting for 1,000s of years using siege warfare and had not fought a modern war, the Wastelands famous for their heavy knights were shot down with rifles or chopped down by Dust-Infused and enchanted weapons.
We had taken control over massive parts of the seven Kingdoms all the River lands had been taken over, their little fighting occurred as we used blitzed tactics to take castles with little force.
The Westerlands we have taken at though it's lands were more difficult to handled as it was more mountains and had 100s of small fort and castles were mostly evacuated and it's heirlooms moved then burned to allow further expansion.
The attack on Lannister Port was brutal, Tywin forced civilian and soldiers to fight to the last man and refuse to surrender. Thankfully with the hep of magic and some tech we kept civilian deaths down, but it will probably remember in a dark light.
In The Reach the fighting was mostly handled by the Dornish, they while not having as modern weapons we did still had Airships and guns took land quite fast but still had quite a bit of land based fighting.
We do not really touch The Stormlands and The Crownlands as they had fully turned into a three sided civil war, we were really waiting for Dany to arrive and attack so we could handle them both quickly.
As for the Stormlands we will support either of the two brothers it just depends who last longer, I am personally rooting for Stannis as he has not joined with the red witch yet.
But we expect the war to be finished soon, and after about 20-30 years of peace we will began expanding over seas to Essos where we will have Bravoss willingly join us as we have had great success inflating their government.
Then if the Dornish has not conquered The Step-stones by then we will take over them then began taking over the trade cities of Essos.
As for my participation in the war I decided to leave it to the younger generation to gain glory, So I stayed back and looked into more research to help the war effort.
As our tech level was that of the 1940-50s with a weird mix of things mixing which happens to be a lot of creature comforts but they will appear after the war.
I looked into different types of computation machines, like smaller electronics. As we did have radios and basic land line phones. Thus we develop the first real computer that had a weird mix of magic and dust tech to increase its speed.
We still did work on mechanical computers as the main work horses behind our industry, my reasoning behind this is it would be a lot harder to "hack" into our infrastructure when more and more people learn how to use computers.
The mechanical computers our goal was to make them more robust and more simple to use as we wanted to use them more and more in our fight like developing small enough ones to be used in calculating arcs for artillery.
As for my wives they were also doing their part in the war effort.
Lily worked on developing automated trains that will lay rails further south, she has made great success in this and the first one had begun laying track to Lanister port via Riverrun.
The Research Institute has begun looking into different avenues of research with that as more automated thing like harvesting crops or laying roads. While they wanted to use them in manufacturing I allowed the Research to be used in more dangerous forms like ammunition or explosives.
But I worked a law in the government that a business must have at least 75% non automated worked as a way to keep people employed, this of course exclude jobs and activities that reached a certain level of danger like mining where we encourage more automation but did the opposite in other places.
Lydia and Bellatrix had decided that they wanted a more active role in the war. They both lead different battle fleets Bella lead the fight in the Westerlands while Lydia lead the fleet in The Reach. With them is Rose and Nym as they both needed hands on experience leading people as both of them are in the running of inheriting the head clan seat.
Narsscia, has been traveling all over the occupied territories getting peace deals and smoothing over issues with the Rule of Reward. She had to help smoothing over the change of leader ship or help setting concrete borders.
Andromeda, worked on furthering medical research as we moved into different locations we had to deal with new diseases mostly small things.
We did hear rumors in the East as Daenerys Targaryen as birthed the news species of "dragons" really the my were Wyverns as the dragons of The Hp-Verse are at least double their size.
And we are not really worried about them as we have been finding more species of dragons in Sothros and with our AA guns we will have to problems fighting them.
But she has begun her anti slavery crusades and has made her way to Qohor.
We have not approached her yet but we may "talk" her into staying in Essos and we can begin to integrate them into the Federation easier or we let her little empire collapse and we clean up the mess.