
To Dorne

10 years till Canon.

Besides the whole family going on the trip, Oberyn his "wife" and kids only 2 as far as I know have joined us on our families private leisure ship heading south.

The trip would have us stop at that older areas of Westeros that have historical significance. We will stop at Winterfell, Moat Cailin, Harrenhal, Kings Landing, Yronwood, and finally Sunspear.


At Winterfell, we stayed a couple of days. Most of it I was in meetings with Ned about the colonies and magical laws that we would be implementing. Arya was also born the previous year. Jon and Robb are now 14 and are still very close, Jon had not stopped learning his magic and has become a very good swordsmen and enchanter. While he is so young he does little sill enchantments he has made small toys for his younger siblings. I also told Ned that once we get back front the trip I wanted to take Jon as an apprentice. Robb has take to his lessons well from the court wizard here named Arnfinn has taught him well. Arn has been teaching all lord Starks kids as much as possible from math to natural sciences. Sansa Stark who is 5 will hopefully not become her canon counter, as their are little to no worships of the seven and from what I can tell only Catelyn is the only worshiper here in Winterfell.

After spending some time with at Winterfell we moved south. On the trip Nym and Rose (10) both started a quick friendship with the Sand Snakes. Nym and Rose of course where still doing their lessons and had Oberyns girls join them. His girls are very smart and with just a couple of lessons they have started to catch up in term of just general knowledge. I have even considered jump starting their cores just because they would make amazing witches, their bloodline abilities alone would be amazing poison manipulation and each of the girls could have it manifest different ways; one could be completely immune to ALL poisons, could manipulate them like a water bender, and the last would be able to know how to cure them on sight. I have not brought it up to Oberyn yet as these girls will be the first magic users outside of the North.

Ned is also sending us off with a mission to get New Gift and Westwatch-by-the-Bridge back from the nights watch, as they are not using it or guarding well. So hopefully we can make a deal to buy it all for around 1 to 2 million gold which at this point will be easy or maybe we can give him a hot air balloon to sweeten the deal.


Next was Moat Cailin, it is very different that her canon counterpart. It is a massive fortress built of Jet Black Basalt shipped down from The Lonely Hills, it was warded to hell and back to be impossible to take. For defense implementations we have implemented magic canons through out the castles. Ned had it rebuilt to the specifications of the castle just this time modernized and with magical improvements for quality of life and anti siege.

For anti siege, it has a two story ward stone with a Wierwood tree at each cardinal direction funneling magic into the wards. The wards themselves are on the scale of Winterfell, it is connected to the ward network that is all along the roads here in the North letting it see all movements here in the North, it basically acts like a spy satellite network.

Moat Cailin also acts as the military command and training center here in the North. This is where our officer training takes place, along with any military training outside of personal forces of the Lords here in the North.

For the command center here it is mostly logistical and when we do go to war old lords like Lord Glover will go her and help mange do macro scale movements. They have the magical mirrors to act as phones till we have a greater need or someone makes them first. For now it is manned by a mix of my summons and veterans teaching the men how to deal with more modern logistical issues.


Harrenhal is the first true Ruin we visited along the trip, it is also the first haunted location we visited. Harrenhal is supposed to be manned by house Whent but when we arrived to the castle it had only 100 men to guard the Largest castle in the seven kingdoms. To say they were surprised by us is an understatement, when they were questioned about where the lords went the Whents had all but abandoned the castle and had moved to a smaller one near here.

So we had free rain here after convinced I.E bribed the guards to ignore where we went. The castle it self was once a very beautiful place but now and you can tell parts have been rebuilt using different stone.

But most of the castle is still half melted from Aegon the Conqueror and gives the places a look out of a painting. And place is definitely haunted and cursed, from what we can tell their are two different effects on the castle. One is a passive thing to curse the bloodline of Halleck Hoare who used 1,000s of slave labors that where killed in its construction thus with their unwilling deaths they cursed the inhabitants to a slow death. The other is one most likely put by Harren the Black on his death with the ambient magic surge from the dragons and large massacre making ambit magic passive poison those who live in the castle. This made us sleep on the Airship for the time we spent in the catsle. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Next was Kings landing which I was not looking forward to. This is a place I had hoped to never set foot in expect to burn it down, in the pervious places the kids had rereign to explore and look around this place. But here we had very strict rules that one parent must be with them at all times with at least one wizard guard in addition this went for Oberyn's kids. All of us also had to wear a locator beacon and portkey so we knew where they were at all times, just in case any of the seven or the queen get any ideas.

The plan is to stay here for long enough to make the deal and leave as this place felt worse than Harrenhal. But know the king I will have to deal with his bullshit.


Thank the gods for magic because I would have had to tell Ned to bad and fucked off if not for air freshing charms, as the capital is a disease ridden place that has a constant state of stick.

We were welcomed by the golden cloaks and Lannister men not Baratheon which told you enough of who runs the city.

We were escorted through the city from the docks to the Red Keep, the city it self was packed and in maintained by any seldom of planning it was just pure sprawl from the center out. The main road from the dock cut through the more populated areas and we made sure to keep the kids close.

The Red Keep was beautiful in a brutal way, in like Winterfell it felt natural to the place with the stone melding into ground and it was built using Northen design styles.

The keep was the exact opposite of that, it was made of imported stone from Dorne that gave the keep its name sake. While it felt out of place from the rest of the Westeros as it was made using a Valyrian style like dragon stone which sharp angles and gave a sense of foreboding to it.

Once we reached the keep we were escorted to the main hall with the throne where Robert the fat sat on the throne obviously drunk off what look like our drinks we made.

Robert-"Welcome to Kingslanding Lord and Ladies Maelstrom, stay here for a long as you need."

Slurring most of his words, while the queen glared at us from beside him with what look like a 5 year old Joffrey that from what I could get from his mind at a quick glance was already Psychopath.

"Thank you your grace, we bring gifts as well. First you a cask of all our drinks we produce and for the queen we bring our finest makeup and soaps. We also bring a letter from Lord Stark about a business proposal.

First, the North would like to announce that the wall has started to melt at a rate of 10 feet a year and in 20-40 years the wall be gone. So to prepare for this we have begun to build a city over the ruins of Hardhome in hope of either integrating the Wildings or push them farther north.

Second, we to facilitate this expansion we would like to take New Gift back and Westwatch-by-the-Bridge from the watch to help the construction of more towns beyond the wall.

The North is obviously will to pay for these land to the crown and to the watch. We will pay the crown 1 million gold dragons and Hot air balloon that the crown can use as it pleases."

This was met with a variety of reactions;

Jon Arryn was conflicted as this was enough money to pay off the money lenders in Essos but he did not want to upset the balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms. Then they would have to pay off the Lannister.

Peter Bailish, was just liking the idea of taking some money off the top not that I cared as we will get our stuff we were never coming this far south again.

The rest of the small council did not care all that much about us getting the land as they still had this idea of the North being a land of savages which I was not going to correct.

Jon Arryn-"We will speak of this in the small council chamber in the coming days. And think it over for the night."

We were then escorting to our rooms where we check EVERYTHING for traps and poisons. After resting for a little while we were escorted to the celebration hall where a feast had been set up.

The we check our food for potions even the kids with our wedding rings which I had enchanted to check for potions and poisons. We found none thankfully but the food itself was not that good as it was very rich and fatty.

Robert did force me to sing and tell a story as when we had met during the war Ned had told him of my new songs.

For the songs I chose [Hall of the Mountain King] as with magic I made illusion that made an animation of theater followed a thief making their way through a grand hall having to avoid a giant after stealing something. I got a good reaction out of my kids who have had access to cartoons thus really liked any animations.

Then I was able to get the girl to join in on a couple, Lydia did a song from dragon age [Fall of the Magister], The Black sisters did a rendition of [Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond], Lily did [Over the Hills and Far Away] which is a old English song.

I did illusions to go along with all of the songs to help give the audience a few of what the songs should evoke and to make old music video appear ignorant of them.

For the Story I chose the story of Urgard-Loki. Where Thor had to deal with prankster Giant.

[Listen to the summary by Overly Sarcastic Production on YouTube.]

The rest of our time at Kings landing I just met with the small council to iron out the details of us getting the land. Which ended up costing 1.5 million Gold dragons and a Hot Air balloon to be given to the crown. I really did not care about that I was just happy to leave the city after a week of being here we finally continued our journey to Dorne.