
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs

Stargate 3

Narsscia felt truly in her element, she had been basically retired for about 30 years now and with the advancement of the Bifrost Program she and her family has decided to show the younger generation how it is done.

Having over 80 years of experience in politics and looking like she was in her 50s she would like to think she was a political animal. But sadly she was simply an advisor for Thornhild as this was her mission.

General-"Welcome to Earth, now let's get started that book you gave us a outlined list of things we could receive as support from your federation.

My government has requested that we trade in technology and write a formal agreement for how

we can work together to fight the Goa'uld."

O'Neill-"Yeah, those toys your men out their have are pretty impressive."

Thorn-"While we will be trading in some technologies, we will not trade anything that will completely destabilize your economy or balance of power here on Earth. Now that does not mean we will be policing your nation, we will not stop your acquisition of advancing technologies will traveling through the gates. But we will stop if you are damaging a privative people.

Now for technologies based off what I had read from Daniel's mind, again apologies, your nation is the cusp of a variety of new technologies or your people went down a different branch along the tree than my own.

For example, studied what you would call "Steampunk" and "Dieselpunk" we have a variety of old mech designs from our unification wars. Now we do have a variety of technologies that run on what we call Dust and from what we have found it is a very rare mineral which we will gladly sell you.

Now for the technology; we will sell you fossil fueled mechs, some of our old airships, and access to our medical advancements. Now for food stuffs we have a variety of GMOs that are much heartier and produce far more per pound than what you currently have available.

Be aware that our medical technologies where developed for use of a variety of species, so we recommend extensive testing.

Now in exchange of these goods, we will want access your Bifrost or Stargate address, information on any Goa'uld activity, and any civilian goods like T.V programs to board games. We are also willing to set up off world bases on your moon or solar system, for a price.

Now, we would like permission to set up a way station around Jupiter as a way of helping defending your home system. This is for our peace of mind as well as my own.

Here are some mock up of some technologies."






Thorn-"Now not all of these can be economically be brought through the Gate, so if you order a Airship or a larger mech we will need to have a landing sight pre-established."

General-"I will have to contact the president on the base around Jupiter but besides that I see no issues getting a agreement established between the USA and United Federation.

Thorn-"Now, as a gift of friendship I would like to give the SGC a analytical machine that from what I understand is more powerful than your current system and completely analog in its construction."


The meetings proceeded quite nicely, SGC accommodated our teams and the grunts of both sides hit it off nicely as even across space and time military grunts are still the same. Sam Carter was also making her self known among the Mechanical Men squads.

Leonardo Maelstrom the Leader of Mechanical-Men has prided themselves over being one of the very first mechanical citizens of the Federation and considered themselves to have inherited their Mother Lily's and fathers mind and one of the smartest of the Maelstrom Clan but Samantha Carter put him through his paces.


Sam-"So, I am sorry if this is a rude question but, are you considered a citizen of the Federation or are just owned by the Federation. Because I know the book said you all are but I just had to ask."

Leonardo-"*Sigh* yeah, from what we have found so far our people do not have this extraordinary fear of Artificial intelligence. Which is an interesting difference of our people, our most current theory is that due to the large number of sentients that are on our planet we are naturally more open mined. Like, I am fully considered to be sort of the Maelstrom clan and a Son of Lily and Halvard Maelstrom who are considered to our Tesla and Einstein together.

My father for example discovered flight and the steam engine, while One of my mother invented Rail travel and the steam Boats. They combined started our industrial revolution."

Sam-"Wow, your parents are something else, wait that book you have us said your industrial revolution happened over 120 years ago are you saying your parents are over 100 years old and still alive."

Leonardo-"Shit, I am so getting yelled at by momma Narsscia. Well cats out of the bag anyway, most if not all of our human population live to be about 170-200 years old of which they are considered to be in their prime till they are 130."

Sam-"Holy Shit, that is amazing your medical technology must be amazing. Also Momma Narsscia your dad has multiple plans wives how did that happen."

Leo obviously did not try to correct her on this, and the two continued to talk about non classified tech and try to explain to her that no his dad did not force his moms together.


Sadly the talk were not completely peaceful as NID had the bright idea to try and steal some of the tech the Mole-Men had been carrying thinking that since they were the smallest they were the weakest, they learned quickly not to fight a goblin over loot.

Peer, considered himself to be the best Goblin that their has ever been. He was the leader of the elite Mole-Men which was geared by the finest Goblin And Dwarven engineers, but like all goblins their was an instinctual need to protect his "loot" and gear from being stolen.

Which no man dared to attempt back on Bifrost base as the Goblin teams had fortified their rooms like no other with a mix of mundane and magical traps, which they placed no matter where they slept, even within the SGC rooms they were provided.

And some idiot had triggered a bunch of traps while they were eating in the hall.

*Boom/Cra—ck Thoom*

Peer-"Secure the room Simone just tried to steal some of my gear."

The Federation teams quickly cleared the way as they knew not to get in a Goblins way of Loot, especially one that carried a variety of explosives.

Upon entering the room they found an agent had tried to steal some of their magical explosives, which caused a lightning trap to explode along with a anti-gravity mine.

Peer-"Well look what we have here boys, a thief in our midst. Get Lady Narsscia we have to figure what to do with the thing now, and Thorn they are the best Reader here right now."

By then the Airmen of the base had made it to the door, right behind them was Thorn and Narsscia had arrived.

General-"What is happening here, Lady Thorn and Narsscia why are your men attacking that man."

Narsscia-"I do not know General, but I plan on finding out."

Narsscia then grabs the man by the throat and delves into his mind, not caring to be careful to not damage his mind. She soon finds that he had been planted by NID in hopes of stealing from the Federation.

Narsscia-"General, explain to me why this man was tasked by your government to steal from my people and if possible take one of our people for study."

The hallway became very quiet at that statement, the Goblins had already put back on their gear. And there rest of the teams had changed their stance to that ready for a fight to the gate room.

General-"I would like to know that as well, men get him secure in the infirmary we need to question him. Lady Narsscia I deeply apologize for this I truly had no idea why this occurred, I hope this does not affect the talk."

Narsscia-"That is where you are wrong General, the deal has changed we will no longer be GIVING any technologies to the USA. Your government now must buy in precious metals or other technologies to receive our help, will also be setting up a monitoring station on Jupiter to protect your planet No ifs and or buts because I can not trust your government to protect its citizens. Here is your catalog of available technologies and services we will provide. Also Captain Carter, if you wish to contact my son here is device that you and only you can use. No General take me to your gate we are heading home."

General-"Yes ma'm follow me."

The General fully pissed off walked the Federation contingency to the gate room, which Narsscia used her custom made Pip-Boy to activate the gate to Planetos.

O'Neill-"Shit.....Mother fucking shit, we were this close to getting advanced technologies for the fight."

Teal'c-"Indeed we are very lucky we did not have a fight before they left, but be thankful they even gave us the ability to buy their technologies."

Sam, who had been studying the armband given to her by Narsscia yelped as it bound it self to her through blood and magic not letting anyone besides her use and see the device.

Sam-"Sir, this thing will not come off."

O'Neill-"Carter what are you talking about nothing is their. And where is that thing that Nar-whatever gave you.

Sam-"It's right here sir on my arm, and it will not come off." The top of the device then opens and write non the screen is,

*Thank you for buying, White-Harbor tech. You are no the proud owner of the Mark-5 Pip-Boy now with stealth technology, to allow other to see your device say ^The North Remembers^, for further information go to the tutorial on the main page."

Sam-"The North Remembers."

Suddenly all the team could see her new arm band.

O'Neill-"Hugh that is cool."