
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs

Hp-Verse Part 4

"Mrs. Granger you have a lot of potential and I could see you do great things. Now for your books; the warding book is one from my home which goes from a beginner with no knowledge to a middling level warded. Some examples of the basics are alarms and mild deterrent. Middling wards are anti theft and ward that are defensive.

For Weapon Enchantments, you can enchant day to day like silverware, to armors like leather and steel. Some examples of silverware enchantments are self cleaned and anti poison, for the armor and weapons things like making you resistant to types of damage or freezing a person in place.

Alchemy is a very complex art, that requires knowledge of both mundane and Arcane science. My daughter Rose is very good at the art and if you do need help she would be your greatest source of knowledge. This art can be used in almost all field of magic and will give you a variety of experience in a variety of fields. But for a literal example our people use it to make potions into pills.

Now Mrs. Granger what is your pick."

She flipped through the book for a couple of seconds, first she flipped through alchemy and it was the first to be set aside, next was warding where she studied it a little more and finally was enchantment where she studied it quite heavily and muttered something to her self.

"Enchantments, it will be really useful and I can show it to my parents."

"Good choice why not the others, I can understand Alchemy as it take a certain type of person to become an alchemist. But for Warding I want to hear your reasoning."

"Warding would be interested in the long run but to be able to be able to make things of any use it will take years, and as you are only likely to be here for the year enchantments will give me a chance to ask questions."

"Now here is your note for potions and my wife is a much better teacher of potions than Mr. Snape so i hope you learn something.


I had to call the houses elves to help move all the equipment to a different room as using the dungeons is just a bad idea as you need good ventilation for any working of chemicals. So we are meeting in the western tower.

"Welcome to 4th year Potions every one, my name is Lily Evans-Maelstrom and assisting me is Andromeda Maelstrom. I will be your professor if and when Mr. Snape returns from The hospital" that earn some snickers from the Gryffindors.

"Now somethings about me then I will be giving you all a small quiz that will measure your knowledge of potions and chemistry, which will not be graded. Now I graduated from Hogwarts in 1978 as a Gryffindors, I then got married to Mr Potter and had my first child my Little Rosie, then on the night Voldemort *Flinches from the class* was killed I was saved by my now husband, I then have gone into research where I study and learn how to mix mundane and magical knowledge for example we have are the ships outside and like my husband who ever does the best gets a prize that will be a

Andromeda your turn."

Andromeda-"My name is Andromeda Black-Maelstrom. Like Lily in 1978 but a Slytherin, I also married right out of school where I became pregnant with my lovely daughter Nymphadora *Don't call me that!*. I work in the department of agriculture, I mostly work with farmers and traders were we set harvest prices and stuff like that. Now I will be passing out tests it should only take 30 minutes to complete."

The test is on basic lab safety, basic chemical reactions, and potion ingredients what they do. It uses a lot of mundane terminology to make the kids think.

"Times up, now let's see what we she here."

By the gods what has he even been teaching these kids. No lab safety knowledge, chemical reactions, or even what the periodical table. I look over to Andromeda who is just has a grim face.

".....okay, kids I want you all to be completely honest with no consequences here you all did try on this test right? *They all just nod* of courses out were. Kids you have all not been taught at all, so now let me ask some questions."

So asked a variety of questions; like why were we meeting in the tower rather than the dungeons only a mundane born who's family worked in the chemical industry knew about good ventilation. Or why you should clean your utensils before and after making a potion, thankfully a old blood (pureblood) who knew as her parents learned potions in France.

Andromeda-"Christ on a cracker, kids that is just inexcusable we need to start at the basic. Let's start on what conditions your equipment should be in when your lab should be. First always have a clean and tidy station….."

While Andromeda went into the basics of lab safety and maintaining a lab, I looked through my textbook from home for intro to potions and chemistry. Which we give to kids just starting just starting middle school, that cover the absolute basic of chemistry and potions.

Lily-"Now, I am giving you all these books, they will cover the foundation principles of chemistry and potions. So now that you have those let's make a Weak Restore Stamina potions: the ingredients constant of Honeycombs, Mountain Iris, and A Bear-claw.

Now heat your water to a boil, while the water gets to a boil crush your Bear Claws into a fine powder, now once the water is at a boil add the Honeycombs once they half melted add the flower petals, once the water takes purple hue add the crushed bear claws and let sit till it reaches a syrupy consistency and now you have a Weak Restore stamina potion.

To increase the the power of a potions you need more catalyst, that would be more magical potent ingredients like bees that pollinate magical plants would be a viable ingredient."

The students followed me closely as Andromeda walked the classroom help the students as she went, having to spend a good chunk of that time with a Neville Longbottom who was terrified of the potions lab.

"Now bring them all up one by one to my desk to I can check them over. Hmmm you all did great these are all viable potions that any of you could drink. Now for the winner and you all did not make it easy you all did amazing. I am going to pick one Mrs. Daphnie Greengrass your potion skill is amazing you get A set of Northen potions equipment both magical and mundane all enchanted and worked to be used your entire schooling. You can come and get them at the end of the day or leave them here to be used in class. Now dismissed but Mrs. Greengrass stay behind."

"Mrs. Greengrass that was very well done I hope to see more of that in the future, you have a great skill with potions. Do you want to become a potion specialist?"

Daph-"Yes ma'am I want to, my sister has blood disorder so I want to make a cure for it."

"Oh...sweetheart is sad to hear if their is anything I can do to help come and see me and you can sue the lab whenever just alert me or any of my family to come and supervise."


Time passes from their, Lily and I would teach the classes at Hogwarts. Mostly wanting to kill the previous professors as they had done a great disservice to the students, it is sad to say that the Death Eater (Moody) was one of the better teachers.

Bella would also join me occasionally like Andromeda does for Lily, she would help me demonstrate spells used in large scale battle. Stuff like topography spells that identify the topography of the field or stuff like magical traps like paralyzes or lightning.

Narsscia was not idle during this she had meetings with the head of mundane Britain one the treaties and how we will be interacting in the future, should we allow immigrant, trade and colonies of the British in the future.

The discussions is going well, for now we have the basic outlines of a treaty and the ideas of more formal treaties.