We had kept watch of the island over the night, and we knew that the group on Spectacle Island was well equipped. They had over 50 men out their scouting with all sorted of tech and weapons and from what the guy on watch found out that ALL their stuff was clean and new.
But they truly surprised us, they had built entire buildings and a dock out their before the night had ended and the stuff they built was not just scrap and hole covered walls no they were sturdy.
And they all are psykers, they had heard rumors of people with powers but all these people had them. Moving things with their minds and making things appear out of no where.
That was when the General would be heading over their personally to handle the situation as they could afford to make these people enemies.
General Becker and a group of Majors were sent to make formal contact, we also had orders that if they attack the general to shell the island to hell and back.
When noon can round the General and his entourage headed via small sail ship to their new dock.
Hal-"My name is Lord Halvard Maelstrom of the United Westrosi Federation, leader of this expadition. Welcome to Spectacle Island, now follow me to the officer area sadly I can not have this meeting in better conditions."
The group moved to the garage/Barn building, inside the room had been magically expanded, having a 19th century style to it.
Hal-"Now, here have a drink. I know you all have some questions. First, we are part of a larger government here to establish trade relationships with the commonwealth, Second we will be willing to trade for techs and any other junk your people can find, Third we have no problem selling finished goods like clothes and other goods. Here look at this catalog of what we offer."
The catalog offers non magical and non powered tools, clothes, food etc any finished goods even Non-Dust Firearms as selling bullets would be very profitable.
Becker-"Well this is a lot to look over Lord Maelstrom can you give us some time to look it over and figure out what we have to offer you."
Hal-"Take your time general feel free to look around the base and talk to the men."
The General and his advisors stayed in the office and began to hash out a basic trade agreement with us while the Minutemen grunts began to mingle with the Fed soldiers.
Which like most soldiers have the same demeanor to them. Soon the Minutemen and the Fed would be trying out each other's weapons and trading stories back and forth.
The General and his advisors would stay most of the day in meetings where we would finally get a basic trade agreement with the Minutemen and those under their protection.
-The Commonwealth Minutemen and the Federation have a Non Aggression Treaty.
-Minutemen and Federal Troops would help one another if needed while in the wasteland
-Trade would follow the catalog previously shown where the wastelands would be able to sell junk and tech in exchange for goods
-The Minutemen would have first pick of any heavy military hardware, HMG, Armored Vehicles, Ships etc.
The formal agreement is more flushed out and has more legal speak. But now the Federation and the Commonwealth Minutemen are trade partners and light allies.
Once the agreement was set the General made his way back to the mainland while we worked on our base.
Which numbered around 150 soldiers, Mages, and support staff for our starting fort. We built the place in A Motte Style of Castle as the islands as a natural hill that we can use as a natural defense, and we will eventually have a full fledged Castle and town but that will take time and more resources.
But the Motte would be done quick getting us going to have a decent base and get trading with Commonwealth. We did send out a group of 20 men to secure a section of the Boston Docks which was already used as a trading hub locally we just had to clear a spot of a wreck and it was ours.
Then we could head to Good Neighbor and a bunch of small settlements that are all over Boston.
The island it self we collected every piece of junk and abandoned trash, then melted it down for build the settlement here on the island. The old Cargo container were gutted and refurbished to be used as homes while their contents where studied by the researchers we brought over, the Druids had the hardest job they had to preform a complex cleansing ceremony that would absorb and contaminate or radiation on the island and about a 1/2 mile out from the shore.
Soldiers and engineers built fortified the island, a sea wall was built to prevent sea life from coming to shore and to keep erosion of the island down. In addition watch towers and artillery bunkers were placed all along the coast to watch for intruders.
I worked on making wards for the island as I wanted to prevent Intrusion from the Institute via teleportation as wanted to see their reactions to hitting them full force.