
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs

Fallout Verse 3

Our next morning I got the men working on making a dock for the River Boat [Needs-Name], as we will be loading and in loading all kinds of cargo from it plus I wanted to give the Minutemen General a warm welcome.

On the ship was a bunch of equipment and more people to help set a permanent base of operations here on the island.


-A lot of seeds and animals to be traded and farmed all genetically engineered to stay alive in the high RAD environment-

-Build supplies, Lumber, Concrete, steel etc. Anything we will need to build the base-

-Variety of heavy weapons for protecting the base, Artillery, HMG, and Explosives-

-Vehicles; Motorcycles as anything bigger would be annoying to clear roads and collapsed buildings-

-Men, a variety of specialists to Hunt, Scout, and infiltrate the Commonwealth. And a group of Druids and farmer to try and clean and manage the land and farms-

-End of Cargo-

With this we began planning out the settlement, first we had a group of benders Level out the Island and put up a Sea Wall around it to prevent the tide from flooding.

A group of engineers and Mages went to the washed up cargo ship to start moving the old Containers and make them into housing for the island so we can save as much as possible.

Bella and Lydia with the help of the grunts have begun designing a Bunker/Fort for the main military personal to live. Along with a lab for Lily, me and the other Researchers to start looking into the tech here in a safe environment. As almost everything uses some type of nuclear or fission tech here and we need to dispose of that stuff safely.

Narsscia and a couple of "Diplomats" have been looking over the information I gave them about the local politics in general term like whose who and important. She has also begun drawing up potential trade agreements, as we have a entire planet full of bottle caps waiting to be used.

Lilly has begun looking into the Fusion tractor as it will help revolutionize farming back home as it can be either driven or let automated to harvest entire fields on its own.

Andromeda with the help of the Biologist have started to look into the wild life here and let me tell you it is weird.


Mirelurks is a catch all name of a variety of different in incompatible species.

The actual Mirelurks are the more crab like species which is edible once the RADS are removed, is just a very mutated species of Crab.

The magical researchers have begun looking into what their parts could be used in potions and so far they could be used in RAD resistance pills (Organs), Damage resistance (Shells), and the Claws would be used as good water magic focus.

The Mundane side thinks the shells would be great for natural body armor as they could tank small arm fire, their bodies hold a lot of meat (Once Cleaned of Rads), and their weakness is the face.

The "Hunter" is a mutated lobster. The researchers have said that it has the same uses as the "Crab" but should seriously be considered to be used as future food sources.

The "King" has been determined to be completely artificial. It is the combination of multiple extinct species including a giant dinosaur fish. It's throat weapons has opens some interesting research into organic weapons and sonar.

The "Queen" is a Horseshoe Crab and from our initial findings is the cause of people thinking they are the same animals. It has a symbiotic relationship with the other species, they bring it food and it guard their young. And the only related species is the "Crab" Milurks.
