
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs

Fallout 6

The Island after a couple of months has transformed, where most of it was irritated and covered in washed up garbage. Now is a green and lush landscape, with a couple shipments of goods and people from Planetos we were able get a population of around 1,000 personal.

They consisted mostly of soldiers and biological researchers as I did not want any chance of contamination on Planetos. As with magic and Dust out Pollution levels where practically nothing. Or the possibility of completely ruining the the ecosystem.

We constantly expand on the island, as we kept needing more housing and storage of our food we had begun trading with the locals. The Dock expanding to handle a variety of vessels as most of the locals used rafts or cobbled together vessels that had washed up.

Our biggest trading partners had become the Minutemen and Diamond City. The Minutemen bought as much military equipment we would sell them, we mostly sold outdated armors and guns. Stuff like non Dust bolt actions or break action Shotguns.

We did sell them the occasional HMG from WW1 as they could maintain them easily with out our help, they also bought a couple of small fishing boats and River boat for transport on the rivers easier.

They even bought Horse that we had genetically engineered to be resistant to radiation, as they had no motorized equipment and when they saw a couple of Dothraki guys from Planetos practicing they wanted to be taught how to sue them.

So a group of Dothraki were sent to teach them To handle horses, and after some effort the with the help fo the new equipment began to finally push back on all the horrors of the Wastelands.

Diamond City bought consumer goods by the boat load, quite literally. Like most in the Commonwealth they mostly used old pre-war junk for Furniture or stuff built locally.

We sent them over; non-powered tools, basic furniture, and food. They loved our food as non irradiated food was VERY rare if not impossible to find. So when we were selling tons of canned foods they bought it as fast and we could bring it over from Planetos.

The other they would buy is Medicine, as they had to rely on either scavenged from old hospitals which was running out or stuff made in old labs by the locals docs which non of us trusted.


We have also opened up immigration to Planetos as we needed more and more settled for the knew lands. While they were inhabited by a variety of local principalities and tribes none expect Novii Empire and Yi-Ti where of any great threat.

Most where "peacefully" integrated into the Federation through loyalty wards and potions. Only the large empires had to be fought as we needed to have a more believable story for the history books to keep people of our trail.

As for magic in these empires, Yi-Ti had a very wired type of cultivation style of magic where they used magic to strengthen their souls and bodies. They were not invincible by any means they just had a hard time being killed.

As for the Novii, they were more technologically advanced. They were around the 1700s int terms of tech but their magic was quite interesting they used clock work inscribed with tunes to activate Magic allowing any one to use magic.


My family and I did take a couple of trips to the wastelands, we mostly made trips to the locals settlements and helping smooth things over or made trade deals.

We also went to vault 111 where we found Nora was the one who survived, we decided to leave a small care package as a way to start her on her journey. We wanted to let fate take its course with her but just push her on the right direction.

We did grab a a couple of Cryo-Chambers for study as while we have the ability to cure quite a few diseases this would allowed to freezes people till they could be cured. Another is for transport of dangerous criminals and specimens for study.

We also continued "scavenging" tech for study, which the increase in personal we have quite a few different tech samples. We also have begun sending out scouts farther and farther, we even sent a team to Alexandria Virginia to the patent office to "scavenge" any patents from Pre-War.

They went by Sea as we have not built the Airships Docks here and the large amount of old AA guns all over American after the war.


For the new projects, we just continued looking into the variety of animals and weapons left from the war.

Most of our attention has been on robotics, as in the Boston Commonwealth their are at lest 2 fully sentient robots. Condsworth at Sanctuary and the arms KL-E-0 who is a arms dealer in good neighbor, they bring up a variety of philosophical issues that we have begun on look into.

Besides that we have used them as base design to make a variety of knew golems and more robots as fighters, builders, farmers, anything we could think of.

And a our studies and trips stayed nice and simple till our first Syth was caught trying to sneak on the island.