

Scarlet and Tyler walked down the halls of the new school that was packed with students yet they all looked similar, rich, noisy and rude.

Scarlet sighed and tugged at Tyler motioning him to walk faster towards the principal's office. They sped up their speed and walked faster towards said office until they were right infront of it, Tyler opened the door and they walked in, looking around until a certain sign caught their attention, a anti-lgbt+ sign, which scared Scarlet seeing as she was a lesbian, Tyler gripped her shoulder "maybe it's old or the past principle put it up and they just haven't had the chance to take it down" he said trying to reassure his twin sister that she could be over thinking, "Ah I see you saw my sign" a hostile voice spoke with a thick accent making the teens turn their attention towards the voice to see a man in a suit, he looked to be around 50 and average height leaning against the door. "I perpously put it there" he said with a rough laugh that made the girl's blood run cold, 'he sure looked creepy' she thought slightly cringing yet not enough to make him notice. "This is a rich religious boarding school after all! We can't be havin low life teens in this school" he said with another horrible laugh. "can we have our schedules now sir" Tyler spoke calmly and motioned his hand for the schedules. The principal sighed and grabbed them and handed them over "by the way, you need to be packed and ready to move into your dorms by the end of this week" he said seriously. He motioned them to leave and the twins rushed out without another word. "I already hate it here" Scarlet groaned and continued walking, her brother following soon after.

(Scarlet Point of view)

I walked away uncomfortable and heated at the fact this lowlife is my principle. I sighed and looked back at the door. I felt my brother's hand on my shoulder reassuring me everything is gonna be fine, I sighed. We walked down the large yet cramped Halls of the school due to the amount of students this school has, we walked towards our dorm to what we need and what we don't need, Tyler opened the front door and looked inside, it was a decent two bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom set up, smaller then our apartment at home but enough for me and him to live in for the next 3 years. I walked in, the sound of my footsteps echoed through out the room, bouncing off the white walls. Tyler soon following after, "It's not that bad, this school definitely is rich" Tyler said, her voice laced with amazement, He's right, this school sure is expensive, I sighed, still thinking about that sign I saw in the principal. My thoughts were soon broken by the sound of my brother's voice, "I want this room!" he shouted across the small dorm, his voice bouncing off the walls of the empty apartment. I let out an airy laugh and smiled, 'maybe it out be that bad' I thought. 'Just gotta stick to the rules and I'll be good' I thought yet my face slightly saddened at that thought.