
New Reality

As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasie
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172 Chs

Temporary Truce

[System Contract]

[Drafter: Gin Frest

Contractor: Jasmin Foler, Luke Leyson

Contract: [Drafter] Gin Frest asks [Contractor] Jasmin Foler and Luke Leyson for a temporary truce and continue the things they have been doing after the monster has been taken down. After doing it, everything will be just like earlier. After signing the contract and if it is not followed, the [Consequences] will activate and make the violator suffer from it.]

[Consequences: Unable to move for a week]

[Expiration: After killing the monster that has been following Luke.]

[Accept] [Decline]

"Are you sure that... this is true?!" Luke asked one last time as he drew a heavy pant from his mouth. If he, by chance, accept the contract, he wouldn't have time to kill Gin but if he doesn't accept it, then he knew what would come to him.

'Holy shit! Do I have to repeat again?!' Gin shouted inwardly before saying, "I'm super sure, old man! Oh fuck... If you don't sign, then you can just die while running. Maybe shoot you I guess?!"

Although he said those things in a confident voice, he was really nervous inside. He wouldn't shoot Luke in this situation. If he does, he would only acquire a little bit of time before the monster would run again as he knew it would just eat Luke in one go. Jasmin was also beginning to give up and any second, she would collapse due to exhaustion.

He needed to kill it with the help of his enemy. It was risky but it was worth it.

"What now old geezer?! Accept or not?!" Gin shouted once more before continuing. "You have five seconds! five! four! three—!"

"Accept!" "Accept!"

It was then he heard both accept at the same time before all of them could feel something happening inside their body. Gin, who already knew that their soul is being used, was feeling the same thing when he and O had a contract with each other.

That was only on Gin not on the other two as they felt something enveloping inside them and it continues to constraint their insides, yet not a pinch was felt. They couldn't feel a slight pain from it.

'So, it is true... This is the first time I'm sensing this kind of feeling...' Luke mused inwardly before shouting, "What now?!"

"We of course fight the monster, old man!" Gin shouted as he let out a pant, "What do you mean 'what now'? What's your Attribute?"

'Please…' Gin begged inwardly as he glanced half of his coldly at Luke. 'Please be an idiot one more time.'

Although Gin already knew what attribute Luke had, he needed it to come from the old man's mouth. He can't just say to activate his attribute when he didn't even ask it.

Gin glanced at Jasmin and thought she was starting to have suspicions about him as he knew she was a smart person. Adding more suspicions will lead to questioning later, which Gin didn't want.

Alas, he was entirely wrong as Jasmin will never reveal any secret from the one that saved her life. She wouldn't do such a thing now that she is building a mutuality with Gin, to make sure she will be trusted by him.

Gin is really just worrying about nothing.

"Why..." Luke paused as he take a moment of breathing. "Why do you want to know about it?!"

Gin is starting to get impatient and shouted, 'Because, how do we kill that thing if I don't know anything about you, Luke!"

"Oh! So, your name is Gin..." Luke mused as he watches the screen in front of him, "Ok, Gin. Well, kuhum, my attribute is called Stun. It says here that whoever I target with this attribute will make that said target to be stunned for five seconds!"

Hearing it make Gin slightly angry but he instantly calm himself and urged Luke, "Then,. do you know how to use it?"


But, the only thing he got was a bullshit answer.

"I don't know, Gin! Hahh... I'm sorry!" Luke said as he clapped his hand together, trying to pull the best acting he could do.

Then Gin finally snapped...

'You lying bastard!'


'I can clearly see the proficiency of your attribute! What do you mean you can't use it?! And 5 seconds?! Does an attribute always weak?! Argh! This fucker is lying! He surely is! Just look at that smiling face! Motherfucker!'

Gin felt like, he was about to go crazy. Running like this with no break yet exhaustion keeps coming as you do it, anyone would feel the same way!

"Please… just use it like out of the blue? Can you do that kind of thing?" Gin glanced again at Luke and saw his smile reach ear to ear which annoyed Gin more.

'What is this guy planning?! I'll be the first one to die at this rate!' Gin shouted inwardly.

Luke then stopped grinning and removed it but his mind is telling him that everything was in his favor, before he acts again, "Teach me later how to do this... system contract then I'll help you. Oh! Just to make sure, do a system contract. I'm clearly sure it is true. Come on. Hehe..."

Hearing Luke's demands, Gin finally understands what scheme does Luke is planning. That's also when Gin also felt something inside him...

'So, that's what this old man is planning?' Gin mused inwardly, 'I... I thought it will be something more dangerous but... it's only that?'

He felt that his anger piling up inside him was slowly going away, replacing it with a relief feeling.

'This man is trying to use me...? Really, me? Pft, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in a while after being summoned in this world.' Gin mused inwardly, 'But... you can't do that to me, old man. Geez, and will you stop acting? How about I show you how to do it?'

Gin formed a smile on his face but he needed to clarify something, so he asked somebody that could help him, 'Uhm O, are you there? Can I have a moment?'

'What?' O answered right away.

Gin noticed the impatience so he quickly said, 'Can the contract be nulled?'

'What nonsense are you saying now?' O spoke with its usual monotonous voice, 'It can't be nulled like the contract said 'it can't be broken'. Didn't you see the context when I show what a system contract is?'

Gin smiled faintly as he received the answer he's been expecting before answering the god, 'But, you can do it don't you?'

After receiving an answer, O became speechless for a moment before answering, 'You really are a bastard. No, even though I can do it, I would still have to suffer immense energy to do that. And, I wouldn't do it in this situation.'

'Right? Hahaha and energy?' Gin said inwardly before continuing, 'Well, if the contract can be nulled then I would do that a while ago. Thanks, O.'

'Sigh, that poor man...' O sighed, continuing, 'Anyway, I will be out first. Good luck and don't worry, I'll come back soon.'

After saying goodbye, Gin also does the same thing before he felt that O was really gone. He glanced at Luke again and shouted, "Old man, is that only what you want?!"

"Yes Gin, hehe. It's only what I want." Luke slyly answered.

"I'll make a contract then!" Gin answered loudly as he glanced at Jasmin and saw her have an anxious expression on her face.

Jasmin, who had been listening to their conversation, was really worried as he knew Gin was only trying to find ways for him and her to be safe. Still, she knew what Gin is doing has a to of risks so she quickly shakes her head as a disagreement of being contracted with Luke.

But as Jasmin looked closely, she could see that at the tip of Gin's lips, it was curling upwards.

He was smiling; No, more than that, it looked like more of a sinister smile.


Facing Jasmin's worried face, Gin removed his smile and looked Jasmin in the eyes before mouthing two words on her. 'Don't worry.'

Reading Gin's lips, Jasmin slightly bit her in regret and just stayed silent as she felt helpless in the situation. She felt she was just baggage that only Gin saved out of pity.

She nodded and proceed to look forward while making decisions inside her head.

Moments passed, Gin shouted, "Ok, Luke! I already made another one! Read it carefully, ok?

"Sure, Gin." Luke happily answered, 'Hehehe, what is this? I'm getting this guy to Fritz who weirdly wants this boy eagerly. After I do it, I'll also get Jasmin! Then, that guy will teach me this contract?! My luck is on a strike today, hehe.'

After making a contract it was nothing, Gin checked it three times to see if something in the context would put him at a disadvantage. He saw that it was all in his favor.

Actually, when he was training his Inheritance, O said he can just say system contract like Gin did a while ago and it would take a little bit of your soul to make it. Making a contract was really easy as you will have to first make one yourself before shouting or saying the word to show the context to others. Next, the drafter and the contractor would need to use their soul as seal a for it to work.

Then viola, read, accept or decline it.

Gin felt he was about to burst laughing but he decided not to. Who would want to laugh when they're being chased by a monster?

"Accept!" "Accept!"

After reading the contract and seeing nothing harmful that could make themselves at risk, the two loudly shouted accept with both of their soul being used as a seal. On Gin's side, he could make ten contracts at the same time as his soul was large. On Luke? Well, Gin will find it now.

A full second later after Luke accepted, he could feel the same feeling enveloping inside but slightly different from earlier. There, he could feel a slight pain in his chest and head.

'Huh? Is something happening to me?' Luke mused inwardly as he clutched his head slightly while moving his head on Gin, which to his surprise because he was looking at him.

'Poor guy, his soul is only a little?' Gin mused, 'But I don't care what happens to him onwards.'

"Old man! Ready?" Gin shouted.

"Wait, wait! Something is wrong with me!" Luke said with concern.

"I can't see what's wrong with you! But if you don't, we can just break the contract!" Gin loudly said as he glanced half of his head at Jasmin and saw her running was starting to slow down.

"Oh, it died down!" Luke shouted before exclaiming, "Ah! I think I can use my attribute on this monster!"

"Good!" Gin shouted as he looked forward and moved his eyes at one of the biggest holes. "When I said we begin, follow us to the hole that we will be entering. Hey, do you hear me?!"

"Ok!" Luke answered.

Gin then told Jasmin as he point his finger at the hole that is big enough for a huge vehicle to enter. Jasmin nods and began to sprint into that place, exiting her full stamina left to do it.


Seeing Jasmin enter, Gin shouted and quickly followed her. After running for a few seconds, Gin quickly turns and prepared the things he needed when the monster comes.


Seeing Gin enter the hole, Luke decided to go in there and sprint into that hole as much as possible. Entering, Luke saw Gin preparing himself as he pointed his arrow at the monster and he could finally rest assured.


'Let's do this old man.' Gin said inwardly as he saw Luke entering before the monster comes next.

[Truth Eyes has been activated]

The two nodded back at each other as they quickly understand the jobs they had to do.


Luke turned around and face the incoming monster without fear.


Seeing Luke's back, Gin could see him doing some beautiful hand signs before flicking his finger.


After Luke shouted, the monster slowly stop from running before it stand steadily from its place. He then glanced his head at Gin and shouted, "Go Gin! I can't hold much longer!"

Hearing Luke's pained voice, Gin scoffed inwardly but he relax while positioning like an archer. With his eyes wide open, Gin could see the monster has been stunned just like what Luke had described on his attribute.

With his eyes activated, Gin could see the eyes of the monster that has been black a while ago, turned white. He pulls the string of his bow hard with the tip of the arrow, aiming the monster's head so that it wouldn't miss.


Gin adds his wind element onto the arrow while focusing on the target. He shot his one eye before shooting the arrow onto the monster


With a sound of an air, an arrow flew really fast and hits the monster's head. It was so fast that it barely catch the arrows speed with just naked eyes.


Three looked at the monter's head that had a hole, which I s clearly ended the life of the monster. Blood started to dripped down on the ground as the monster was still not moving.

The two slowly faced Gin with a surprised expression as it all ended with just one attack. Unbeknownst to the two, Gin used half of his mana to apply more force on the arrow and he felt glad as it was worth the effort.


Still, Gin had his guard up as he took glances on Luke while activating his eyes.

'I'll fully trust you on this one... My eyes...' Gin said inwardly before looking at the monster.


Three move their head on the front once more as they heard the monster coming back to its senses but now, it was slowly falling onto the ground with no follow up movements or whatsoever.

It was finally dead.

But the situation was not worth celebrating.

"Stun," Luke muttered as he watch Jasmin fall on the ground with a smile on his face.

As Luke turned around, Gin followed his gaze and turned his head towards Jasmin.


Jasmin couldn't continue to call Gin's name as her eyes was turning into white but at that split second, she could see Gin mouthing the same thing he said earlier.

'I said don't worry.'