
Space Battle

Fleet was ready 38 ships ready in formation, Zack was standing in command room looking at tactic map.

Information was correct this time, plan was that Light cruisers will fire at heavy cruiser with everything, with mission to destroy.

Medium frigates will attack Interceptor frigates and marauder corvettes.

Pelta and Samurai class will stay at back only half star fighters will be launched as we don't know a concrete number of enemy fighters for ground attack there is harder as attack may be launched from only 3 directions as back of base is build in front of canyon so no go.

Only 3K Troops can be launched at time, so it will make 3 groups of 3K Front will be led by Zack 3K from right by Kakashi and Left attack will be led by actual General of mercenary force Kaid then drop ships will drop 3k Troops on more needed front or just add 1K to each if situation will be dire. Star fighters will attack base with blaster fire and torpedoes but it is last resort as slaves and useful equipment will be lost and also many attacking fighters will be destroyed by air defense batteries also from this reason 3 groups will go from 90Km from base there go low and land in 5Km from base from this point forces must go to base on land.

Also system gives Missions and this was:

1 Maybe you run but with heavy loses:

Main objectiv Defeat minimum half forces of enemy in space rewards:

10 big factorys

50 three star pilots (Interceptor)

2 samurai class frigate

Blueprint for Maruder corvet

Added condition if you destroy minimum 70% of enemy fleet and kill most ground forces min 80% second reward will be:

Blueprint for LAB Light Assault Bots

Blueprint for intelligent mines

5 Medium Factories

1 Big Mining facility

1 Gene Research facility

Secind Quest.

Family Friend:

Make Good Relations with Mandalorian Clan Rewards :


And Unlock Ghoul race

bonus that will be found on Mandalor

Well that last is unexpected and also bonus also and Ghoul Race will unlock, I will have it for all cost !!! Though Zack

"Ok Plan Explained now start operation" Said Zack Fleet went into hyper space. As There was 22 Sith Interceptors In armament they go into two squadrons of 11 one led by Zack second by Kakashi. 14 hours later, Fleet go out in front of ready pirate fleet Both sides opened fire, plus of Zack's fleet was that when there is 5 Identical Light cruisers they don't know where main command is. First row of Starships launched from ships on Zack in response Pirates also launch theirs, but it seems that it was everything the had.

Zack also decided to go to fight and with Kakashi and other Sith Interceptors Pilots go to their machines and went to battlefield as well. That made big difference.

Zack after taking out another Pirate fighter got call on coms that 60 Fighters are coming from planet surface to their positions.

" Send secind row of fighters " Ordered Zack and with his squadron went against incoming fighters and Kakashis squad joined them 22 Interceptors vs 60 Fighters without shields that is rather unfair encounter as Sith interceptors are better in any field also had shields and had three star pilots that shouldn't be easy win on their said but then come Information that in these 60 fighters was also 30 star vipers mk2 that can be a problem as firepower is the same and they had shields like interceptors for Pilots this was unknown but Zack feel fluctuation of mana from 5 black ones that means Mana Users and that also mean trouble as most Mana User pilots are good also user can infuse some mana into piloted machines to bust their shield or bust strength of weapons.

" Interceptor pilots focus on 5 black star vipers Their pilots will be the most dangerous " Instructed Zack Two sides opened fire till they passed themself first casualties was seen 3 Interceptors go down 20 Pirate ones also go down but only 5 Star vipers and 1 Black one that got Shots from Zack and Kakashi busted Blaters 17 Left Interceptors was chased by 36 Fighters, as for Kakashi and Zack was chased by 4 Black Vipers.

Zack and Kakashi go into two different sides. Shoots of chasers was mostly evaded then 2 hits connected with Zacks Ship, but shields still were capable to taking some more. Then Kakashis ship was seen in front flaying at Zack this maneuver is really simple as both see other chasers clearly Zack Shoot Busted shots taking out one viper next evaded but still get damaged as shields break and some smoke start coming out. Zack looked at sensors and saw that Kakashi took out both vipers that chased him, so he could easily turn around and destroy the Last black viper then get info of reinforcements come and helped other Interceptors. Battle was still raging around 6 Middle frigates and 1 light cruiser was destroyed on Zack Said but Enemy Fleet Start turning around to jump into space. After their Heavy cruiser become nothing more than burning scrap and exploded damaging Ships close to him. Zack can't let them live till most go down

"Any free Star Fighters and Ships destroy engines of these ships, don't let them leave" Instructed Zack and also go to first Interceptor Frigate and shot all blasters and launch 4 torpedoes into Engines destroying half of them and luckily it can't jump into hyper space any more other ships get shots by mas torpedoes and fire of ships. Destroying many and made some unmoving, 5min later 5 smaller Frigates run into hyper space, but rest were destroyed or get boarded now time to launch assault on land.

He gave orders to start operation and instructed Fighters to watch that none ship will run out of planet.