
Male Mate and Test of Patriarch

Zack woke up to knocking on his doors. He stood up, don't bother to put on clothes he has mask whole time as he wouldn't risk his identity reveled. When he opened the doors there stood a boy in his 17 his build lean and face very attractive smell coming from him go to Zack's Alpha side.

"Thanks for saving my ahh" Boy can't help himself as he saw Zack is only in underwear and mask, but reason was complete different.

Boy Pov

I came to show gratitude to man that returned my younger brother but when doors opened

"Thanks for saving my ahh" I can only say this much as I saw His body that wasn't first time for me seeing other male body as I was in commando school and that was normal as in showers and locker room that was unavoidable also he has no sexual tension to any male or female what was strange as omega also he was not weak as omega should, so he dim it natural for himself ,but when he saw him and smell of his mate hit him he got happy and scared at the same time as he made complete idiot in front of him at first met. When we look in each other eyes, everything were clear. We were mates.

End of Pov

"Grandfather wants to meet you in his office" Boy blushed hard and run out. Zack looked at leaving boy with amusement at his reaction, but there is a problem

'Fuck, when clan heard of it, I'm fucking dead. I can't see that Patriarch will say

"Ye why not let't give some mercenary my grandson and only fucking Omega from 2 generations of main line" yeeeee..... I will send information to man if I need to run with guns blazing' Smirked Zack and go get ready.

10 Min Later

Zack with Kakashi and 10 troopers went into 'Office' that in truth was big room in it stood

20 Madnalorian Commando


His Grandsons

Closest Family

No Mana Users to this time were seen, that make Zack really uneasy as he will not believe there is none in such strong clan

"Welcome now we can start a meeting" Said Patriarch but then saw Zack glances to his grandson omega when he also glanced he saw his grandson is read 'That newer happened before he has always cold face when someone looked at him...No, it can't be..' Though Patriarch and rage building inside of him, he looked at the Mercenary in front of him.

"How dear you even looking at him, you think our gratitude had no bounds!!" Said angry Patriarch at this moment rest of family eyes winded

"And you think that I need your permission to look at my mate" Said Zack in a cold voice. Making the Family even more shocked as they looked at boy.

"Ezra is it true?" Said his mother

"Yes mother" Said Ezra with blush as he was even more embarrassed in front of his mate

"Hell Yeh finally you found him !!!" Shouted Kall to his brother with cheerful attitude completely not seeing how tens atmosphere were in room.

"I don't give permission for this especially to low and weak mana user as you mercenary!" said with cold rage patriarch and unleash his Mana. Pressure was strong directed at Zack he feel how heavy that was Patriarh must be on bring to go into Low B Rank. Then more people also from commando unleash their hidden mana that pressure goes on Zack troops behind him. All of them start loosing strength to stand. Then Zack and Kakashis aura flared. Zack use mana to shield rest of group that make them don't fall unconscious or on knees, but it was no much for pressure of Patriarch who straightened it even more. Zack Used Pure Blood state shocking everyone as blood red eyes shown, and his mana flared to D ranker it was still no enough as his knees start shake from full pressure of Patriarch power, so he unleashed full power of his bloodlust that materialized in form of Dark Red aura dancing covering him and his image in enemy eyes was seen as fearsome beast. Pressure of bloodlust emitted was as heavy that some weaker patriarch troops fall on knees or fall unconscious. Then aura dispersed as Patriarch retract his after him anyone turn of theirs heavy breaths were heard as many struggled to stand.

"Haahha not so weak, but you still will die today" Said Patriarch as he and commando took out weapons Meele and blasters and point at Zacks group that do the same against them. Kall and Ezra can't do anything as their father use his ability to tie them also covering mouth for them to not made ruckus they struggled but to no avail even Ezra go as far as unleash his mana of low D rank, but his father ability was stronger.

"As you show bravery only your leader will die you may leave" Said Patriarch looking at Zacks troops ,but they don't make any reaction still aiming at them then Kakashi send him cold look and spit at floor.

"I would rather die" His voice was cold as his eyes

"No pity and no Mercy!!" Shout Group ready to die with Zack who smirked under his mask. If today I die, it will be definitely in good company

"That was honor boys" Said Zack ready to fight patriarch

But then

"Hahahah. Okay lower guns" Laughed Patriarch and Mandalorians follow orders but Zacks group still were in position

"What is the meaning of this!!" Roared Zack

"I really wanted to kill you ,but you covered all your men not only yourself that was what makes me change my mind to test you, so I put more pressure and were again surprised by your ability and grow in strength then you unleash bloodlust that can be seen only on true monsters so my next test were to see what your subordinates do to my proposition as soldiers decisions in this situation show much of leader. Hesitation fearful looks at leader before decision or even accepting show that they go only on fear to leader but yours don't even flinch no one even consider surrender then they boldly declared that if this is your end then they will go with you that say much about you. Ehhhh You are not normal Mercenary you and your soldiers had much similarities to us so let's be it I agree for you being mate to my grandson, but you will wait before taking my grandson with you till he ends Academy that will be 2 years from now" Answered patriarch

Ezra and Kall were released and instantly go to Zack sending glare to their Family. Zack can't help himself and lifted Ezras chin and kiss him in forehead. Boy blushed and hide his face in his chest and Zack can't help but smirk at it and pet him.

Kall smirked

"Congratulation!!. I'm so happy for you, brother. And for you my Brother-in-law if I heard that you mistreat my brother I will hunt you down" Threatened Kall

"Ye Ye try not to get kidnapped after drinking, and we will be fine" Teased Zack

"Youu!!!!! Exclaimed poor boy, even patriarch smirked seeing interaction

'Maybe it will be really good luck' thought Patriarch that was true that he rather would like marriage with other Clan, but this Mercenary was not bad at all and also brought more strength to Clan also had some connections with weapon dealers he don't knew and Ezra start showing more than only cold face that was nice change and Kall already bonded with mercenary ehh time will tell what it brings now Patriarch needs to make deals in weapon department maybe he will not only buy but also sold some stuff and have some discount as family ahahaha.