
New Power Rising in Star Wars

Person That Got Title of God Of War in past World Now Opened His eyes in Star Wars but this world is Wery difrent from original and with power of Nation System and his Three Race blood he will change this world to the point that you will not know what hapens next or even if some main scenes even will happen. Slow story and little Spoiler for story when war begin there wont be only Republis and CIS but 6 more factions Interested ? Then be on watch for chapters :D Also MC is interested in Female and Male but for male only some with omega genes. All Pictures is not mine most from Printrest or Google Ellement of Star Wars and they Characters Belongs to them.

Danse_Macabre_ · Krieg
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36 Chs

Gungan Blood Rain

2 months later, on Naboo

Shadow Mercenary Group pov

Kakashi was in the lead of a 10k army attacking Gungans village on the west from colonial city, and another 15k were on the east.

They were doing contracts for Clolonials that needed to take out Gungans from bigger sources of minerals on the planet, which was i Gungan control.

For this task gathered many mercenary groups whole thing made almost 200k Mercenarys/Pirates and other people that looked to fight for credits also colonization and mining equipment was bought by same money that was borrowed.

Colonials pay with Traiding Federation money makes their debt rise, but they could pay it in the next 60 years by mining minerals, so it was an investment for them.

Gungans put up a fight but were overpowered by the firepower of a much better equipped Merc of Shadow Claw and share numbers of other groups as they also were not prepered for attack of this scale. This race seems dumb, but we are not as dumb as anyone thinks.

They found out after mobilization and their first losses that they outnumbered their enemies right now and had more experience in close fights against most of their enemies, so they made

around all of their cities plasma shields as enemy can't destroy it from outside.

That makes an attacking force go into forced close combat after going throw shield giving really hard time for attackers. Also, ambushes at swamps were no fun as Gungand hiden underwater jump out of it at forces already in close range and unprepared for combat.

Kakashi's group already has a method for shielded cities. The method was that the first throw barrier goes Heavy Troopers with SDS with shields and vibroblades engaging with Gungan forces and making bufor. Snipers go throw shields with light troops escort and destroy shield generators, even if some of them were hidden, in the case of cities, it was mostly on some streets. They job was to find it. After the fall of the shield, secon group of melee troops go in folowed by range troops, and E-Web teams came into play, and fighter strikes were good to go.

This time Kakashi had an easier fight as the city had wide streats and four confirmed generators in his squad were 5 E ranks Shinobi's good start.

SDS with heavy troops go throw barier at prepared Gungan's. Rain of spears went on soldiers; some of them got pierced and lay dead on the ground as other soldiers rushed forward.

With War Cry, both sides clashed. There were some rankers, but like Gnols, they were more like higher-bred people, having more intelligence and higher capabilities.

There was only one D rank here, as most good warriors were with the main armis or citis. The front was also very wild because of localizations of mec forces.

There was only some territory Colonials needed, but contracts don't say mercenaries can't ride more cities, making it really chaotic, even more as there was no Leader on Merc side as anny group has their own leader and own plan.

Shadow Claw for now has the biggest success score as they had best equipment and discipline from fighting groups, but they also lost two times as Kakashi liked more lives of his soldiers, than let more and more of this group die in mindless mass attacks and then tell it to Zack.

One loss was really bad as they didn't make objectivity as they had heavy casualties and needed to wait for another big merc group and strike together. Second lost were when awangarda get ambushed at swamps, and because of terein it were only light troops and some SDS group was vigilant and in turned V formation in every line so they gave a good fight but still had to retreat, and Kakashi decided to look for other way than attacking Gungans on Disadvantage Terrain as any heavy unit would be swallowed by swamp.

Kakashi, was killing at any Gungan that came his way mesmeraized in blade dance as he spined slashed and stabed his enemys. With kick he send Gungan warior at close wall his body banged into it with force that killed warior. Kakashi moved to most dengerous one Gungan that kiled another soldier with his spear. Kakashi covered himself with lightning attacking Gungan his blade to fast for D rank to block but evry strike was not mint to kill, after he weakened D rank with slashes to the knee, back, and torso. He let his 5 E-rank Shinobis deal with him. The fight started as Kakashi.saw two of the four generators go down because of the amount of lights supporting shield. Kakashi go for next Gungans with smirk. Victory Was Near !!

Light troopers were covering snipers on roofs, shooting at Goongans that took notice of them.

Sniper took aim and fired two shots at alley, where the generator was placed. To his surprise, generator guards took shots with their own bodies as others took barricades up that he can't see it anymore.

"Generator in west alley, ten lines of houses from north." said the sniper into the coms as he got confirmation. A scream was heard behind him as Gungans stabbed light trooper behind him who was closest to the edge of roof body of trooper fell down and explosion ranged, killing 4 gungans trooper must activate Granade with his last breath. More of them go up and attack his team. He took out a pistol and shot two of them dead before they closed the distance, he took out a vibroknive and started slashing shooting and parrying strikes from the enemy spear. As anyone from his team fights with their own opponents, it was clear. They were losing as more Gungan warriors showed up. Sniper heard an explosion behind him from the generator's direction he looke back, where he saw other teams throw granades at alley blowing up generator with defenders, and their sniper started shooting at his position, helping kill Gungans.

Kakashi saw the last generator get destroyed as shield go down. Blaster and gun fire went wild as other troops joined the battle, shredding Gungan back lines.

Second group of melee units clashed with already fighting ones with mass trampling down Gungans who were then swiftly killed or captured their morale broke making them surrender or retreat.

Captured Gungans will be given to Colonials as labor force for extra credits, and those who ran were shot down by land forces or starfighters that made

runs shooting at anyone that runs through fields until they are not seen diving into ponds or making it to forests.

Kakashi nodded with satisfaction, not only at his successes but also at how his five companions did a good job with his D rank. He was tired and wounded by Kakashi but still

It was not an easy task, but they went with throwing Kunais at him from five directions, which almost in itself dealt with him, but with the spin of his spear only 2 reached him, making him fall on his knees. In this moment, they rushed forward, impaling him with 5 swords, a tactic they taught Shinobis against stronger opponents.

It was obvious any deadly attack that would be a big pain to deal with, but any fast range mana user or one with wide area attacks would be deadly for them. Even with speed, they could dodge slow or weak long range attacks, and they were also able to use some techniques like acceleration in speed or strength.

Kakashi looked around as medics and technicians were maintaining Droids and Soldiers as those who were good walked around looking for alive allies and ending

enemies who were still alive by stab or bullet any item that was taken as spoils of war for troops after contract this will be brought back to their system

to bust the planet.

After the place got secured, Kakashi sent a signal to Colonials that sent Skiff Konvoy with specialists that made analyses of the city and confirmed our success.

Their leader asks to defend them till they end reinforcing place.

Two days pased and, analyses finally ended. They will be destroying 3/4 of the city where minerals were located, and the other 1/4 will be adapted to mining the city also making defense positions and bring colonial soldiers in.

Kakashi calculated that they will need to stay likly 6-7 months till the Kolonials end their contract, as Colonials can't hold this much territory on their own because there is too little of them and too much greed in them to see it so Kakashi knew that after the contract, Clolonials most likely lose much of territory.

Also, money are running with every day this many mercs fight is consuming big amounts of money every day.

Kakashi lay on his back on one of the roofs, looking into the stars habit he took from Zack.

It was really relaxing.