
New Life in the World of Magic

Young man was killed in a mugging to find he is transmigrated into the body of a starved orphan child. with surprises never ending, an owl makes itself known holding a letter. “Dear Mr. Sayre, we are pleased to inform you…” (This is a Harry Potter Fanfiction, I do not own anything other than my OC. most if not all images will be AI generated.) as of right now 2 chalter will release every Saturday, thank you enjoy the FF

Clean_Wizard · Bücher und Literatur
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18 Chs

chapter 10

As I leaned back in my seat, still basking in the satisfaction of having slightly altered Hermione's rigid approach to magic, the colors of the makeshift aurora slowly faded from the compartment. Hermione, though back to her book, seemed less absorbed than before, occasionally glancing up, her curiosity still piqued by our earlier conversation.

The train chugged along steadily, the rhythmic sound of the wheels on the tracks almost lulling me back to sleep. But before I could even think about dozing off, the door to our compartment slid open yet again. This time, a boy with messy black hair, round glasses, and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead stood there, looking a little lost but determined.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full," he asked, sounding polite but a bit hesitant.

Hermione's eyes darted up from her book, and I noticed a flash of recognition in them. It seemed she knew who he was—everyone did. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was a name whispered in awe and reverence by wizards and witches everywhere.

"Of course," I replied quickly, gesturing to the empty seat beside Hermione. She scooted over slightly to make room, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Harry smiled in thanks and stepped inside, carefully placing his trunk and an empty birdcage in the luggage rack above before sitting down. As he settled into his seat, the scar on his forehead was just visible beneath his unruly hair.

"I'm Harry, by the way," he said, glancing between us.

"Harry Potter," Hermione said, more as a statement than a question, her voice tinged with the same awe that everyone seemed to feel at the sight of him. "I've read all about you—well, about what happened to you, I mean. You're in 'Modern Magical History' and 'The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts,' and 'Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.'"

Harry looked slightly uncomfortable, as if he didn't quite know how to respond to that. "Er, Really?"

Sensing the awkwardness, I decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "I'm Greyson Sayre," I said, extending a hand to him. "It's nice meet you."

Harry shook my hand, looking relieved that I wasn't bringing up his fame. "Nice to meet you too, Greyson. Are you both first-years?"

"We are," Hermione said, regaining some of her earlier confidence. "And I can't wait to get to Hogwarts. There's so much to learn, and the library is supposed to be incredible. Have you done much reading about it?" she asked Harry, her eyes alight with scholarly enthusiasm.

"Not really," Harry admitted. "I didn't know I was a wizard until Hagrid came to find me. I've been trying to catch up on everything since then."

Hermione understandingly. "It must have been quite a shock. Both my parents are dentists, so you can imagine how they took the news. The professor, though, turned one of our teacups into a mouse—it was truly shocking."

As the train continued its journey, I could feel the anticipation growing. The scenery outside the window blurred into a mix of green hills and distant forests, but inside the compartment, the conversation between Hermione and Harry was still going strong.

The two of them were deep in discussion about what might await us at Hogwarts. Harry, still new to the world of magic, was full of questions, and Hermione, with her extensive reading, was more than happy to provide answers—or at least, theories.

"I just wonder how they'll decide where we go," Harry said, his brow furrowed in thought. "Hagrid mentioned something about houses, but he didn't explain much."

"I know," Hermione replied, her tone a mixture of excitement and concern. "There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They were each founded by one of the original four founders of Hogwarts. But none of the books I've read say anything about how we get sorted into them, though I've read that slytherin is thought to be the house of blood purist as Salazar Slytherin was."

I leaned back, listening to their conversation with a hint of amusement not getting into the Slytherin being bad or good, was to long of a conversation. Of course, I knew exactly how the sorting worked, but I wasn't about to spoil the surprise. The Sorting Hat was one of those experiences that every first-year had to go through themselves.

"Maybe it's a test," Harry suggested, a bit of anxiety creeping into his voice. "What if we have to do magic or something?"

Hermione looked thoughtful. "I suppose it could be something like that. But surely they wouldn't expect us to know much magic already. We're just starting out."

Harry nodded, though he didn't seem entirely convinced. I could see the worry in his eyes, the fear of not measuring up. It was understandable; after all, it was the journey at Hogwarts or be stuck at those wretched relatives of his.

I decided to ease their minds a bit, without giving too much away. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. They've been sorting students for centuries, and we all end up where we belong in the end."

Hermione gave me a curious look, as if trying to decipher how I could be so calm. Harry seemed a little reassured, but the uncertainty lingered.

Before the conversation could go any further, the train began to slow down. The excitement in the air was palpable as the students around us started gathering their things, preparing for the arrival at Hogwarts. I joined the others as we pulled on our robes having Hermione change first, but during this time I wondered why Ron didn't show up in the compartment. I figured the rules of the universe would intervene to get Ron and Harry together. Figuring it mustn't have been that big of a deal I focused back on changing.

The train came to a stop, and we followed the throng of first-years as they disembarked. The evening air was cool and crisp, and the sky above was just beginning to darken. Hagrid's booming voice called us to gather around, and we made our way toward him, sticking close together as the sea of students pressed in.

"Firs' years! Firs' years, over here!" Hagrid shouted, his giant frame towering above the crowd. He led us down a narrow path toward a lake, where a fleet of small boats awaited us.

"Four to a boat!" Hagrid called, and we quickly climbed into one. I ended up in a boat with Harry, Hermione, and another girl who seemed just as nervous as they were.

As the boats glided across the still waters of the lake, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight before us. Hogwarts Castle, was perched high on a cliff, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. It was even more breathtaking than I had imagined, a true symbol of the magical world we were about to become a part of.

Harry and Hermione were equally captivated, their earlier worries momentarily forgotten as they took in the sight. The boat ride, though short, felt like the beginning of something monumental.

As we docked and clambered out of the boats, Hagrid led us up a flight of stone steps and through the massive oak doors into the entrance hall. The ceiling was so high it seemed to disappear into the darkness above, and the walls were lined with flaming torches that cast flickering shadows across the ancient stone.

Professor McGonagall was waiting for us, her stern expression doing little to calm the jitters that were now creeping back into the group. She explained that we would be sorted into our houses before the feast.

"Now, patiently wait here while I get everything prepared, I shall be back shortly."

As we stood waiting in the corridor, the buzz of nervous energy among the first-years was almost tangible. The whispers about the Sorting Ceremony filled the space, with everyone speculating on what was to come. Hermione and I were standing together, exchanging thoughts on the houses and anything else that came the her energetic mind.

I took a small glance towards Harry to find him joking around with a rather tall red hair boy, whom I'm assuming to be Ron. They couldn't have known each other for more than 2 minutes to have already hit it off like this.

While I was enjoying myself talking to Hermione I noticed a blonde haired boy with the resemblance of a ferret, staring down Harry from the across the corridor.

A smirk on his face, he approached him, his two large companions trailing behind him.

I sat back and watched as the scene went down with amusement in my eyes, wishing I was able to conjure myself some popcorn.

"So it's true then," the boy said, his voice smooth but dripping with a hint of disdain. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Harry looked a bit taken aback by the directness of the statement but nodded. "Yeah, that's me," he replied cautiously.

The blond boy's smirk widened. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he introduced himself, extending a hand in what might have been a friendly gesture, was interrupted by a chuckle from Ron

"And who might you be?" Draco snapped, his smirk disappearing as he glared at Ron.

"Ah, I can only guess—with those second-hand robes, red hair, and freckles—you must be a Weasley?" Draco said with a scoff, turning back to Harry.

"You'll find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Ron bristled at Draco's tone, his face turning slightly red, but he didn't say anything. Harry, however, looked at Draco's outstretched hand, then glanced at Ron and back at Draco.

"I think I can decide who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," Harry replied, his voice steady as he rejected Draco's hand.

Draco's expression darkened briefly, but he quickly masked his irritation with a sneer. "If that's the way you want it, Potter. But I warn you, you'll pay for it sooner or later."

With that, Draco turned on his heel and walked away, his two cronies following close behind.

Ron let out a breath he'd been holding. "Good on you, Harry. You don't want to get mixed up with that lot."

Harry nodded, still processing the encounter. "Yeah… I think I made the right choice."

Before we could dwell on it further, Professor McGonagall reappeared and called us into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. The encounter with Draco had left an impression on all of us, but as we lined up to be sorted, the excitement and nerves about what was to come took over once again.

The Sorting Hat sat waiting on its stool, and one by one, the first-years were called forward. We all watched with bated breath as each student was sorted into their respective houses.

As we stood in line in front of the stool where the Sorting Hat rested, the tension in the Great Hall was palpable. The older students at their respective house tables watched us intently, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. The enchanted ceiling above mirrored the night sky, adding to the magical atmosphere of the moment.

Professor McGonagall unrolled her scroll and cleared her throat, ready to begin the Sorting. The hall fell silent as everyone waited for the first name to be called.

"Abbott, Hannah!" McGonagall announced.

A blonde-haired girl, looking both nervous and excited, stepped forward. She sat on the stool, and McGonagall carefully placed the Sorting Hat on her head. The hat seemed to ponder for a moment before it made its decision.

"Hufflepuff!" the Hat declared loudly.

The Hufflepuff table broke into applause, welcoming Hannah with cheers and smiles as she made her way over to join them. The Sorting had officially begun, and one by one, students were called up, each being placed into the house that best suited them.

I stood in line, watch the line shorten as the list of names slowly worked its way down to me. The Sorting Hat seemed to have its own way of determining where each student belonged, and I wondered how it would decide for me.

The Sorting when as expected, Hermione was placed in Gryffindor after a brief moment of deliberation from the Hat as I'm sure it wanted to put her in Ravenclaw. She looked pleased and quickly joined her new housemates. When Harry's turn came, the entire hall seemed to hold its breath. The Hat took its time with him, but eventually, it declared him a Gryffindor, much to the delight of the Gryffindor table.

Finally, after several more names, it was my turn.

"Sayre, Greyson!" McGonagall's voice rang out.

The hall went silent with a few whispers going around the hall mainly coming from Slytherin, as they thought my house was wiped out during the war.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, though I decided to break the silence with something unexpected.

Putting on a wide grin and waving my hand excitedly at Professor McGonagall.

"Hey, Professor! Long time no see, you miss me?"

A ripple of laughter spread through the hall at my unexpected greeting. Professor McGonagall, though clearly surprised, managed to keep her composure, though I caught the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Mr. Sayre, if you would please," she said, her tone as stern as ever, though her eyes held a glimmer of amusement.

Still grinning, I made my way to the stool and sat down, my heart pounding in my chest.

As McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on my head, it slipped down over my eyes, plunging me into a world of darkness and anticipation. The hat settled in, and I could feel it probing my thoughts, searching for what lay beneath my confident exterior.

"Well, well," the Hat murmured in my ear. "A lively one, aren't you? Not many have the nerve to break the tension like that… but I see there's more to you than just bravado. Ambition, yes… but tempered with a strong sense of purpose. A thirst for knowledge, and a willingness to go to great lengths to achieve your goals."

I felt the Hat weighing its options, and despite the light-hearted moment I'd created, my nerves were on edge. The Hat paused, as if considering Ravenclaw for a moment, before it continued.

"But there's cunning here, too—a sharp mind that sees the value in strategy and careful planning. Yes, Slytherin will help you hone those skills, where you'll find others who share your determination and resourcefulness. Better be… Slytherin!"

(Thank you all for reading my FF. I would like to ask you all on shipping for the MC Greyson. Romance won't be happening till like the 4th or 5th year at Hogwarts, I just want to start setting the ground work. So vote bellow and feel free to comment someone else you think would be better fit.)

1. Hermione Granger

2. Luna Lovegood

3. Susan Bones

4. Daphne Greengrass