
New Life In DXD (Rewrite in progress)

After death, a man starts his new life in the world of dxd . accompany him on his new journey

dreaming_dog · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Rat God [Edited]


I decided on my next course of action, Cave Exploration, I started walking into the cave.

I moved slowly to explore my surroundings better,

This Cave is a typical abandoned cave

the interior is very dim and dark with few sources of light,

the path is straight and narrow, the walls are covered in moss, there are small stones and big rocks lying across the pathway, there are small puddles of water around the stones and the walls, there is occasional sounds of monsters, and my echoing footsteps.

I walked this tunnely path trying to look for an opening.

after a walk of 15 minutes, I finally saw an opening, which leads out of this narrow tunnel and to the full cave.

I exited the tunnel and entered the cave.

the second I exited the tunnel I felt 100's upon 100's of eyes lock on me, each from a different angle, and a different creature.

There were monsters, and they were everywhere.

but I didn't give them any mind because they were WEAK.

the strongest monster here is probably an A-rank dragon. who can be killed easily by me,

So I put them on the back of my mind and started walking again,

the opening is a lot different and better from the tunnel,

it's a lot bigger with a new variety of things,

first of all, in this opening, there are a lot of shiny crystals-like things stuck to the wall, they are in rainbow colors, from a quick use of [appraisal] I found out that they are magicule ores,

Magicule Ore is the raw form of Magisteel. Unlike regular ores, Magic Ore only forms around the vicinity of B Rank Monsters or higher. That is because when over a certain period regular mineral ores are exposed to dense concentrations of Magicules, the ores will slowly absorb them and eventually turn into Magic Ore.

these magic ores are everywhere around here illuminating the cave,

I pocketed some of them for testing and for future use.

the second thing here is a large pond at the bottom of the opening, the pond is quite big and is home to many Aqua-type monsters,

the third thing is a field, there is a field full of herbs here, it has thousands of herbs grown and scattered here, I used [appraisal] once again and founded they are Hipokute Herbs

Hipokute Herbs are rare herbs that are the raw ingredient for making Healing Potions. Its leaves can also be grounded and made into healing ointments, albeit less effective. These herbs can be found in places with high Magicule concentrations,

there are thousands of Hipokute Herbs present here, and I collected some of them for testing purposes.

the 4 thing is an old walkway made of broken and rundown cobblestone. the walkway is again leading to a tunnel which I assume leads to the exit,

after mapping out the important things about this cave and collecting some magic ores and herbs I moved towards the pond to see the aqua life and to relax a bit,

on my way I saw a hole in the floor, it was a hole big enough to fit a dog in it, I grew curious and moved towards it, as soon as I entered its 1m vicinity an animal jumped out of it.

it was a rat with purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupils with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. it was a fucking rattata, what was a fucking rattara doing in tensura i had no idea. the rattata was in an attacking position, he looked at me cautiously ready to pounce on me any second if I showed any hostility,

I made a friendly smile and moved through it with my hands in the air showing no hostility making a peace sign,

but the rattata didn't get the message, he pounced on me the second I entered his attack range, he tried to bite my leg off but he failed I killed him with an ice spike in his head and used [ devour ] on his body to gain his knowledge.

[1 Rattata killed]

[Using skill devour on Rattata]

[gained the Memories of the individual Rattata]

[skills gained ]

[skill [Bite] has been acquired ]

[skill [Strike] has been acquired ]

[skill [ Swift ] has been acquired ]

[newly gained skills have been assimilated into the existing ones]

[rattata bloodline acquired]

[Skill [Hematopoietic Progenitor] has been activated]

[[Hematopoietic Progenitor] sense the presence of a new bloodline, Rattata bloodline found ]

[[Hematopoietic Progenitor] is attempting to purify[Rattata bloodline]]

[purifying [Rattata bloodline]]

[purifying [Rattata bloodline]]

[[Rattata bloodline] has been upgraded to [ Raticate bloodline]]

[[Hematopoietic Progenitor] is attempting to purify[Raticate bloodline]]

[purifying [Raticate bloodline]]

[[Raticate bloodline] has been upgraded to [ Raticate king bloodline]]

[purifying [Raticate king bloodline]]

[[Raticate king bloodline] has been upgraded to [ Raticate emperor bloodline]]

[purifying [Rat emperor bloodline]]

[[Rat emperor bloodline] has been upgraded to [ Rat Progenitor bloodline]]

[title [Rat Progenitor] has been acquired]

[New skills have been gained]

[newly gained skills have been assimilated into the existing ones]

As these series of notifications were going I felt an itch all over and inside my body, the itch intensified and turned into heat I felt my whole body on fire, but it lasted only a second, after which my mind went blank, after I regained my mind once again I have only one thought in mind.

What the hell happened, and am I some kind of rat God now, I just devoured a rat and I became a rat God just like that,