
One Bad Day

A day as simple as any other. I woke up, fed the animals, took a shower, and then grabbed food on the way to work. Work, was work as usual. The general public was stupid, and they made me question my sanity. The golden prize at the end, was getting to go home, spend time with the cats and dogs, and relax while gaming and listening to music. Simple dreams are the best aren't they?

Finally the clock clicked over to midnight and I could leave and go home. I stay up late then sleep late, what do you want from me? Said my byes to my coworkers as I got in my car and left. My stomach decided it was hungry so I decided I'd be nice and grab some snacks at a gas station before getting home.

It was nearly as empty as I expected, just the clerk and two teenagers in there. I went about my business and headed towards the back where the drinks were. As I crouched down to get my lemonade from the bottom I heard the sound of the door to the store opening, I assumed it was the kids leaving and carried on.

After grabbing my drink I moved right over to the snacks and crouched down as I looked through them to decide what I wanted.

After a few moments is when I heard the worst sounds I could've imagined. A loud bang, that of a gunshot, a body hitting the ground, the sound of a terrified boy screaming, another gunshot, and another body hitting the floor.

My heart started thumping louder and louder as my knees began to shake. What was I supposed to do in this situation? Better yet, was there even a right answer?

I didn't have long to ponder as I heard a third gunshot, and then footsteps coming towards me. My fear wouldn't allow me to even look up.

I heard the steps stop behind me. I continued to look straight down. Eyes closed. A moment went by. Then two. Nothing happened. I was afraid to open my eyes at all. Afraid that I'd end up staring death in the eye and have to face it straight on.

It felt like an eternity, but I never heard another sound, and eventually, I opened my eyes because I needed to know.

What I saw when I opened them, I'll never understand. Emptiness as far as you could look in every direction. When I spoke it was as if it echoed forever and no sound came out at all.

Seems I had died without even knowing it, from what, I suppose doesn't even matter.

At some point, or maybe forever. Time here in this empty space seemed to flow every way or not at all. Knowing how long I'd be alone here was impossible. Since boredom has always taken my quickly. I decided to try walking around. See if nothing was all I'd ever see here.

After a couple minutes or days, honestly it's impossible to tell, I yelled out in frustration.

Why? Just why?! Life is unfair all the time, but taking it away so easily is beyond unfair. I fell to my knees and just cried, cause what else could I even do?

"Would you like a second chance?"

I had to be crazy. There's no way anything was actually speaking to me.

"Hey you! Answer me!"

Again I hear it, guess i am going crazy.

"Do you want to be reborn or not?!" This time it screamed in my face.

What was in front of me had no real form. Whenever I tried to focus on any part of it, it became more obscured and harder to make out. But if I didn't focus then I almost could make out a figure shrouded in mist.

"Say again? I asked. "Be reborn?"

"Well yeah, spirits aren't supposed to end up in here with me, but if any do I can place them somewhere else."

"Maybe I should ask more questions, but honestly, I hate it here, so yeah let's do it. If you can put me back then let's do it." I said enthusiastically.

"Ah, about that. You're not going back to earth buddy, and you're form, that's being replaced too."

"So where exactly am I going then?"

"Give me a moment," they said as I felt my brain start to hurt.

"What is this?!" It felt like I heard nails on a chalkboard from within my own body.

"I was reading your mind so I can see what kind of world would be good for you."

"I guess that's worth that awful sound, anything else you need from me?"

"Yeah shut up and wait."

With that I was left with my own thoughts again as this, whatever it was, found where it was sending me. I grew up reading about all sorts of myths and religions. So I knew this could be an evil spirit or something. But after the bad day I had, I couldn't even bother to try to care.

"Alright, you ready for your new life?"

"As I'll ever be, any hints you can give me?"

"Yeah. Don't die, and don't give away I'm cheating and letting you keep your memories. Also, I'll keep an eye on you, if you really need some help in this world I'll do what I can, but you should be fine. This is what you would call a fantasy world."

I could have sworn I saw a smile, or a frown. Maybe I'll never know. Because right after that was spoken, my vision went white, then black.

But I saw a light, coming toward me fast.

A new life, a fantasy world. What kind of adventures were coming? I was nervous, but excited.

Suddenly I felt cold and wet, and my eyes felt heavy.

Wait, when they said I would be reborn, I'm not a baby am I?!

I tried to speak, nothing. I was a baby again. This was certainly going to be a time.