

Tidas gaped at Skye as she stood in the water; moonlight shining on her bared skin. Her breasts were completely exposed; not even covered by her hair. Her skin was flushed from sitting in the hot water. She looked like an Earth-bound Goddess, rising up from the depths of it's core. He sucked in a quick breath before turning away from her.

"D-Do ye... not want to see me?" Tidas could hear the hurt in her voice.

"By the Gods, Skye! Of course I want to look at you! My problem is... I-I don't think I could stop at Just looking..." Tidas replied through gritted teeth.

"Oh.." came Skye's reply.

'What in the Bloody Hell just got into her?! She was JUST yelling at me about peeking! Now she Wants me to look??' Tidas' thoughts ran amuck before Skye's voice brought him back.

"Ima sorry... I don't understand why I keep snappin' at ye. Ima...don't know..I just don't want ye to think that I don't love ye!" Skye practically screamed in her fluster.