
Companions Part 1

Hooh... Winter is always cold isn't it, that's right! It is winter right now, two months have passed since I found this home of mine. I can only say this home is a blessing from me not only there is food but it has some inhabitants too, well I kill them all though.

The inhabitants especially are very kind, they shot me with their web when I enter the deepest part of the cave. Spider monsters are really troublesome, they can cling to the ceiling freely which make it hard to kill them. Well, even so, I still manage to reach it with my jump, they are surprisingly very weak just one hit and the floor is of full blood. Thank to that my home now is very smelly.

I also gain their memory, to be honest, it is not useful, they only stay in the cave and only at one section at that. For the other inhabitants, I also gain their memory and it's more useful than the spider. Like the bat, for example, I know some of the new fruit trees because of it.

This home of mine has many sections, 12 to be exact, yes I count them all. The bear use the biggest section in the cave maybe because he is the boss, well thanks to that I have the biggest room now.

Many sections of the cave have some inhabitants in it, I kill them all, doesn't want some monster snuck their fangs behind me. Lucky for me one of these sections have water, also it has a nice view with no ceiling, rainwater is sterile so I can safely drink it.

Speaking of eating and drinking, I wonder why I didn't die yet?

I mean monster meat is very dangerous isn't it, I'm sure some of my meal is poisonous, like the spider, for example, it's clearly poisonous or the bat, yet I still alive. What can I say maybe this is a miracle from Eris-sama or maybe I have an iron stomach. Well, I don't know, but to me the first is seems more reasonable than the latter, after all this is a fantasy world.

I have good news too, surprise surprise, now I am a human well not quite right, but yeah, I am a human at least in appearance. I use my earth appearance, it stays long with me and I didn't hate it, it even gives me some nice opportunity, that's kind of opportunity I'm talking about, every man will surely get it.

My body length is above the average especially in Japan, it's 185 not too big, I have dark hair obviously, for my face, well what can I say I'm very handsome, of course, I'm, there is no doubt about it even the mirror agree with me! Well let's put that aside, I'm not very bulky especially my muscles, not too fat and not too thin and it's very easy for me to balance my weight in Japan not like in the US.

About me being a human again, it all started when I level up again one month ago, didn't know what happens to my body after I level up, but I promise I didn't take any steroids. The thing is after I level up I become super strong, the hunt didn't even feel like hunting anymore, it just me bullying the other monster.

At that time I still a wolf, well I still is now. Like I said I bully at a lot of monsters, I... I feel ashamed at it, even after resolving myself to fight till the last blood like the lynx instead I bully the other monster. Even the adult deer that I remember strong from the deer I kill feels like a toddler to me, I don't know what to say about it.

Because of that and my other commitments to put myself at risk, I travel to the big dead tree, in the trip I'm very impressed snd interested in the oak tree that I climb, I know there is something hidden in it.

Long story short, I arrive at the area, in there I meet the new strong monster, but even then it's still not hard for me to hunt them, it feels like teen and adult fighting, it simply not fair. So I go deeper and deeper, I found the lake, not a clean one I doubt I can drink on it.

On that lake, I found many slimes, no, I didn't hunt it. If a rabbit feels like a baby to me then what will slime feel like, a squish toy, I'm not that merciless to slaughter some innocent squish toy.

Again I go deeper into the area but the deeper I go the lusher it get, not like the eerie and lack of live area I walk before. But I decided to continue, at that time I thought I can explore the forest, but I was wrong, I meet something very terrifying.

That something is my kind, a wolf, but no ordinary wolf. I try to communicate with it, so I howl, it surprised me that I can howl for a very long time, is this also the effect of level up? Surprisingly it didn't respond to me it only freeze, not moving even after I approach it.

When I inspect its body I notice something different in this wolf, he has a chain, a flying chain near its body, when I touch it with my feet the wolf suddenly jump back. It hesitates to attack me or not, but it decides to attack me, so I reply in kind.

It dies in my hand, I eat it, disgusting, I know, I too didn't wang to fight it but it attacks me, it leaves me with no choice. I eat it because its memory surely will be useful, the only one ability that I have is extracting memory from a dead body. I will not waste it.

After eating it, I didn't get the memory, it puzzles me. I try to find the solution, I eat it chain that I believe to be magical items it uses, but I was wrong. It was not a magical item, it was a part of its body, it baffled me that a chain is a part of the wolf body.

And sure enough, the memory I received confirms it. Magical creatures are truly a wonder for me, a chain is part of the body? Like a limb? What envy, I didn't have a chain in my body, a flying chain, it's just plain black me, huge and nothing less and certainly nothing more.

I envy it because even my kind have some unique features about themselves, me? Not at all. Every creature I eat have a unique part in their body, like the rabbit, for example, it has a horn on its head, a deer I eat have four ears and four eyes, the fox I eat have a wing, even the lynx has a unique tail, not to mention the bear, it too has a unique thing, in this case, a skill.

I too have a unique skill, extracting memory from the dead, a lame skill but I still consider it as blessings, it better have one than nothing they say. But seeing my kind I realise how to unbless I'm, there a good chance that I will not have that kind of thing in my body, no! It's simply impossible for me to have it in the first place.

After suddenly thrown into this world I more or less accept. Even if it hard I have to accept it, if not I can't survive, I too realize how lucky I'm, with level up I gain new incredible strength and with it, my survival is easier than ever.

But I also realise how unlucky I'm, in another world is a wolf? Don't be joking! Even an insane person will think twice about that offer. If it talking about another world it surely consists of easy life can be with many beautiful women, and yet here I'm being a wolf.

It's crazy to think about that, it's like winning a lottery ticket that says Vacation To Hawai, but when you go ride the plane, it crashes and you the only survivor that left, stranded in the oceans with it much danger, that's how I feel right now. Fuck this world! Fuck this life!

...huh! If only I have a unique thing that makes my life easier in this world. I too want the chain my kind have, I really want it! Fuck!

I hear a rattling sound around me. A monster! In this situation? Can't read the mood huh? I open my eyes and look at my surroundings, I see a chain, a floating chain around me. Are you kidding me! Did my wish got materialised! Damn Boy!

My anger and envy dissipate, it went, the wind blows it. That's not important, what important is this chain around me, I can move it, however, I lake. Dope! Didn't know the god is very generous, no! There no way a god is that's generous, this is surely Eris-sama doing, that must be it, she even let a scum revive how many time he wants, thank you Eris-sama!

What a beautiful day today is, I got a new ability. Wait a minute, don't tell me this ability has something more. Guess there only one way to find it out! I imagine a horn sticking to my head, a deer horn.

Surprise surprise, it works there are a pair of horn on my head. I bump myself into a tree, but I never feel the bump tree crash, my horn is amazing. Surely this is not an illusion, right? Right?

I slap myself with a flying chain, it hurts, which mean this is not a dream. Yeah! I experience with my ability in the spot, I'm not finished until it gets dark.

From what I can tell, my ability is to fully become the one I eat. I already test it, I can be a rabbit at one time and a deer at another, but my ability have its weakness, I can't transform one specific part with another, for example, I can grow a horn on my legs, it can only grow on my head, that's the weakness.

I can say that this ability is very crazy OP, especially for spying. In theory, I can be a human if I eat one, but cannibalism is not my thing, that ironic thing coming from me.

If I can I want to be a human again, but I doubt human can enter this dangerous forest, I even doubt there are many human out there after seeing the monster here. Ah... What the other solutions to be a human? Eating human is of course no-no.

Is there any creatures that can easily be modified or something?... Ah! A slime, slime can be easily modified, sorry for your slime, but I desperately need you!

I go back to the murky lake where there are many slimes, I eat them all, surprisingly it doesn't have any memory, well I guess it's not surprising because it's just slime.

Now with the slime ability to manipulate its body, I can easily manipulate my body too. I slowly turn my self into a slime, I modelled myself after my previous body on earth, after that I make my clothes too with my body.

I turn some segment into some part of a monster like for example a fur, then chop that part away. No, I'm not squishy, well I guess I'm, one of the best things about all my ability is I still retains my previous strength, which means even if I turn into a rabbit I can still jump as high as my previous body can be.

Slime has the ability to split itself, so that's why I can manipulate it to make some clothes. Slime has natural regeneration too, which I need not to worry about, what I worry about is what kind of cost it make to transform and regenerates lost limb, I don't know, maybe mana, do I have mana?

And that's how I become a human again, and it cost mana to transform and regenerate. I already test it, I transform like crazy till I feel sluggish and my head starting to hurt, so I stopped, in total, I can transform 37 times from being a fully rabbit to fully a wolf.