

Nico's POV


That's all we were given after the second titan war.

Will, Jason, Leo and I were left and abandoned by both camps and who we thought was family.

I sighed as I shadow traveled us away from the hate filled glares and insults being thrown at us. I need and will protect them.

"Neeks, it's okay," Will said as he hugged me from behind, Jason was carrying a fallen asleep Leo.

"I just feel that it's all my fault. They blamed me, not you guys. They only thought you helped was because you guys are close to me." I said as we began walking to find out where we were.

"But still, it wasn't your fault." Jason added as we rounded the corner and out of the alleyway we landed in, and found the thing I dreaded.

Welcome to Gotham!

"Well shit." I muttered dryly.

"What's wrong with Gotham?" Leo asked as he woke up.

"Gotham is home to Batman, and the Joker." I explained. "Batman and I aren't really on good terms since one of his Robin's died. He's alive again because I let him live again." Will nodded and patted my shoulder and walked past the sign.

"Well let's go! You have amends to make!" Will exclaimed and left it at that. Jason and Leo followed, though I doubt Leo had much of a choice. I muttered curse words at them as I followed them. They don't realise the danger here.

I ran to catch up to them and smack Will upside the head as we passed a jewelry store that began ringing alarms with men rushing out.The men ran into us and the jewels went flying.

"Shit, boss is gonna kill us!" One of the men exclaimed. I looked up and my eyes widened. Joker's goons. One of the guys looked at me and smirked greedily.

"Well, looky here. It's that kid that busted Bosses business a couple months ago." He grabbed me and he pushed me against the wall of the store.

Cops were showing up and I had no way out, too much light. The guy threw a punch to my head, but I kicked him before he got close to me, I proceeded to wrap one leg around his neck and used my other as a source of leverage and twisted while pushing off the store. I successfully twisted and made him land on his back.

I jumped up to dodge another fist coming at my head, I quickly slid under and between his legs and roundhouse kicked him in the back. I looked around to see Leo and Will hiding in an alleyway while Jason helped me fight.

I was grabbed from behind as Batman landed on the scene, he saw me and sighed. I glared at him as I twisted up and slipped out of the guy's hold, kicking him in the face. I back flipped off of him, landing on my feet. All of the men were down, and I saw Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Batman.

"Can we help you?" I asked as Will and Leo ran to make sure Jase and I were fine.

"Yes, where are your parents?" Batman asked.

"Dead," Leo, Jason and I answered.

"Texas." Will added. Batman looks exasperated, especially since we know each other personally. And I looked at Will as he winced, he can't tell a lie. Never could, never will.

"Well we are going to have to take you into the station." Nightwing responded. I shook my head no and glared at them. They knew of my powers, not origins.

"And why not?" Red Hood asked me.

"I would rather not. Besides, you know I'll leave anyways and I'm not leaving them. So that means they'd be coming with me." I snapped at them. The goons were starting to wake up, but they were cuffed and in police cars already. The jewels returned.

"You. Are. Going. To. The. Station." Robin demanded, he seemed to be losing his patience with me.

"No." I responded. I could tell they were getting fed up with me and the police were watching this play out. I grabbed Will's hand, and Jason's arm as Jason grabbed Leo's hand. Batman lunged but it was too late. I shadow traveled and we got away.

"Do you see why I don't stick around Gotham?" I asked Will as we wandered the streets across town from them. I was continuously watching their souls to keep them away from us, and yes I've known they were the Wayne's for months.

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't try to repair relationships, but we need somewhere to stay, or at least sleep!" Will exclaimed. I sighed and nodded.

I lost track of the bats two hours ago and it was frustrating me.

"It would be easier to go to the station, you know." A voice sounded. We looked up and we spotted a bat. Nightwing. He had someone else with him though, I know it was a bat, just I couldn't tell which one.

"Fine. We need a place to stay for the night anyways." I muttered, I saw him smirk, but it seemed sad in a way.

Both bats came down, Nightwing and the second was Red Hood. Richard and Jason respectively.

I sighed as they walked with us to the station, I know Batman was on the roofs with Red Robin and Robin. Tim and Damian.

I sighed as I saw the station, Nightwing and Red Hood, who were talking to the other three of my group the entire time, stopped talking and became guarded in the presence of the station.

We entered the station and the police from earlier were stunned two 'kids' could get us four to come in. I was seen as a threat and separated from Will, Jason and Leo. The three panicked until I glared at them, not in a bad way, but as a warning.

Will, I sensed, was distraught. The bats were trying to calm them down as I was cuffed and taken away.

The officers walked me down to an interrogation room and cuffed me to the metal table in the middle of the interrogation room. I was faced towards the one way mirror. I sighed and sunk in my chair to wait for the officers to come back and 'talk' to me.