
New Horizons: Dawn

New writer, not sure how often updates will be. In a disorienting blend of the virtual and real, "New Horizons" unravels the enigma of Dawn, a young woman awakening in a sterile facility governed by the enigmatic Venin Corporation. Straddling memories of a once-beloved game and her tangible present, Dawn's captivating heterochromia becomes a symbol of her unique identity — a dual existence bridging both realms. Armed with a mysterious game system, her only guide in this labyrinthine world, she confronts the watchful eyes of the corporation's envoys, questioning their true motives beneath their veneer of unity and power. As Dawn grapples with her past digital life and its implications for her current reality, she embarks on a journey of discovery, challenging her understanding of identity, destiny, and freedom. Amidst sterile corridors, unsettling gazes, and the remnants of her game's lore, New Horizons seeks to weave a tale of resilience, revelation, and the pursuit of one's true self in a world where boundaries blur.

Undead_Raptor · sci-fi
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79 Chs


As Pandora settled into a cautious rest within the secured chamber, her body and mind began the slow process of healing and recovery. The chamber, once a battleground, now offered a silent sanctuary, the ancient defenses she had reactivated standing guard against the unknown dangers of the ruins.

Leaning against the cool stone wall, Pandora took a moment to close her eyes, focusing on her breathing to center herself and accelerate her recovery. The deep, rhythmic breaths helped to ease the tension in her muscles and the aches that permeated her body from the battle. With each breath, she visualized the flow of energy within her, directing it towards the areas that needed it most, mending bruises and soothing strains with a combination of willpower and subtle magic.

Her mind, ever active, turned to the knowledge she had acquired from the mechanoid. The components she salvaged not only represented technological and magical advancements but also served as pieces of a larger puzzle that was the history and capabilities of Eld's ancient civilization. She pondered the applications of the power core and sensor array, the integration of the alloy plates into her armor, and the potential replication of the pincers' mechanisms. Each thought was accompanied by a mental note, plans forming for future experiments and constructions.

To aid in her physical recovery, Pandora retrieved a small, compact kit from her personal inventory space. The kit contained a variety of salves and potions, some for healing and others for boosting energy. She applied a healing salve to the bruises and minor wounds, the mixture a combination of alchemical knowledge and natural remedies, its potency enhanced by her own magic. For energy, she consumed a potion, the liquid cool and refreshing, imbued with herbs and arcane essences to rejuvenate her spirit and stamina. Thankful she had come prepared.

As she rested, Pandora also took the time to maintain her equipment. She inspected the Eclipse Model MK-1, cleaning and checking its mechanisms to ensure it remained in optimal condition. The weapon had served her well, and she treated it with the care and respect it deserved, acknowledging its role in her survival and success.

The chamber, with its soft, ethereal glow and the quiet hum of reactivated defenses, provided a backdrop to her activities. Pandora's mind occasionally wandered to the tales of other adventurers she had read before, their journeys a source of inspiration and a reminder of the shared quest for knowledge and discovery. Though alone in the ruins, she felt connected to a broader narrative, a part of a continuum of explorers who braved the unknown for the sake of understanding and growth.

As her body healed and her energy returned, Pandora's thoughts turned towards the next steps of her journey. The Ruins of Eld still held many secrets, and the relic she had been sent to retrieve was but one of many treasures hidden within its depths.

In the tranquil solitude of the secured chamber, Pandora found the perfect opportunity to not just recover physically but to also refine her command over the arcane arts that were so integral to her identity. The soft luminescence of the chamber, coupled with the rhythmic hum of its ancient defenses, provided a serene backdrop for a practice that was as much a meditation as it was a honing of skill.

Starting with the basics, she focused on the manipulation of elemental energies, a foundational aspect of her magical repertoire. With a gentle concentration, she summoned a small orb of fire into the palm of her hand, its light flickering against the stone walls, casting dancing shadows that played across the ancient runes. She controlled the flame with ease, making it dance and change colors, a simple yet beautiful display of her mastery over fire.

Next, she shifted her focus to water, drawing moisture from the air to form a swirling globe of water that floated just above her other hand. She experimented with its form, compressing it into ice, then expanding it back into a liquid, and finally vaporizing it into steam. Each transformation was executed with precision, a testament to her deep understanding of the elemental states and their interplay.

Her practice wasn't limited to elemental control. Pandora also delved into the more nuanced aspects of her magic, particularly those that blended arcane energy with her innate mechanical intuition. She conjured a series of small, ethereal gears and springs, assembling them in mid-air into a translucent clockwork mechanism. This exercise, a fusion of her dual talents, was both a challenge and a delight, the creation spinning quietly before dissolving back into the ether.

To further test her skills, Pandora set up a small array of targets around the chamber, using bits of debris and broken mechanoid parts. She then practiced her precision casting, launching bolts of energy at the targets. Each bolt was imbued with different properties—some exploded upon impact, others ricocheted off the walls to hit secondary targets, and a few were designed to penetrate through multiple obstacles before dissipating. This exercise not only honed her accuracy but also allowed her to experiment with spell modifications on the fly.

As her practice session drew to a close, Pandora reflected on the progress she had made. The exercises had not only served to pass the time and aid in her physical recovery but had also deepened her connection to the magical forces at her command. She felt a sense of satisfaction, a reaffirmation of her capabilities and potential for growth.

Pandora, feeling rejuvenated and sharp from her practice session, gathered her belongings and prepared to continue her exploration of the Ruins of Eld. Her magical and mechanical arsenal, now fine-tuned and ready, promised to be invaluable as she ventured into the unknown depths that lay ahead.

The chamber, with its ancient defenses now quietly humming in the background, seemed to acknowledge her departure with a silent nod of ancient approval. Stepping out into the corridor, the cool air of the ruins greeted her, the ever-present whisper of magic in the stones guiding her forward.

The ruins unfolded before her like a labyrinth of history and mystery, each turn revealing new wonders and challenges. She navigated through corridors lined with faded murals depicting the Eld civilization in its zenith—scenes of arcane rituals, celestial alignments, and the crafting of wonders that blurred the line between magic and technology. These glimpses into the past fueled her curiosity and determination, serving as a reminder of the knowledge and power that once thrived within these walls.

In the vast, shadow-enshrouded chamber, far below the ground she had so meticulously explored, Pandora found herself at a precipice. The fall had left her battered, each breath a reminder of her fragility against the ancient forces guarding the Ruins of Eld. With the immediate adrenaline fading, the reality of her situation settled in—a dire need for healing in a place untouched by sunlight or the hands of healers.

Reluctantly, Pandora recognized that her situation demanded drastic measures. Her usual reliance on salves and potions would not suffice for the injuries she now faced. The realization led her to the system, a repository of knowledge and power, accessible yet unpredictable, offering a potential solution through its gacha mechanism for acquiring spells.

Drawing upon the device, Pandora initiated the gacha, her intention clear but her expectations tempered by the capricious nature of chance. The system responded, its virtual mechanisms whirring into life, a kaleidoscope of symbols and runes dancing across the screen in a display of arcane possibility. Each pull drained thousands of experience points, a significant investment from her reserves, a testament to her desperation.

The first few attempts yielded spells of varying utility—none of which were the healing magic she so critically needed. A spell for igniting torches, another for purifying water, and yet another for enchanting minor objects with temporary levity. While each held potential value, they were distractions from her immediate need.

Persistence, fueled by necessity, drove Pandora to continue, her dwindling pool of experience a dwindling resource against the spinning roulette of the gacha. Then, amidst the glow of the screen and the silent anticipation, the symbols aligned, heralding the acquisition of a spell of healing—a ray of hope in the darkness.

The knowledge of the spell flowed into her consciousness, a complex weave of arcane instructions and magical theory. It was a spell of moderate power, designed to accelerate natural healing and mend injuries over time, a process both delicate and demanding in its execution.

With no time to waste, Pandora began the incantation, her voice a whisper in the vast chamber. She channeled her remaining energy into the spell, directing it towards her injuries with focused intent. The magic took hold, a warmth spreading through her battered body, a gentle force knitting together torn flesh and bruised bone. The process was slow, the spell's power limited by her current state, but it was effective, each passing moment bringing a slight easing of her pain.

As Pandora's healing spell worked its slow magic, mending the worst of her injuries with each passing moment, she turned her attention to the chamber around her. It was a space forgotten by time, enveloped in shadows that seemed to swallow the faint light from her torch. Her gaze was drawn to a pedestal in the center of the room, its surface untouched by the layers of dust that covered everything else. Atop the pedestal sat the Heart of Eld, pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow that beckoned to her.

Approaching with a mix of reverence and anticipation, Pandora reached out and carefully picked up the Heart of Eld. The moment her fingers touched the crystal, a surge of energy flowed through her, a torrent of ancient power that seemed to recognize her as its new custodian. The energy was vast, potent, and undeniably attuned to the arcane, a perfect complement to her own magical abilities.

As the energy from the Heart of Eld integrated with her own, Pandora felt a profound expansion of her mana reserves, a sensation akin to the broadening of horizons within her own being. Accompanying this expansion was the infusion of a unique skill, one that resonated deeply with her identity as a mage and artificer:

Skill: Eld's Embrace

Description: The Heart of Eld, once the nexus of arcane power for an ancient civilization, has bestowed upon you Eld's Embrace. This skill massively increases your mana regeneration rate, allowing you to recover spent mana at a speed far surpassing that of ordinary mages. With Eld's Embrace, your ability to sustain prolonged use of magic is significantly enhanced, enabling you to cast more spells in succession without the immediate need for rest or replenishment.


Mana regeneration rate increased by 300%.

Decreases the cooldown period of spells by 20%.

Grants a slight resistance to mana-draining effects.

As the realization of her newfound skill settled in, Pandora felt a stirring of excitement. Eld's Embrace was more than a mere enhancement; it was a transformation of her capabilities, a bridge to possibilities that had once seemed beyond her reach. The skill promised not only greater endurance in battles but also the freedom to explore the depths of her magic, to experiment and create without the constant constraint of limited mana reserves.

With Eld's Embrace coursing through her, Pandora knew she was ready to face the challenges ahead with renewed vigor. The Ruins of Eld, with their ancient secrets and lurking dangers, no longer seemed insurmountable. Armed with her unique skill and bolstered by the Heart of Eld, she was prepared to delve deeper into the mysteries of the ruins, her spirit unbreakable, her resolve unwavering.

As she carefully stored the Heart of Eld in her personal inventory space, ensuring its safety and her continued access to its power, Pandora took a deep breath, the air in the chamber seeming lighter, filled with potential.