
New Foundation

From his defeat, Reukra, he find himself dislocated to another reality, in the Kanto Region in Animeverse (Ashcanon). Baffled, he struggle with this new reality and adapt himself very well. The picture isn't mine, its from another artist, by the name of Hacker93. If you find it offensive to use your work, tell me and i will delete it :)

DaoistLflweQ · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

0.7 - Elite Four of Trick Room - London

His team:

Reuniclus - Psychic (Overcoat - Protects from various weather condition and from powder and spore moves) (Reuniclite - Mega Evolves the pokemon) - Moveset: Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind (another 4 for surprise)

Mega Reuniclus (Speed Swap - Creates Trick Room at the same time as Megaevolving)

Delta Golurk - Fighting/Steel (Guts - Increase Attack by 50% while it have a status effect like burn, and while burned it doesnt lose attack) (Assault Vest - Increase Special Defence but disable the use of status moves) - Moveset: Close Combact, Earthquake, Bullet Punch, Ice Punch (another 4 for surprise)

Togekiss - Fairy/Flying (Serene Grace - Doubles the chances of flinching and secondary effects, and doubles the chances legated to objects) (Leftovers - Restore 1/16 of the health of the pokemon that have this item after an exchange of moves) - Moveset: Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot (another 4 for surprise)

Jellicent - Ghost/Water (Cursed Body - It have the 30% of chance of disabling a damaging move for a while) (Leftovers - Restore 1/16 of the health of the pokemon that have this item after an exchange of moves) - Moveset: Trick Room, Recover, Taunt, Scald (another 4 for surprise)

Delta Aggron - Fire/Steel (Drought - Creates a Sunny weather while its on the battlefield)(Air Ballon - Makes the user unaffected by Ground Type Moves, but it burst after any type of moves except a Ground Type) - Moveset: Flare Blitz, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Solar Beam (another 4 for surprise)

Marowak - Ground (Battle Armor - Protects from Critical Hits) (Thick Club - Increase the damage of Physical Moves of Marowak by 50%) - Moveset: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Knock Off, Counter (another 4 for surprise)