
New Dawn S1

What was once a friendly yet odd neighborhood has now turned into a death trap, being flooded with zombies and shops left and right being looted in a desperate attempt to get supplies, while people are trying to leave while they still can. Within hours zombies have already overrun the city, making no place safe and people fear for their lives as the zombies only continue to spread, growing stronger and smarter.

Ultimate_Arson · Fantasie
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8 Chs

A Close Call

"Well that's one way to get through"

Carlos said, 

"Yeah. Let's get the stuff, Daniel and his friend can help us!"

I say, looking at the equipment I managed to gather outside the shed. Carlos shrugs his shoulders, looking uncertain about what I said, however, I pay no mind to it and just hope that everything turns out okay.

"You grab the hoops and a ball, I'll grab the rest."

Carlos instructed. Without a second thought, I walked through the dirt and collected the items he told me to grab. I'm easily able to carry the stuff, but Carlos on the other hand looks like he is struggling, having way more than me. I quickly turn around, hearing loud and quick footsteps approaching. I look behind me to find Daniel and the other kid running toward us, giggling and whispering to each others, their voice as quiet as a mouse but steps as loud as an elephant's.

"Daniel, can you help my brother, please?"

I ask, gesturing my head towards Carlos as he silently struggles to carry all the larger quantity of items.

But rather than helping, Daniel and the kid run away, continuing to giggle and laugh mischievously, running into the main building, as I should've expected, probably just wanted to see what we were doing and leave just to annoy us. I look back at Carlos as he sighs in annoyance before slowly walking behind me. As we begin to walk back I offer to carry something, however he rejects, as if that wasn't expected. I know I'm strong, I can carry something!

"Alright, just lay it down over here."

Carlos says, dropping the equipment onto the field. As he does so, I also drop what I'm carrying, the balls bouncing away however they didn't get far since there wasn't much air in them, and they were very old-looking.

"What do we do now?"

I ask, looking down at all the equipment spread out on the ground. Gently nudging some stuff around to make other things more visible, I look up at Carlos, as if waiting for his say.

"Well... I guess we can go look for some rocks and vines, I have a plan in mind."

He said. I nod,   maybe we can make this place into a castle and have guards at the front! Or maybe he is going to design a cannon so no bad people or zombies come in! If only it were that easy though.

I walk off, roaming around the field, collecting any rocks roughly the size of my palm since I wanted to get better rocks than Carlos, but they were a bit difficult to find. He is gonna be so jealous when I show off my rocks to him! The grass crunches under my shoes, but this time I don't hear the grass, I hear rustling in the bush and see two eyes looking at me, they look almost... tired, or sick? I can hear it sniffling quietly too! What if It's another dog like Loona? I hope it's her...

I slowly approach, having one hand out in front of me for it to sniff and hopefully not bite!

"Hi- are you okay little guy?"

I say in a quiet and gentle tone, not trying to startle or scare it. I gasp in surprise and horror when it suddenly jumped out from the bush, proving itself to not be a dog, but a zombie, I should've known!

I cry out in fear and drop the rocks to the ground below my feet, thankfully not crushing them. I quickly back away before it could get to me, and I watch as it trips over the fallen rocks. It begins to crawl towards me but I feel stuck in fear and shock, staring down at the crawling zombie, getting flashbacks to when I saw Mum crawling after me in the kitchen when she had previously turned and attempted to grab me.


I hear a loud yell from Carlos and thump as he throws one of his rocks at the zombie's head. Did I hear a crack?!

The zombie doesn't seem to be giving up and latches its hand around my ankle. I breathe heavily and desperately look around before turning my attention back to the zombie. I place my hands on the rocky wall behind me for balance before stomping down on the zombie and kicking its head and arm, silently praying it lets go and doesn't bite me.

"Carlos, help!"

I screeched, continuing to defend myself blindly from the zombie. I hear his footsteps and keep my eyes down on the zombie as I don't stop kicking and pulling away from it. I watch as Carlos suddenly drops a thick slice of a log on its head and it goes 'Splat!'

The zombie loses grip and I jump out of the way, but it's still alive! The zombie squirms under the log over its head, blindly wiggling its arm and leg around before Carlos finishes it off with one last stomp to the head using the log slice to crush its skull, blood splattering on the ground and the top of his shoes and all over the ground.

"Are you alright, did it hurt you?"

Carlos says in a panic, kneeling down in front of me, grabbing my wrist, and checking my leg for anything, bite, scratch, probably even a bruise on me would make him faint!

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

I say, trying to relax. I try not to look at the dead zombie, only imagining what it would look like if the log slice weren't there to block their head.

"Maybe we should take a break, ey? You deserve a drink."

Carlos says, calming down and standing back up. I nod and feel his arms wrap around me as he lifts me off the ground and carries me in his arms like a baby! I can't help but giggle, remembering how Dad used to carry me like this. I miss Mum and Dad, but at least I still have Carlos. He's all I have left.