
The struggle of the final race tells you some hidden secrets about that race.

(Chapter 3)

Which made her stop.

The final race commences with 1,2,3 Go speed the remaining contestants are courageous to win the race daisy and Shawn knows that something is not good and will happen soon after some distance they both get apart from each other which was the golden chance for David to stop them daisy see a baby crying on the side of the road she stops she followed the voice by walk in the jungle with she saw there is only a doll with a voice keeper having recorded voice of the baby cry she got shocked and think about who has done this the only thing that comes in her mind was the name of David she Whispered oh shit I will kill you, David when she turns towards her way suddenly someone placed his hand on his mouth and soon she lost her senses she was unable to see the face of the offender she found her self In the middle of the jungle she felt butterflies flying around her head and this time she was unable to understand and think the where is she who was that person nothing after a couple of moment pass the grip her self and the first question arouse in her mind is about shawn that is he fine? Does anything happens to him if he is fine then why he didn't come after me with so many things of both categories disturbing her final she get up it was midnight horrible voices made her scarier but she didn't lose her strength she holds a branch of a tree now she's ready to fight with anything she doesn't know her way but she keeps walking now the morning starts appearing now she can see everything clearly but now she needs anything to eat to drink she loses her strength because of no food and water now she isn't able to even take a one step but she crawls soon she heard voices that show someone is in pain she getup fast she forgets that she is crawling from an hour she even ran to followed the voice at the same time she was thinking about if he is shawn then now she stops a man with a painful voice was Shawn covered with blood injured badly seems like someone beats him hurtfully daisy loses her strength she cried a lot Shawn was continuously trying to give her hope now it was afternoon time they both decided to be a hope for each other to became a strength of each other daisy smiles and see in his eyes and say freak not shawn I'm here with no matter how bad time it is we will get out of it along with each other so they hold the strength of their love and start walking after walking an hour they reach on the road whichhhh was the first good thing after some distance they found their bikes but unfortunately Shawn isn't in the condition riding a bike so daisy takeout her jacket sit on bike and bound him with it they way to secure him from falling they are on their way


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Rimsha_Zulfiqarcreators' thoughts