
Plan Initiation

The first part of the plan was quite easy. All I needed to do was beg for a brother with some big teary eyes and boom. Done. Now the second part was gonna be a bit difficult. The reason behind the divorce was because my father was a two-faced snake always taking money from my mother EVEN THOUGH he made more money than her. I mean if that doesn't describe a scum of a father than I don't know what else he would be. Oh! I forgot this important detail, the stolen money would then go to buying alcohol. *sigh* Love really makes someone blind.

Ok, so all I need to do to complete this stage of the plan is to incriminate father with some alcohol bottles and stolen money in his hands. Better yet why not mom's credit card that will directly state that it was mom's money! Hah, I'm such a genius. But I gotta wait till my brother is born or else he might never exist, and I cannot let that happen.

To give a little background my family consisted of my grandparents from my mom's side, my mother, my brother, and basically everyone on my mom's side of the family. So essentially by bringing my brother into this world, then divorcing mom and father I would be able to attain the same loving family I had previously! This way no money-grubbers and scum would be able to access my wealth and connections when I use my cheat to gain a foothold in this world. Also to add to my background, I currently live quite well in a mansion to boot. I mean my father did make quite a lot of money, which made his actions all the more outrageous. When the divorce came to be, my mother won custody of my brother and me and moved back to her parent's house or in other words to my grandparent's house!

So patience was a must during this period of waiting. To be more precise I had to wait around a year to allow my brother to develop after he was born, to prevent my mother from feeling the brunt force of stress. During this time of patience, I decided to commence part 3 of the plan.