
Bad Or Good?

I know this might sound super silly but um I've never actually looked into a mirror to see my appearance since the rebirth. In my defense, I didn't think that my features would change. I thought that I would still have the normal black hair and brown eyes, the typical traits of an Asian. But reality just crushed those expectations of mine. I first looked into a mirror when my mom, brother, and I had moved to my mom's parent's house after the divorce. There were a lot of mirrors in the house for some reason. My mom has carried me past a mirror and I was absolutely shocked. WHERE DID MY BLACK HAIR AND BROWN EYES GO? But seriously how could someone change this much from just a rebirth? Even though it was just a passing glimpse, my new features were so astounding that a glimpse was all I needed. I now currently have white blonde hair and literal blue eyes. Someone explain to me why I no longer look Asian. Except for the noticeable football shaped eyes and similar facia features to that of my mother, no one would be able to tell that I'm Asian. Ugh. I honestly don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing. In case you didn't know, I'm a major loner and hate attention. I'm not into that whole popularity thing. But now my features are so striking and peculiar for an Asian that I have no option but to stand out. This is not okay. Well, at least I look pretty still. Not to brag but I was quite pretty before my rebirth thanks to my mother's genes WITH my black hair and brown eyes. I had a heart shaped face and my football shaped eyes pointed upwards to resemble a fox eye. My lips were pink and quite full. And my nose was a nose. I had no complaints. But now with the whole white hair and blues eyes, I don't know how this will make me look. Especially concerning the fact that before my rebirth, I had really pale skin for an Asian. I'm genuinely concerned that when I grow up, I'm just going to be a flashing white light. *sigh* I'm praying for my future appearance.